Progrev-T Tank


ACCESS: Confidential
6 July 2012
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Progrev-T Tank

All i know is that this tank had a mig jet engine on its turret and it was suppose to destroy mines.
Any more information will be highly appreciated.
Thank you


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I took it that Ardavan.K simply meant a engine from a MiG aircraft (e.g. MiG-21) rather than an engine designed/manufactured by MiG.

It would be interesting to know if the application was "to destroy mines" or if it were similar in function to some of the similar configured decontamination or firefighting "jet equipped tanks".

Either way, it is certainly an impressive looking creation.
Thank you for correcting..well it was mentioned it had mig-21F engine which was R11f 300 engine.. i am not quite sure about it...that's why i did not write it :))
You got me correct GTX :)
I do not think idea of "jet equipped tanks" would be possible. Do you have a design or artwork of a any other tank with this configuration?
Thank you
Ardavan.K said:
You got me correct GTX :)
I do not think idea of "jet equipped tanks" would be possible. Do you have a design or artwork of a any other tank with this configuration?

they used Tank with Jet Engines for several reason
Mostly de ice runways like in Siberia, a with klimov vk-1 engine
Blast out Fire like the burning Oil-well of Kuwait in 1992

according this page it was the Canadians who try this first.

one more thing...;topicseen#msg99282
Yes, us Canucks... although it does sound like a concept that Russian would come up with (simplest way to de-ice a runway -> point a jet engine at it and drive around)... after all, they are famous for a reasonably cold climate and for ingenious solutions.

Ardavan.K said:
You got me correct GTX :)
I do not think idea of "jet equipped tanks" would be possible. Do you have a design or artwork of a any other tank with this configuration?
Thank you

It is also important to distinguish these 'jet headed' tanks from turbine powered tanks, and tanks which used jet propulsion (the Russian's produce a couple of prototypes which would apparently use their jet engines to prevent miring - rockets were also tested).
I've seen photos of contraptions like these on trucks too; think they were used to decontaminate vehicles.
Avimimus said:
It is also important to distinguish these 'jet headed' tanks from turbine powered tanks, and tanks which used jet propulsion (the Russian's produce a couple of prototypes which would apparently use their jet engines to prevent miring - rockets were also tested).

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You got me correct GTX :)
I do not think idea of "jet equipped tanks" would be possible. Do you have a design or artwork of a any other tank with this configuration?
Thank you
M1 Abrams - gas turbine powered That's a jet engine where the exhaust gas is used to turn a turbine attached to a gearbox.

Actually the Soviets also usedjet engines mounted on vehicles for NBC decontamination. The relevant decontamination solution was injected into jet stream and blown towward the item to be decontaminated.
The idea was based on the quite mundane airfield jet snowplow; since our Air Force were often forced (sorry for the pun) to dealt with extreme weather condition, a large family of jet snowplows, capable of quickly cleaning the airstrip, was developed. Progrev-T minesweeper was a further evolution of said idea - to use jet engine to literally blow away dirt & sand, used to cover mines. It did not destroy mines so much, as blow away their cover.
Yes, us Canucks... although it does sound like a concept that Russian would come up with (simplest way to de-ice a runway -> point a jet engine at it and drive around)... after all, they are famous for a reasonably cold climate and for ingenious solutions.

Ardavan.K said:
You got me correct GTX :)
I do not think idea of "jet equipped tanks" would be possible. Do you have a design or artwork of a any other tank with this configuration?
Thank you

It is also important to distinguish these 'jet headed' tanks from turbine powered tanks, and tanks which used jet propulsion (the Russian's produce a couple of prototypes which would apparently use their jet engines to prevent miring - rockets were also tested).

Back during the 1950s, the RCAF experimented with using F-86 Sabres to de-icing other Sabres. Typically they parked a pair of Sabres tail-to-tail with 2 or 3 wingspans spacing. A third Sabre taxied between them and emerged sans ice. Way faster than modern airliner de-icing methods with toxic chemicals.
Avimimus said:
It is also important to distinguish these 'jet headed' tanks from turbine powered tanks, and tanks which used jet propulsion (the Russian's produce a couple of prototypes which would apparently use their jet engines to prevent miring - rockets were also tested).

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neat the way photos 4, 5 and 6 show two sets of tracks per side. Do you have any more detail on these experimental tanks?

If the last tank approached your position, you might wonder if you drank too much vodka last night!
I remember a book I read in the 80s. Can't recall the name, but it debunked the Soviet threat to the West, on the thesis that "How can a country that can't even make a decent ball point pen make an all-powerful military machine?" These units were developed to clean armored vehicles in event of a chemical attack on them. They discovered the jets just baked the toxins on, rendering the tanks untouchable.
Much more mundane use was above mentioned defrosting. We (Czechoslovakia) had truck-mounted jet engines for this purpose, in two variants. First was simply Praga V3S truck with crane operator cab mounted on the platform, with almost complete MiG-15 tail section instead of crane arm. The second used I think the engine from Albatros trainer jet in much more simplified mount. Some were used on Prague-Ruzyně airfield, and I heard stories abou two drunk drivers whotried to race them as jet-powered trucks. They simply arreted the engine straight back, started them and go. Allegedly, when they tried to stop, their brakes immediately broke and both trucks left the air strip and stuck in the field behind it. Others were used in the mining industry, for years i drove near parking lot where was one Praga stationed. The company used it to deice their heavy duty conveyor belts and railroads.
No tanks though. We converted T-34s, T-54s and even captured Panthers into everything from industrial cranes to dozers, but sadly no jet tanks.

By the way I was baffled by the Progrev-T name, thinking it's corruption from Progress or something. But no, progrev siply means warming up. Progrev-T simply means warmer tank...

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