Was there a "Messerschmitt Me 390" ?


ACCESS: Top Secret
12 April 2008
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Hi all
I read somewhere, something about a Messerschmitt 290
Maritime patrol, bomber reconnaissance...No detail !
Is it a project or what ?
Someone could said to me ?
Messerschmitt Me 290 or Messerschmitt Me 390 ? Take a decision ...
Both 290 and 390 numbers belonged to the Junkers Flugzeug und Motorwerke A. G.
Hi Boogey
I thank you, I agree with you...but
As I read this three times, I don't understand
First, Your topic title is Messerschmitt Me 390 and in the post's content
You write about Messerschmitt Me 290, can't You see ?
Second, there couldn't be Messerschmitt Me 290 nor Messerschmitt Me 390
'cause these numbers ( 290 and 390 ) have been allocated to Junkers by the Reichsluftfahrtministerium.
Hi Boogey.
Yes, sorry I'm wrong : My title is erronous.
I want to speak of a Me 290.
I found this on
but i agree with you; it is not a number for
Messerschmitt and I was asthonised of this
and I ask to know. thanks
Boogey said:
Second, there couldn't be Messerschmitt Me 290 nor Messerschmitt Me 390
'cause these numbers ( 290 and 390 ) have been allocated to Junkers by the Reichsluftfahrtministerium.
The Messerschmitt Bf 162 has been built and flown. Later, the RLM 162 code has been re-allocated to the more famous Heinkel He 162. Such events are possible, it seems.
Hi Tofee.
May be ! I' ve found several times the two planes noted together
with the same specifications. Of course, detail for the Ju 290
but nothing for an hypothetical Me 290.
Would anyone be willing to redirect this thread to the thread "Junkers Ju 290 and 390 Variants" because whoever wrote this thread must have confused himself?
Would anyone be willing to redirect this thread to the thread "Junkers Ju 290 and 390 Variants" because whoever wrote this thread must have confused himself?

That's not right,there was a real Project called Me.290.
Would anyone be willing to redirect this thread to the thread "Junkers Ju 290 and 390 Variants" because whoever wrote this thread must have confused himself?

That's not right,there was a real Project called Me.290.
I don't think it was! In some books, two numbers were interchanged and 290 instead of 209. Simple typographical error.
That's not confirm,many sites include wikipedia mentioned that,and if they made a mistake (290 instead of 209),what happened to the caption
(Maritime patrol, bomber reconnaissance),no sense.
That's not confirm,many sites include wikipedia mentioned that,and if they made a mistake (290 instead of 209),what happened to the caption
(Maritime patrol, bomber reconnaissance),no sense.
Links, please!
That is all? And the rest?

"You don't have to believe everything you find on the Internet."
Do you know who said this?
Abraham Lincoln
That is all? And the rest?

"You don't have to believe everything you find on the Internet."
Do you know who said this?
Abraham Lincoln

That's not a good argue and I don't believe anything from Internet,also as I said before,many sites mentioned this Info from long time ago,if you have all
Messerschmitt documents,only in this case you can judge.
That is all? And the rest?

"You don't have to believe everything you find on the Internet."
Do you know who said this?
Abraham Lincoln

That's not a good argue and I don't believe anything from Internet,also as I said before,many sites mentioned this Info from long time ago,if you have all
Messerschmitt documents,only in this case you can judge.
No serious original document supports this, but you believe in a Portuguese page.
You're right, until you get the original document, it's just a fake. And if you spread it as a real thing, you make a big mistake.
I changed the title in an attempt to make clear, that this designation is at least very speculative.
Perhaps an explanation for this designation can be found in volume 17 of the book series "Die deutsche
Luftfahrt - Willy_Messerschmitt-Pionier_der_Luftfahrt_und_des_Leichtbaues", page 193, as there are the
following lines in the paragraph about a proposed "construction kit aircraft" :
"Grundmuster III:
Schweres Kampfflugzeug, viermotoriges Hochleistungsflugzeug
(wie die Ju 290) mit Verwendungszweck als
- Fernaufklärer
- Fernkampfflugzeug"

That means, the basic type III should have been a heavy, 4-engined type like the Ju 290, to be used as long range
bomber, recce aircraft or fast long range transport. The project number for at least one of those construction kit aircraft
was P.1090, so the number 90 is mentioned at least twice and if read by someone with only cursory knowledge of that language,
an erroneous conclusion, that there was the "Me 290" designation seems not totally implausible to me.
And yes, there actually were cases, where designation numbers were used twice , as mentioned by Tophe, but such things were
very rare, I think. To my opinion, there's a much higher probability, that wrong interpretation of sources, maybe aggravated by
copying from one site to the next one, caused another "fake" designation. We had this here more than once and if "generated"
such things in most cases turn out to be very persistent !

So I would ask to be extra careful and base postings about this theme on reliable sources only !
My dear Dan,

if you can answer this question about existing of Me.290 ?.

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