And when I thought I had scrouged all DTIC/NASA PDFs, I find a nice B2707 (-100 ?) "Aerodynamic Development Model" , with 3 fins (!) and blended wing and fuselage :
B2707 Aerodynamic Dev Model-AD0804723.png
From Document AD0804723 , page 58, :

I haven't fully read the document yet but I don't see it "blended". The wing has dihedral and a negative pitch angle versus the main fuselage axis. This is why the wing looks so thick in the front and side views.
My 2 cents
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Boeing used different artists for their publicity artwork for the Boeing SST in airline colours.
This version was used for the House Colors and El Al.


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The most often seen artists impressions for the Boeing 2707 300 used the same background.
I have found it online in TWA, Delta, Qantas and KLM and JAL. There used to be one in World Airways on their fan site but this has disappeared.


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The Boeing 2707-300 was illustrated by various artists for Boeing. At least 4 different styles can be found online. The two styles above were verytraditional beautifully painted but the two variants here are more styalised.
Somewhere there must be full sets of the artists impressions for all 26 option holders. Sadly only a few have made it online. But every now and again new ones get posted. The earlier versions of the Boeing SST were usually only shown by Boeing in House Colours. Individual airlines had their own artwork done, and these also appear online. IMG_20201014_220030.jpg IMG_20201014_220045.jpg 62a3e9287732657dc739c1790b97a03d.jpg c38ca778311735b0feb8e39ad505b1b0.jpg
The most often seen artists impressions for the Boeing 2707 300 used the same background.
I have found it online in TWA, Delta, Qantas and KLM and JAL. There used to be one in World Airways on their fan site but this has disappeared.
As I heard it from some Douglas and McDonnell Douglas artists, the artists would paint the airline liveries over prints of the original painting then prints were made from that 'new' image. It was an accepted practice.
The Boeing 2707-300 was illustrated by various artists for Boeing. At least 4 different styles can be found online. The two styles above were verytraditional beautifully painted but the two variants here are more styalised.
Somewhere there must be full sets of the artists impressions for all 26 option holders. Sadly only a few have made it online. But every now and again new ones get posted. The earlier versions of the Boeing SST were usually only shown by Boeing in House Colours. Individual airlines had their own artwork done, and these also appear online.
Found the same painting in Continental livery , bad quality unfortunately :
Hi! L-2000 and B-2707-100 mockup cabin larger images.


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Although not so common Lockheed did some artwork of the L2000 in airline colours. A Flight International Airliners Survey from the period has a painting of a BOAC plane over New York. A German book I have somewhere has a drawing in Lufthansa colours.
L-2000 mockup main gear was very different from the projected L-2000-7A/Bs ones.
L-2000-7A :

Mockup :
Also at one point they added some windows on top of the droop nose just front of the cockpit.
There is a pict on this thread showing that, but can't find it.
Seems the mockup ended up being a kind of mix of early Lockheed Phase and what would have been their Phase 3, as they added few things on it but couldn't change everything, up to when Boeing got the contract .
Although not so common Lockheed did some artwork of the L2000 in airline colours. A Flight International Airliners Survey from the period has a painting of a BOAC plane over New York. A German book I have somewhere has a drawing in Lufthansa colours.
blackkite posted the Lufthansa one here in 2013 (thanks Google images) but only in b/w


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Although not so common Lockheed did some artwork of the L2000 in airline colours. A Flight International Airliners Survey from the period has a painting of a BOAC plane over New York. A German book I have somewhere has a drawing in Lufthansa colours.
blackkite posted the Lufthansa one here in 2013 (thanks Google images) but only in b/w
He posted an Air France one too on this page top. Same angle.
Hi! SCAT-15F, B 2707 and Convair 58-9.
The Convair 58-9 illustration in Delta's "Jetliner" colors is my work.......and that cutaway of the Lockheed L-2000 uses two of my L-2000 profiles from around 2007 (the TWA and Pan Am ones). Need to get around to doing updated L-2000 art consistent with my current standards.
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Hi! SCAT-15 model. SCA-15 concept looks like Republic concept.


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Hi! SCAT-17-1 and SCAT-17-2 models.


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Fig. 5. - Pratt and Whitney Turbofan JTF-17:
Top view: take-off position.
Central view: Supersonic cruiser.
Bottom view: thrust reversal position.
The cost of this turbojet, higher than that of General Electric GE4 / J5, and its greatest complication caused the loss of the contest.
However, it is very likely to continue its development supported by the USAF.


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