And did anyone heard about Heise ?.
Sorry dear Apophenia ,I don't know his first name ?.
Where did you find this name ?
Herbert Gropp studied in Chemnitz and tried to build a small plane (don´t know if it has ever flown). He has an interesting CV which is covered by Lemke in an small book. Very interesting. Gropp worked together with Villinger (Mufli) had known Grönhoff and others, and worked for DKW (cars and motorcycles) and finally for Heinkel. He was also involved to some extend in the Chemnitz C-10 powered glider. I think in the developement of its prop. At DKW he did some research in aerodynamic covering of motorcycles. He died in 1940 on a testflight with the He-177 V2 (CD+RQ) at Graal at the Baltic Sea. Together with him the son of Oscar Ursinus (Fritjof Ursinus) died too.
A german "One-hit-wonder"the Kalbfleisch H.K.1
Wilhelm Hillmann
Also that designer,if he built or created aircraft after WWI,Mr. Hoope and his compancalled; Hoppe Flugzeugbau
and was there any aircraft designed by Mr. Huth after WWI
From May 1943 Dr. Alexander Lippisch studied aircraft here the well known P-10 ; P-11; P-12 ; P-13 ; P-15 ; DM-1 ...and what about Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Wien ?.
from LANGE's book : Luftverkehr Württemberg A.G , Stuttgart : it financed the K 1 "Suse" (D-872) , designed by van Nees , for the aviation school , in 1925 .
and this one; Mecklenburgischer Aero-Club ?.