Czech Aero aircraft and projects


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13 February 2006
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Aero B-34 - attack aircraft proposed in 1958 as Il-10 replacement. It was powered by one RD-9 engine without afterburner rated at 29 kN. Weapons consisted of two 23 mm canons NR-23, unguided bombs or unusual solutions like 80 unguided rockets (55mm LR-55) in two rounded receptacles around engine!

Aero A-159B Sokol - supersonic attack fighter from 1967, powered by two engines rated at 19,6 kN.


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Aero L-129/-229/-329/-429 - This line of projects seemed to be planned as successors for the Czech trainer Aero L-29 Delfin. Can anybody confirm my speculation?
Hallo all,

not only projects. I know the L.329 is the L.29version L.29R a reconnaissance aircraft. The L.429 is the L.29A "Akrobat" (the name says: a acrobatic version).

Servus Maveric

as I know the L-129 was developed from L-29 with Boeing engine
and here some L-39 projects,the last is look like General Dynamics


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the Aero Ae.53 was a glider transport aircraft,but never completed and
stopped building in 1951.

Source; Air Enthusiast magazine of 1972.


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The name "Aero" being quite a pain to look for in the search engine, I have regrouped in one topic post-war Czech Aero projects.
Of course, if sufficient information pertaining any of these should show up, we'll split again... but for now, they will get more visibility like this.

here is the early designs to Aero L-59 and L-159 aircraft;


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Hi all!
Some more unbuilt Aero postwar projects:

Ae-148 (1949) - passenger aircraft, 2+12 seats, two Walter V-12 (M-446) engines (550/700 hp each).

LB P-1 (1950) - 2-seat high-speed trainer and courier aircraft based on Hodek HK-101 prototype. Two Walter Minor 6-III engines (160 hp each). Maximum speed 380 km/h.

LB P-16 (1951) - passenger aircraft (15 to 17 seats): four 320-hp Walter M-436 (V-6) engines, 350 km/h speed.

L-260 (1970) - 10-seat multi-purpose aircraft designed by eng. Jan Vlček, with 700-hp Walter M-601 turboprop engine. (This project was the second one under L-260 designation; the first one designed in 1959-60 was upgraded L-60 Brigadýr with Praga M-208D engine).

Source: V.Němeček. Československa letadla (II) 1945-1984. - Praha, Naše vojsko, 1984. - P.75-84.


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Amazing my dear Redstar72,thank you,

and my dear Matej,do you have a drawing to Aero L-49 ?.
Many thanks Stephane and Hesham!

Dear Matej, can you give us the original source of B-34 project info? It's a bit strange that there's no mention about such a project in Němeček's bible. Well, not all the unbuilt projects are mentioned there, but also the designation looks unusual - it seems to be already military designation, not Aero's.
redstar72: Němeček did a great work, but he did not have all the info/was not allowed to publish everything. Info and drawings are directly from manufacturer. B-34 was too ambitious project with totally unrealistic time schedule, based on the fight concept from second world war. So it was kind of fiasco, that Communist idiots did not want to see. B-34 was a preliminary manufacturer's designation that should suggest, that this plane was proposed to replace aging B-33 (licence built Il-10).

hesham: Yes, I have.
Okay, this is a rare book that you will probably not get in touch with, so one page will be fair enough.

Aero - obrazová historie leteckého výrobce by Pavel Kučera, ISBN 8090251633 9788090251632

It has also nice cutways of L-39M Mach Trenér, L-159/A-159 Sokol, L-29 with MiG-17 wings and other crazy stuff.


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Excellent my dear Matej,

can you send some of them ?,not all.
In Aero April 1961, a "XL-400 Jet-Sokol" was shown, fitted with two small jet engines M 777
on the fuselage sides. General layout and the designation seem to indicate, that it was a
variant of the Orlican, L40 Meta Sokol. Claimed performances were a max. speed of 450 km/h,
cruising speed of 390 km/h and a ceiling of 6000 m. The aircraft was said to have a pressurized


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Great find my dear Jemiba,

I know the L-40 Meta Sokol and XLD-40 Mir,but that's new for me.

we spoke before about XLD-40 Mir,and here is its drawing.


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What I've found about the development of the LD-40, later L-40 Sokol, is,
that the XLD-40 was the prototype with a V-tail. So, as the caption says,
the drawing shows the production LD-40 . ;)
redstar72 said:
L-260 (1970) - 10-seat multi-purpose aircraft designed by eng. Jan Vlček, with 700-hp Walter M-601 turboprop engine. (This project was the second one under L-260 designation; the first one designed in 1959-60 was upgraded L-60 Brigadýr with Praga M-208D engine).

Source: V.Němeček. Československa letadla (II) 1945-1984. - Praha, Naše vojsko, 1984. - P.75-84.

My dear Redstar72,

here is a different drawing to Aero L-260 aircraft project,from Flieger Revue 1/1978,I can't judge,where
that contrast came from.


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hesham said:
My dear Redstar72,

here is a different drawing to Aero L-260 aircraft project,from Flieger Revue 1/1978,I can't judge,where
that contrast came from.

Hi Hesham!
Excuse me that I didn't answered before - I saw your message only now.
As I mentioned, the L-260 from 1970 (a picture of which I posted) was the second project under this designation. Probably your picture represents the first one, developed from L-60 Brigadýr.
In my files,

the Aero L-29 was called C-29 at first,but later redesigned and developed into recently
Amusing how so many of those proposed jets resemble Northrup T-38 trainer and F-5 Freedom Fighter.

Similarly, L-260 looks an awful lot like a Cessna 208 Caravan ..... which dominates its market sector and has only been challenged by Quest Kodiak.
Too bad they did not build that low-wing light transport. It could have filled a gap in the market between the slow (almost STOL) Caravan and Pilatus' much faster APC-12 executive transport.

Ho hum!
If you design two airplanes for the same mission, they are bound to resemble each other.
redstar72 said:
LB P-1 (1950) - 2-seat high-speed trainer and courier aircraft based on Hodek HK-101 prototype. Two Walter Minor 6-III engines (160 hp each). Maximum speed 380 km/h.

Here is the Hodek HK.101,which became Aero LB P-1.

Ailes 4/1947.


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Ah, Hesham? I think you may have mistyped 'Heinkel' in your last post.
What is known, details drawings etc., concerning the single engined fighter based on the lines of the Messerschmitt Me.262?
End fourties or earley fifties?
Jjr said:
What is known, details drawings etc., concerning the single engined fighter based on the lines of the Messerschmitt Me.262?
End fourties or earley fifties?

I correct it for Grey Havoc,

and for dear Jjr,I never heard about it before,what is your source ?.
Sorry I made a mistake.
What I mentioned was the Chech Avia L-52, aerley 1947 and based on the Avia S-92 (Me-262).
Source Me 262 by Swilly Radinger and Walter Schick
From L + K 1980,

the Aero Ae.51 was alternative design to Czech competition of late 1940s,for Artillery observation and recce
aircraft,which Ae.50 won it,powered by six-cylinder Minor engine,and some improvements,remained a Project
From L + K 6/1970,

I found this strange Project for Aero,called L-9,as a single seat low-wing cantilever acrobatic monoplane,with
T-tail and powered by one either of M-137 or V-503A,I used google translate,am I right,and was it a real Project ?.


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From L+K 21/1984,

here is a Project for Aero called Ae-58, as twin engined low-wing light transport monoplane.


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From L+K 13/1985 and L+K 20/1984,

as I spoke before about L-9,there was also L-19,maybe it was from Aero/VZLU ?.


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Actually this project was designed for the Zenit 84 contest, organised by the SSM, or Union of Socialist Youth. Design group, probably mostly students or recent graduates, was led by the son the designer of L-39, J. Vlček. They won the gold medal, and aftert it went trough some modifications (apparently later it had T-tail), it was offered to production to Aero concern, but they preffered to open production of Ae.270 Ibis.
Last edited:
From L+K 21/1986,

a high-wing version of A-200,maybe a Project only ?.


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From L+K 13/1985 and L+K 20/1984,

as I spoke before about L-9,there was also L-19,maybe it was from Aero/VZLU ?.

From L+K 12/1988,

here is a L-19 Project with its variants and developments,please note the pusher engined and jet engined versions..


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In my files,

the Aero L-29 was called C-29 at first,but later redesigned and developed into recently

Until remember the source's name.


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