Nuclear Powered Locomotives


ACCESS: Top Secret
28 January 2008
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Hi everybody

I am searching for pictures or drawings of the Krauss-Maffei "Atomlok" .
It is a german postwar project for a nuclear powered locomotive !

Data: Lenght 35m, wide 3m, weight 185 t, Power 5916 hp

Here I have found some websites with pictures of nuclear powered locomotives !

Many greetings
I like 'Miss Atomic Bomb 1957' on the 3rd link and the mushroom cloud swimsuit !!

Hi everybody

I have found a drawing of the "Krauss-Maffei ATOMLOK"

Many greetings
Hi everybody

Here another nuclear powered locomotive

Many greetings
Hi everybody

Here another atomic train

Many greetings
Hi everybody

Here another very big nuclear powered locomotive. Please look at reply #6. There is a PDF file.

Many greetings
Good Lord what where they thinking in the past? It's so much simpler to just build a nuclear power plant and cables to run electric locomotives. :eek:
Good Lord what where they thinking in the past? It's so much simpler to just build a nuclear power plant and cables to run electric locomotives. :eek:
Full direct electrification of railways was, and still is, quite expensive in both money and resources, not to mention time consuming and maintenance intensive. Depending on the location and type of railway, costs can even be outright prohibitive.
All that heavy metal shielding might help with traction.
Lol! The naivete of days gone by eh? A few things wrong with that off the top of my head:
  1. Those main generators are going to have to be mightily flexible to be sited there. Shaft of a thousand cardans!
  2. Not in love with the idea of a suspended nuclear reactor at all!
  3. Vvvv..vv..vvv....ibrraationnn....
  4. That rearmost bogie is overloaded to say the least, I'd spring for a Do-Do-Do-Do-Do minimum.
  5. Absolutely no stopping in stations! Even idling, any passengers opposite that radiator won't thank you for it. I won't mention infrastructure!
So desert no-wheresville straight line to desert no-wheresville intermodal. Somewhat limited in utility then. Then you have a loss of coolant incident 200 miles from anywhere....the crew's union will love that!
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