Gourdou-Leseurre Prototypes & Projects


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26 May 2006
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Little known aircraft:

Gourdou G-490 :two seat dive-bomber aircraft ,was not completed.

Gourdou G-120 HY:light two seat shipboard reconnaissance seaplane.

Gourdou-Leseurre GL-710: 10-passenger flying boat.

Gourdou-Lesuerre GL-391 :rengined LGL-32 aircraft with a 575 hp
Hispano-Suiza 9Va engine as single seat night fighter.
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My dear Jemiba,

can I ask you about french aircraft mentioned in Germany site,
it was Gourdou-Leseurre 87.192 in
"an I ask you about french aircraft mentioned in Germany site,
it was Gourdou-Leseurre 87.192"

With the exception of the year "1937", this site just tells us "No technical
data available", sorry !

The Gourdou G-90 was two seat high wing cabin STOL
monoplane,it was a copy of Germany Fieseler Fi.156
and intended for liaison duties,and powered by one
120 hp inverted-V Renault engine.The Levasseur and
Caudron submitted a proposals to this competition.


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[quote author=Andrewjs2007]Does anyone have any dimensions for the Gourdou G.11 C-1 project (I have the Air Pictorial article but no wingspan, length etc.)?[/quote]

Hi Andrewjs and Jemiba.
Air International march 1975 :
Ingenieur G bruner teamed with aircraft designer Ch Gourdou to study
this fighter project based on Makonine concept.
They found that it was impatical for such a small plane and
abandonned it.
Span : 6.76/11.40 meters
Lenght : 9.78 meters
Max speed 680 km/h at 7.000 m
Max Range : 2.000km at 240 km/h with fully extended wings
Nothing more
So, this is the the monoplane equivalent of the Nikitin-Shevchenko series? :eek: ;D
CAO 700 said:
Do you know the Makhonine aircraft? They've got telescopic wings too!

See here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,17711.0

from Le FANA No 365,the Gourdou G.10 C.1 fighter project Models.


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    G.10 C.1 with landing gear.JPG
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Is this interesting ?
Caracteristics from "aviafrance"
Drawing from "aviation magazine"


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toura said:
Is this interesting ?

Of course ! A surprisingly clean design with its retractable landing gear and really fast. The
Nieuport-Delage NiD 29 did just 235 km/hîn 1922 ! But the fighter derivatives, with fixed
gear and carrying guns and equipment seem to have been much slower.
Of course very interesting my dear Toura,

but I only heard about GL-24 as the end of 20s series.
The article from the previous page (reproduced below) states it very clearly: "B.7 n°3 or GL-25" (not LGL-25 here). So at least it went as far as #25.


no problem with that,the Loire company acquired Gourdou-Leseurre in 1925,this
partnership was dissolved in 1929,when Gourdou-Leseurre left the company
and the firm became known as Loire Aviation,that was in 1930.

the Gourdou-Leseurre GL-880 HY was developed from GL-820 HY,but fitted
with 930 hp Gnome-Rhone 14 Kfs engine,probably remained a project.
hesham said:
In Patvig's site,

he mention that Gourdou-Lesseurre B7 was called LGL-25,and Type H called
LGL-27,and although I have a many articles and magazines about Gourdou-
Leseurre or Loire-Gourdou-Lesuerre aircraft and projects,but I never heard
about those numbers ?.


I have Type H also as G.L. 51CAN.2 from 1922. Source: William Green & Gordon Swanborough - Jagdflugzeuge der Welt.
hesham said:
My dear Jemiba,

can I ask you about french aircraft mentioned in Germany site,
it was Gourdou-Leseurre 87.192 in

This entry appears in a list of aircraft preserved in European aircraft museums.
The Gourdou-Leseurre is specifically mentioned as preserved at the Musée de l'Air in Le Bourget:
and the website further says that it has s/n 3:

The Musée de l'Air owns a single Gourdou-Leseurre aircraft, which is the Gourdou-Leseurre B7 (F-APOZ), also with s/n 3:
To me it seems clear that this entry "87.192" is mistaken, with "B7" misread as "87", and "192" added for who knows what reason.
Thank you my dear Adrien,

and I hope to get Loire-Gourdou-Lesuerre LGL-610B and LGL-611 unknown projects.
hesham said:
and I hope to get Loire-Gourdou-Lesuerre LGL-610B and LGL-611 unknown projects.

Maybe that was the same Project ?.



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Le Fana 317,

here is a Gourdou G.130 Project.


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Hi! GL-810, GL-820 and GL-821.


Developing the scheme GL.810 engineers Gourdou Leseurre have prepared two more advanced modifications.
The first was the float reconnaissance seaplane GL.820Hy, the design of which was practically unchanged.
The second modification - Gourdou Leseurre GL.821HY , appeared three years later, was equipped with a Gnome-Rhone 9Kfr engine (750 hp) and had the best engine hooding.
The first prototype GL.821.01 entered the tests on January 28, 1936. Unlike other "relatives" it was made as an easy torpedo carrier. The Navy did not call for interest.
The second prototype GL-821HY 02, with a fully glazed cockpit, began to fly from October 5, 1937, but even then it was clear that the fleet needed a more modern aircraft.
Modifying the design of 820 did not make much sense, since it completely exhausted its resource.
Both variants remained only at the stage of experimental machines.
The same fate befell their main competitor - the float reconnaissance Levasseur PL.200.
Although he surpassed the serial planes of Gourdou Leseurre, he had no decisive advantages and was also not accepted for serial production.


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Hi! GL-482.

"Gourdou-leseurre GL-432 carrier bomber
Gourdou-leseurre GL-432 carrier bomber (Designed by French Aviation technician Charles Edouard Pierre Gourdou and Jean Adolf Leseurre) was an aircraft that has developed from the GL-30 series. The GL-30 was a single-seat fighter that evolved from a racing aircraft, but the GL-430, which was completed in 1931, was designed to be a-single seat bomber. (therefore, the prototype aircraft was called as GL-430. 01B1 (B1 is a symbol representing a single –seat) bomber).
GL-430, which had a parasol type high wing, strengthened the prop that supporting the wing on the fuselage, but other parts were similar to GL-32, which is the main production type of the GL-30 series. GL-430 had duralumin steel pipe construction covered with fabric, it was possible to dive bombing with a 50kg bomb under the fuselage.
GL-430 prototype aircraft that had landing hook, strengthen the structure of the rear fuselage, a long-term test operation was carried out by the French Navy.
In 1935, the French navy ordered four GL-432BP1 (BP1 represents a single-seat dive bomber) which became a pre-production aircraft.
The GL-432 was more strengthened than the prototype aircraft, and the bladder was installed to float the aircraft at the time of crash landing on water for offshore operation. The GL-432 amount of the bomb was larger than the prototype aircraft and can be equipped with a 225 kg bomb for the Navy.
From 1936, French Navy conducted operation test using GL-432, but the Second World War broke out before it started mass production, so it ended without leaving the prototype.
Also GL-482 single seat fighter and GL-531 carrier bomber were product experimentally, but these aircraft have also been planned to discard France surrender.
These aircraft were terminated due to French surrender."

"The Gourdou-Leseurre GL-482 was a single - engine gullwing fighter developed by the French company Gourdou-Leseurre in the early thirties and remained at the prototype stage.
Made on a specification issued by the Service technique de l'aéronautique (STAé) on behalf of the Aéronautique Militaire , the air component of the Armée de terre (the French army ), evaluated together with other eleven competitors was deemed unsuitable by preferring the Dewoitine D.500 , consequently its development was abandoned. It was the last fighter designed by the French company before its closure.
History of the project
In 1930, when the legacy Chasse "Jockey", also known as Plan Caquot , a program for the creation of a light fighter, was deemed unsuccessful, to remedy the need to replace the fleet of aircraft now inadequate, the Service Technique de l'Aéronautique (STAe ) issued a specific C1, ie related to a new single-seat fighter model. The requirements, already expressed in 1928 , were related to an aircraft with excellent visibility, cell with a robustness coefficient of 16, maximum reachable speed of at least 327 km / h at 3 500 m and an armament comprising two Vickers 7 caliber machine guns , 7 mm built under license by the Manufacture d'Armes de Châtellerault (MAC). A subsequent modification, dated 26 January 1931, specified the need to use an aeronautical engine with a displacement between 26 and 30 L equipped with a mechanical compressor bringing the maximum speed to 350 km / h at 4 000 m.
In the competition the main national aeronautical companies answered, presenting no less than 10 projects, realized in 12 different prototypes , almost all designed around the Hispano-Suiza 12Xbrs , a 12-liter 26 L V-cylinder capable of delivering a power of 650 hp (485 kW ) at an altitude of 4 500 m (14 765 ft ), chosen for its proven reliability and contained front surface compared to the models then available.
The Gourdou-Leseurre was among the last to present its proposal, the GL-482, a model that re-proposed the setting of the previous models developed by the company, single-engine in designing a classic single-tailed fletching and fixed cart, but although it maintained the veiling monoplana , unlike the previous equal role made by the company, abandoned the sunshade configuration to adopt a gull-wing configuration, a solution intended to revive the advantages theorized by the Polish Zygmunt Puławski who first adopted it to equip an aircraft and which made it possible to combine the greater stability of a high wing with improved visibility by the pilot and already adopted, despite the inevitable differences linked to the different paternity of the project, by the competitor Loire 43 .
The prototype was taken to the air for the first time in February 1933 but presented to the French army examining committee failed to achieve the performance required by the specification, also expressing performances generally lower than the competition.
The Gourdou-Leseurre decided to abandon its development and the model was the last hunt developed by the company. "


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In Icare 230 of 2014,

the Gourdou G-40 was a dive bomber Project,who has this issue ?.
In Icare 230 of 2014,

the Gourdou G-40 was a dive bomber Project,who has this issue ?.
I have Icare 230. The entry for the G-40 only says it was a dive bomber project & nothing else - & no illustrations.
Thank you Woodville,

and I know this Info even before the year 2014,but honestly,I can't remember the source ?.
A slightly different image (from posts #6 and #8) of the 1937 Gourdou G.11 C1 project, with better quality:


  • Gourdou G11 C-1, un projet datant de 1937.jpg
    Gourdou G11 C-1, un projet datant de 1937.jpg
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