atoms for peace

  1. Grey Havoc

    American Export Isbrandtsen Lines nuclear-powered container ships project (1964-68)

    This was a project intended to provide three (correction, four) atomic powered high speed container ships for use on Essential Foreign Trade Route No. 12, between the U.S. Atlantic Coast and the Far East. The ships would have used the AEC Maritime Reactor, a clean sheet gas-cooled reactor design...
  2. Jemiba

    Nuclear powered airships

    Today I had a look into "Luftshiffe die nie gebaut wurden" (Airships, which were never built), published by the Zeppelinmuseum, Friedrichshafen. Most spectacular are the two designs from Frank Tinsley, based on work done by Goodyear. A flying aircraft carrier from 1951 and the better known...
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