
ACCESS: Top Secret
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25 October 2007
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Hi lads,

Weserflug was incorporated in the mid 30`s, assuming the assets of the former Rohrbach works, and also fielding Dr. Adolf Rohrbach as chief designer. Take a look at this excellent site, unfortunatelly not updated for quite a long time:


Amidst the more known projects there are some interesting ones like:


Do you guys know more projects besides the ones depicted in this site?
Before Boxkite has a chance to jump on this ... ;D


Three views of the P 1003/1 (which you already know), P16, and P23. Plus an impression of the P16.
Hello gentlemen,

not the right place to post a patent, but compare this layout with the WFG 2137. French patent from 1941 filed by Weserflug. Interesting, at least.


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Shades of XC-120...
Nice picture...but what's with the skids on the pod? do you know what was the mode of operations?
Apparently, the skid version was to have rubber buffers in order to absorb the landing shock. Fieseler had the same pod concept too in the Fi333, as well as Focke-Achgelis with the Fa284.
Wurger said:
Amidst the more known projects there are some interesting ones like:
I knew the famous 2137, but discovering the 2127 (twin-boom also) is great! Thanks! ;D
Do you know the date of this 2127? (between 1934 and 1944, it seems, but 1934-38 or else 1939-44?)

Wurger said:
not the right place to post a patent, but compare this layout with the WFG 2137. French patent from 1941 filed by Weserflug. Interesting, at least.
More than interesting: wonderful... ;D A kind of Packplane forefather with an amphibian version featuring an incredible boat removable pod, incredible! Thanks! ::)
Hi Tophe,

I`m glad you liked it. I do not have more on that project, but my guess is 1939. Bye.
Hello guys,

I`ve just got my copy of "Gründung und Ausbau der "Weser"-Flugzeugbau GmbH 1933 bis 1939", by Hartmut Pophanken. It was suggested to me by Herr Gerald Zietsch. In it I found what I was looking for, projected aircraft. Here are the ones not otherwise listed in this thread:

We P 2003, a double fuselage bomber from 1935;
We P 2116, 24 passenger liner for Lufthansa;
We P 2011, a STOL aircraft from 1935, not related to the Bf163 further developed by Weserflug;
We P2120, long range flying boat, 1936;
We P 2146/2147, similar to the well-known We 271;
We P????, single seat fighter dated 1936r, pusher propeller;
We P????, High altitude aircraft, 1936.

The author also stated that a multitude of other designs were drawn, particularly flying boats. A dive bomber for the Japanese navy was also considered in 1934/35, perhaps (my appreciation) related to the specification that would produce the Heinkel P.1030 ( see http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,6113.0.html ).

Most of these projects were brainchilds of Adolf Rohrbach, an almost forgotten pioneer of the metal airplane and one of the most gifted engineers of its time. He died in 1939. Herr Zietsch is about to publish a book on his designs. I will post a comment when it pops up.
RE: "Herr Zietsch is about to publish a book on his designs. I will post a comment when it pops up."
May be too late, but I have a couple of folders (one from very old French aero collection, and one from Germany) of, what I believe, are Original old photos of various Rohrbachs, (as marked on the reverse) at historic meetings, places, people etc, including in Russia?
The German file was part of the personal archives of former Luftwaffe Senior Press and PR Officer, and noted aero historian and author, Alfred Kruger. If the project is Still ongoing, I can try to find them, again, having come across them, again, in my files a few months ago. The French collection photos are period photos and various sizes.
Hello Joe,
I will send an email to herr Zietsch right away. If he is interested, I will put you guys in contact. Thanks in advance for your kind iniciative.
All the best.
Histaviation showed only a small portion of the mockup of the WFG 2127. Are there any other pictures or line drawings of the 2127? I tried Google but no luck.
fockewulf261 said:
Histaviation showed only a small portion of the mockup of the WFG 2127. Are there any other pictures or line drawings of the 2127? I tried Google but no luck.
That photo comes undoubtedly from Luftfahrt International #25 (Jan/Feb 1978), which has an article on the WFG 2137. It however calls it the '2137 mockup (with Argus 410 engines). The drawings found under the WFG 2137 entry on Histaviation are the only drawings contained within the article. So no drawings of the version with asymmetric cockpit, being it the '2127 or the '2137...
It gets better! Rereading the Popphanken book I just found that one of the floatplane versions of the WFG 2137 was to be equipped with retractable floats, retracting innersides to the fuselage. Great!!!
On request I have scanned the text from Luftfahrt International nr.25:

Some additions to this thread: the WFG 2127 had at least two configurations ( 2003/IIf, a close reconnaissance twin boomer, and the 2003/Id, with a conventional fuselage ) stemming from a common ancestor, project 2003 (hence the primeval 2003 designation). This one dates from early 1935 with a RLM preliminary contract worth 62000 RM, and had twin booms. We know that a wind tunnel model of the WFG 2127 (Wwhich one?) was tested in Spring 1936, and a mockup was built in April 1937 ( a photo is published in this thread of this assymetrical "attrappe"). I`ve crossed data from Pophanken`s book and the "Luftfahrt International" 1978 article.
From an article about Adolf Rohrbach, published in "Der Flieger", Heft 5/1972, kindly supplied by our fellow member Richard ( thanks Richard :) ), we can read a statement by Hubrich, Rohrbach`s chief test pilot, on the WFG 2003 double fuselage project. Starting from 1934, it was made into a mockup in 1935. He said "the machine had excellent opportunities for placing defensive weapons", with engines and landing gear "enclosed". Two engines would propel the aircraft at a speed of 400km/h. I guess this isn`t the WFG 2127 "attrappe".
The Float plane version of P.2137 is new for me,and some Projects;



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