The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program: Unfulfilled Dreams and Missions that Never Flew (Springer Praxis Books) 1st ed. 2022


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 October 2007
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The latest work of my friend Davide Sivolella an aeronautical engineer and a skilled author, who lives in England. If you want to learn about never realized Space Shuttle versions, this is the right book!!!

That book is quite tempting. My alma mater has the closest large low-speed wind tunnel to NASA-Houston and while I was a student assistant there, we did a lot of testing on the shuttle orbiter. I got to watch it go from straight wings and horizontal tails to a pure delta wing and finally to the blended delta that flew. I noticed that some forty years later they were doing much the same testing for SNC's "Dreamchaser: spaccraft.
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