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26 May 2006
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the designer Feliksa Brodowskiego (Brodowski) made a two-seat biplane fighter
Project in 1925,the design was modeled on Breguet XIV aircraft,and called Jupiter,
powered by one 400 hp Jupiter engine.


Mr. Jerzy Dabrowski designed the D-1 Cykacz,it was single seat cantilever sporting biplane,built
in 1925 and powered by one 16 hp Blackburn Tomtit engine,followed by D-2,it was a single seat
high-wing monoplane Project of 1926,but never materialized.



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Mr. Jerzy Drzewiecki designer which later formed the RWD,he invented a two-seat parasol
high-wing monoplane fighter Project,intended for 1924 competition and powered by one
450 hp Lorraine-Dietrich engine,called DK,never materialized.



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Mr. Adam Karpinski designed a strange glider in 1923,called SL-1 Akar,followed by a
passenger airliner Project for communication before 1926,the school trainer low-wing
monoplane Project of 1926,later in 1929,he invented a single seat high performance
glider Project.



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in 1919,a Polish designer Paul Schweda was living in Berlin,he invented an unmanned long-range
drone airplane,guided remotely by using radio waves,the concept remained just idea.


Mr. Thomas Flieger designed a float seaplane Project in 1911,followed by a small single
seat ultra-light monoplane,powered by one 8 hp pusher engine,later he constructed a
biplane glider in 1912.



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Mr. Antoni Janowski designed a two-seat high-wing sporting monoplane in 1930,
powered by one 80-88 hp engine.



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here is a two-seat sporting biplane,called Skraba ST-3,all details about
it is here;




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the Edward and Wojciech Sopora were a brothers and formed Silesia Aircraft Factory,
the S-1 & S-2 were a porting aircraft Projects,followed by S-3 high-wing sport and
light monoplane,the S-4 was a parasol wing sporting monoplane,the S-5 (also called
S-10) was a two-seat trainer Project.



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here is a little known aircraft,called S.1 Bozena,designed and built
by Mr. Władysław Stelmaszyk ,all details are here;



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Interesting about Jerzy Drzewiecki's DK design. Drzewiecki had also worked on Władysław Zalewski's team to create the generally similar CWL WZ-X for the same contest.
Thank you my dear Apophenia,

and for CWL and all of its activities,it's here;

I don't know who was the designer ?;

In the advertisements and announcements section of the Kurier Warszawski of 1909, under number 1604, there is an anonymous offer in which he is looking for a partner with capital for the construction of a monoplane aircraft, which
could be modeled on the layout of the Blériot-XI "La Manche" aircraft.


here is a more Info about Jerzy Baranowski biplane of 1909/10;

In 1909, the Russian air press, followed by Europe, informed about the interest of the Russian military authorities in the design of a biplane with a propeller pushing Jerzy (Gawril) Baranowski, which was supposed to be built in 5 copies commissioned by the Ministry of War. It was also emphasized that during the test flight the Baranowski system aircraft was to show its main advantage - a short run-up at take-off.
This press information is not confirmed, it seems that Baranowski has developed a project at most of the lateral stabilizer of the aircraft, which on October 29, 1910 patented. Inventive Patent No. 23,808 was issued to him in Russia on April 29, 1913. It is unlikely that he will be able to implement it.

No drawing to the airplane.


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Dr. Eng. In the years 1910-1911, Bolesław Bronisławski developed and patented a new transverse control system of the aircraft, which was to replace control by twisting the wing tips or ailerons.
The first patent for an aircraft was filed in Belgium on June 27, 1910 and obtained a patent No. 227, 129 for it. It presents a system for controlling the flight of the aircraft by moving the airfoil. In order to change the flight altitude, the inventor proposed to rotate the airfoil around its horizontal axis, increasing or decreasing the angles of attack. The purpose of changing the direction of flight and steering it in the transverse plane is to tilt the airfoil around its vertical axis. Bronisławski pointed out that the maneuvers of the airfoil can be mutually synchronized. The airfoil was based on one or more parallelogram frames, which was articulated in relation to the fuselage of the aircraft, in relation to two horizontal and vertical axes. The airfoil support structure was connected to the tiller by moving it forward or backward. it rotated angularly about its horizontal axis and simultaneously moved linearly forwards or backwards. Tilting the tiller, he tilted the wing transversely to the longitudinal axis of the plane.

This system was developed by Bronisławski for use in any type of aircraft: single or multi-wing aircraft, built in a normal configuration, tandem or duck (in each case he placed the horizontal and vertical stabilizers stationary). In the patent, Bronisławski presented his idea on the example of a duck-type biplane, in which the upper lobe was fixed, and the lower, movable, simultaneously performed the function of the height and direction tail. He also emphasized that it is possible to adapt this solution to one of the airfoils, or some or all in the case of a multi-wing aircraft. The idea contained in the patent was rational. At that time, the constructors were fascinated by the control of the airfoil, there were many ideas solving them in various ways. Many of them were implemented, and the control of the airfoil gained popularity in the interwar years, when the creators of light Mignet HM-14 "Pou-du-Ciel" aircraft used this idea widely.

Bronisławski did not implement his idea. He abandoned it in favor of a simpler, less complex solution that was used in the Bronisławski I and Bronisławski II planes.



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In 1910 in Łódź, three brothers: Władysław, Henryk and Stefan Chlebowski, planned to build an airplane. To check its properties, they made a model with a scale of approximately 1: 4.

It was a biplane with a small third wing above the upper wing. It was made of bamboo, the lobes and fins were covered with linen on one side. As reported in the press at the time, the model was equipped with a device that automatically kept the camera in balance in flight. Its design is unknown. The model was equipped with an internal combustion engine of an unknown type, French production, with a power of 1.5-2.0 kW (2-3 HP). The press also reported a power of 7.3 kW (10 HP) - such a high engine power raises doubts, but it is possible that the engineers made the engine themselves, as when it comes to factory products, in the years 1910-1920 there were already internal combustion engines for flying models, but with much smaller powers. The engine drove the drawing propeller located at the front in the fuselage axis.

On August 30, 1910, the inlet model was tested. It rose to a height of about 10 m and flew for about 3 minutes. making big circles in the air. The Chlebowski family, encouraged by the positive results of the experiment, intended to build an airplane with an analogous layout on the basis of the model, with the help of an electrical engineer named Ludwik Kozera. However, the construction of the plane did not take place.



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Jan Andrzej Daniszewski obtained in Belgium patent no. 219,277, filed on September 21, 1909 for a new type of aircraft (Nouveau systéme d'aéroplane). In 1910, its solution was also protected in France (patent no. 421.204).
The inventor's intention was to construct a single-plane airplane system characterized by high stability, thanks to the proper arrangement of strongly arched supporting planes and the location of the center of gravity. The ability to move it in flight also played an important role in the flight control process.

This idea was developed in a memorial submitted on September 10, 1910 to the French Patent Office. The pilot's position is indicated to be at the system's center of gravity. The shape and shape of the carrier sheet ensure high lateral stability. Longitudinal stability is ensured by the correct positioning of the wing and the tail - in two planes (horizontal tail below), the position of the center of gravity of the airplane and the positioning of the drag propeller axis in the plane between the wing and the center of gravity. Flight control can be carried out by shifting the position of the center of gravity by moving the platform with the pilot's seat on the rail in the transverse plane (flight direction) and differential twisting of the airfoil trailing edge, as well as the action of a vertical plate tail located in the front or back of the fuselage.

The plane has a three-wheeled undercarriage, the wheels of which are placed in telescopic forks. The main (two-wheeled) landing gear can be equipped with floats that enable launching - one on the outer side of the wheel axle. The tail (single-wheel) undercarriage has two small floats. The fork of this wheel is rotatably mounted and can be used to direct the movement of the plane on the ground.

The airplane is characterized by the simplicity of assembly and disassembly of the hinged wing connected to the fuselage and stiffened with lashings, which you only need to release to fold the wings along the sides of the fuselage.



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Mieczysław Falkowski, with the intention of making long-haul flights, proposed supplying a monoplane modeled on the Blériot-XI "La Manche" with a second fuel tank (under the fuselage), and the main and auxiliary landing gear with block brakes, mechanical. It was recommended to cover the open cockpit with a windshield and equip it with a compass and a permanent map holder. He proposed to label the controls with the neutral position of the rudders, which - as the inventor seemed - was supposed to facilitate orientation in the case of a flight without ground visibility.

This project was applied for by Falkowski on September 2, 1910 in Belgium, obtaining invention patent no. 228 509 for a new improvement of the monoplane (Airplane monoplan presentant des perfectionnements nouveaux).

At the end of 1910, Fałkowski offered the Russian Ministry of War to implement it. In January 1911, the Chief Engineering Board (GIU) asked him to provide a detailed description, plans and calculations of the aircraft. On February 20, 1911, Falkowski wrote back that he did not have the resources and time to prepare the above-mentioned materials, worked hard for bread and asked for the return of the previously sent plane drawing and the descriptive memorial (probably analogous to the patent description). His plane was to be distinguished by: solid construction, stability, high flight speed and range.

The GIU Technical Committee, after assessing the inventor's offer in December 1911 (on the basis of the aforementioned memorial, drawing and letter from the end of 1910), concluded that Falkowski's plane does not differ much from modern aviation structures, and the advantages indicated are not by the designer nothing proven. The lack of calculations makes it impossible to assess to what extent the steel structure of the airframe will exceed the wooden structure used commonly. It was also pointed out that moving the elevator from the tail part of the fuselage to the front would bring both benefits and losses, because the rudder would be in the propeller plows. Changing the number of propeller revolutions will affect the results of its work. The inventor talked about other advantages of his plane in such general terms that the Committee could not comment on them. He also stressed that increasing the load on the apparatus (additional fuel tanks) was a function of the airframe lift, information about which the Falkowski memorial lacks. Therefore, the GIU rejected the inventor's offer, about which he was informed in a letter of December 1911.



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ioneering aircraft design. Poland Germany.
On July 30, 1912 Egidiusz Fikus obtained the protection of Utility Model No. 520.768 for an airframe with additional, movable bearing surfaces, covered with a shutter, used under the main, fixed supporting panels.

These wings could be used as a supporting and propelling element of, for example, an airframe - as it was emphasized in the utility model application.


Pioneering aircraft design. Poland.

Władysław Kohman-Florjański was particularly interested in the issue of the aircraft's flight stability. In 1909, together with his brother Tadeusz, he undertook studies and experiments with models of gliders and airplanes with a tandem airfoil arrangement. They obtained particularly interesting results with the so-called tandemoplane. This model, in the spring of 1910, was presented to a commission composed of professors from the Lviv Polytechnic (Eng. Hauswald, Huber and Zygmunt Sochacki).
Probably the technical solutions of this model formed the basis of a patent application in Austria in February 1910 (No. A-1330-10). However, the patent was not issued because the creator did not pay the fee provided for by law on time. The subject of the application was a self-balancing monoplane with a tandem airfoil arrangement. Although the application referred to Władysław, his brother Tadeusz also undoubtedly contributed to the development of the solution.

...here is a Ploszajski Jerzy aircraft...

Well, the first one - KLS-II - is certainly a Jerzy Płoszajski design (the designation coming from Kola Lotniczego 'Start' aviation club).

But for the design in your 3-view drawing - the MIP Smyk - Płoszajski was only one of three student designers. That MIP stood for Ludwik Moczarski, Jan Idźkowski. and Jerzy Płoszajski.

A question: does any Polish engineer in 1920-1930s experimented with remote controlled planes/bombs? I'm working on a series of articles about guided weapon experiments in minor WW2 participants (like Hungary and Romania), and neutral countries (like Sweden) and would be grateful for any data.

Pioneering aircraft design. Poland.

On July 28, 1911, Władysław Herzig asked the Minister of War to help him in the implementation of an aircraft of his own design, which, depending on the subsidy granted, could be built in a smaller or larger version and presented at an aircraft competition just announced in Russia. It is to be characterized by the simplicity of a strong, durable structure and low curb weight, good chassis shock absorption and - as Herzig writes - a good gear from the engine to the propeller, doubling its speed. He attached to the letter schematic drawings of the plane, a description of the plan and a list of materials necessary for construction with an estimate of 218 rubles. 60 kopeks (not including the price of the engine, gasoline and oil tanks).



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Pioneering aircraft design. Poland Germany,

A. Kłyszyński in 1910 developed an airplane design, which he realized
only in the model scale. In October 1909, a model of this aircraft was demonstrated at the Krakow Technical Society, in the halls of the
construction exhibition.


Pioneering aircraft design. Poland,

In 1910, Stanisław Kolaski (Kolousek or Koluski) made a 1: 4 scale model of the plane. Judging by its size, it could have been based on his own design and be an experimental model of the aircraft that Kolousek intended to implement.

The model presented a normal plane, wooden biplane. It was equipped with a 1.5 HP internal combustion engine, started by an electric battery. It was the only element not made by the constructor but purchased. The engine drove a two-bladed pull-blade centrally located along the fuselage axis.


pace rocket / spacecraft design. Poland.

In 1918, Father Maksymilian Kolbe presented a very interesting idea to build a spacecraft, the so-called "Etereoplane". It was supposed to be an apparatus for reaching other planets, and maybe even distant stars. However, this draft has not been published, and the outline of the idea and drawings of the ship's structure have survived only in the form of notes from the period of studies in Rome.
The biggest novelty of this invention was the departure from the previous way of moving with a wheel or propeller. Recoil was to be the principle of "Etereoplane" moving in space. He also envisaged a human journey after overcoming gravity and creating full air conditioning inside the vehicle. He sent a detailed description of the invention with numerous graphs and mathematical calculations to the Scienza per Tutti magazine.



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Experimental aircraft Project. Poland,

In 1923 M. Krajewski submitted for an opinion to the Military Aviation Research Center the idea of equipping the plane with a vertically placed in the fuselage "Pyro reactive tractor", ie a rocket engine enabling vertical take-off ?.

Mr. Kucfir who invented a VTOL airplane;

he also had this design;

Konrad Kućfir built the "Pirat" glider, also known as "Suchedniówka", in the carpentry workshop of Suchedniowska Fabryka Odlewów in 1923 for the 1st Competition of Sliders. The construction of the glider was quite simple and the execution was primitive. The glider was quite clunky in appearance and heavy.

On 3 June 1923, the constructor made the first flight on the "Pirat" in Mąchocice Górne in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, damaging one wheel of the landing gear. The constructor piloted the glider took part in 1923 in the glider competition in Białka near Nowy Targ. It made one 9-second flight on September 8, 1923, crashing upon landing.



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Mr. Mieczysław Siegel and his MS-7 Project;

In 1926, the village teacher Mieczysław Siegel (constructor of MS-1,
MS-2, MS-3 and MS-4 gliders), residing in Skrzynice near Lublin, designed
a single-seater sports plane MS-5. In 1927. the construction of the aircraft
is complete. The constructor performed static tests; the wings only broke
at a breaking load factor of 8.
In 1928, Siegel built a modified copy of the aircraft, designated MS-6,
for which he was trying to get the 18 HP Wallis VIII engine. However,
he did not get the engine - which made flight tests impossible. The
construction experience in the construction of airplane wings was
used by Siegel in the design and construction of the MS-8 "Wróbel"
glider. 1929 MS-7 design (low wing with foldable hangar wings)
it was not realized by the designer.

Polskie Konstrukcje Lotnicze 1893-1939


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Bomber and transport powered lift Project. Poland,

At the beginning of 1919, Eng. Leon Wayde-Sakowicz has completed the
design of the aircraft called Sakowicz model S-III. The construction offer
was submitted on April 23, 1919 by the Chief of Aviation of the Polish Air
Force. The offer did not provide a detailed description of the structure, but
only the features it was supposed to have. The S-III was an aerodyne capable
of rising vertically or almost vertically from a very small area. The project
was sent in September 1919 to the ŻN Section, where it was assessed,
without arousing much interest.

However, Eng. Sakowicz, without publicity, began the construction of the
S-III airframe at the Lviv airport in the 3rd RPL. The case came to light in November 1921, when during the liquidation of the 3rd RPL, a commission was appointed to determine, inter alia, when the last Brandenburg CI built there would be airworthy and the state of advancement of the S-III under construction and whether it was necessary is to entrust its completion to other aviation workshops. The end of activity of the 3rd RPL stopped work
on the construction of the S-III.

Recce/Bomber plane design. Poland,

The Scout Recce/Bomber design was developed for a competition
announced in October 1924 by the IV Department of Air Navigation
for the design of the airframe. The results were announced on November
16, 1925. The constructor was Zygmunt Puławski, a last-year student at
the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Warsaw University of

The project took 7th place, last place in the general classification and 4th p
rize. The plane was intended for reconnaissance, artillery fire correction and bombing. The project was not implemented.

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