
  1. Grey Havoc

    Chameleon Constellation
  2. J

    Alien hunter

    Designed for fun The Pursuit Bot, with the look of one six-legged yellow spider and the size of a cat, designed to neutralize dangerous lifeforms operating in industrial environments. Mark-9 was built of electroactive polymers and carbon composites, its outer surface coated with graphene...
  3. uk 75

    Craziest idea for a military vehicle

    As a kid in the 60s I remember being fascinated by the guest vehicle in the second THUNDERBIRDS episode Pit of Peril The walking US army vehicle also appeared in annuals and TV21 comic and a porcelain replica appeared a few years back. Watching the video again it would make David A furious but...
  4. Flyaway

    Mars Sample Return
  5. Flyaway

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink
  6. Grey Havoc

    CASE - Cognitive Architecture for Space Agents Famous last words?
  7. Grey Havoc

    OGAS - a planned Soviet national computer network

    The full name was 'The All-State Automated System for the Gathering and Processing of Information for the Accounting, Planning and Governance of the National Economy, USSR' (OGAS being a Russian acronym for the first four words). It has been described as the 'Soviet Internet'. It might be more...
  8. F

    Swarming Aerial Drones

    I looked for any previous posts on swarming quadcopters but I didn't find anything. Kind of odd that nobody has posted a video on those. Here is the Navy's rendition of swarming drones. At the 38 second mark the video shows a cluster of drones operating in close proximity. This is different...
  9. Flyaway

    Perseverance Rover

    NASA's Next Mars Rover Progresses Toward 2020 Launch
  10. M

    European MGCS ( Main Ground Combat System)

    RM released this late last year. MGCS=Main ground combat system= the supposed Leo III MBT.
  11. Grey Havoc

    Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (DARPA, late 2000s)

    Since we don't seem to have a dedicated thread for this already:
  12. Grey Havoc

    Chinese 'Crab Walker' robot tank ORIGINAL CAPTIONS FOR IMAGES BELOW:
  13. Grey Havoc

    New board for robots, computers & related?

    Just wondering, would it be by any chance possible to set up a new 'Robotics and Cybernetics' board in the Research Topics section at the present time? It would be especially handy for topics that don't fit neatly into Aerospace, Military, or any of the boards over in the Secret Projects section...
  14. Grey Havoc

    DARPA Upward Falling Payload

    Paging Mr. David Mace, Paging Mr. Greg Bear. Via Slashdot: DARPA wants to dot ocean floor with network of robotic pods that can spy, explore (NETWORKWORLD)
  15. bobbymike

    Robotics - General News

    Video at this link - Think of the military applications for robotic technologies able to be this dexterous and this fast. Humans can think awfully fast but are limited by our physical...
  16. Grey Havoc

    Hitachi SWAN and RESQ series robots

    Thought this might be topical in light of current events. Both of these series were developed in the early 2000's by Hitachi for use in nuclear accidents. However they appear to have fallen victim to to political shenanigans shortly thereafter. The [final?] SWAN prototype ended up (ironically)...
  17. Triton

    UK MoD Future Protected Vehicle

    From theworacle via YouTube:
  18. Andrei_bt

    Robot vechicles on the base of future tank

    Higly protected manned-unmanned systems vith remote control for special situations. Info (in russian) -
  19. M

    Artificial Intelligence in aviation

    Hi Guys, Back in February 1986 the Naval Air Development Center Warminster PA conducted a paper on "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Combat Aircraft". Apart from the unmanned aerial vehicles, training simulators, fault diagnostic systems, speech recognition, robotics, the software to...
  20. flateric

    Boston Dynamics Big Dog and other military transport robots

    For those who didn't often read Ares blog...not a fresh news but was impressive for me. It worth reading and especially looking at in action
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