this CR of Fiat had no sense at all,CR 1,2,5,10,20,22,23,25,30,31,32,33,35,40,41,42,44,50 & 50.

I suspect that at least some of the 'missing' single-digit numbers were for re-engined C.R.1 airframes - some just planned, other begun or completed but with records now lost to time.

The 'missing' double-digit numbers are the result of the initial C.R.x0 types' development having run their course. The exception to this rule was the out-of-sequence-and-chronology C.R.25 ... whose designation, admittedly made no sense at all!

Other times in Rosatelli designations, you can sense the heavy hand of Fiat's marketing department. Eg: the R.22 (a B.R.2 derivative but named for its A.22 engine) and the R.700 (a B.R. racer named for its engine output). Not much logic applied there either.
Image 334 in post 67 is my drawing of the Fiat engine, minus my copyright statement. Please remove it and replace it with the original image. Thanks, Justo.
The author of that image and its origin were unknown to me, I do not have the original to replace it, but I will remove the drawing, I regret the omission of copyright.
Posting here is fair use.
It is not fair use if the copyright notice has been removed!

I make all of my images free for non-commercial use, in any case (and not just on this forum). But I do require correct attribution.

Nonetheless, quite a few of my images are floating around with the copyright statements trimmed off or with spurious ones substituted. Justo simply happened to find one of these online and graciously corrected the posting.

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