republic of india

  1. F.L.

    First INS Vikrant (R11)

    Does anyone have any clear overall photos or drawings of the deck markings worn by the Vikrant in the 80s ? When it operated both the Sea Harrier STOVL and the Alizé CATOBAR. At that time she had markings for the Shar similar to those on the Hermes or Illustrious and markings for the Alizés...
  2. Sineva


  3. Grey Havoc

    India's Chief of Defence Staff dies in helicopter crash RIP.
  4. sublight_

    India’s Stealth Wing Flying Testbed (SWiFT) View:
  5. Grey Havoc

    Air India: The iconic maharajah returns home (BBC)
  6. helmutkohl

    What if India did not acquire the Gorshkov?

    the sale of the Gorshkov was, and still is one of India's most controversial naval acquisitions. I recalled that it was close to not going through due to changes in pricing and schedule. Lets assume that India decided NOT to go with the Gorshkov - How would this happen? - What would India's...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Future Ready Combat Vehicle / Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicles programs (India)
  8. helmutkohl

    Whatif, Viggen sale to India was approved

    In the 70s, India worked hard to acquire the Viggen, which was ultimately blocked by the US, due to distrust of India's relations with the USSR. In the end India went with the UK-French SPACECAT Jaguar. Lets say in this alternative history, the US did not block the sale, and it went through...
  9. covert_shores

    Indian Navy fighter project, TEDBF (Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter)

    Hal and DRDO (/ADO) are developing a "5th generation" fighter. Takes off where the Naval Tejas failed. See Unofficial artist's impression but based directly on DRDO materials...
  10. T

    India CATS systems (HAL MUM) *I really like the program name even if that's not probably the most appropriate for... a Loyal robotic Wingman.
  11. Triton

    Indian Air Force Grounds Russia-Developed Sukhoi-30 Jet Fleet

    "Indian Air Force Grounds Russia-Developed Sukhoi-30 Jet Fleet: Spokesperson" Source:
  12. A

    India Future Manned Space projects

    Hi, India is engaged in a low-scale manned space effort crowded with many would be items in the wish list. One of them is the MANAV "Manned Space Vehicle". Let's see which information shows up with time… A.
  13. D

    German 1983 Light Weight Fighter in a 2010 Cassidian presentation

    Found a single engine delta wing fighter in a presentation by Cassidian. Could it be Dornier's new light fighter design for India in 1984? The missiles look like the French Magic 2 used by the Indian air force.
  14. D

    US speculation on a rudimentary Indian nuclear bomber force in 1972

    In 1972 the US speculated that if India had gone nuclear at that time, India could "use aircraft in its current inventory such as Canberras or reconfigured Boeing 707's or 747's, as delivery vehicles, but these would be a rudimentary affair, essentially for one-way missions."...
  15. Mike Pryce

    Latest Sea Harrier variant - Indian LUSH

    FYI some links to images of the Indian Limited Upgrade Sea Harrier (LUSH). Images with outboard missile rails with one Magic and one Israeli Derby Missile, taken on board INS Viraat (ex-Hermes):
  16. XP67_Moonbat

    Indian RLV Tech Demonstrator Test Moonbat
  17. A

    India's 5th generation fighter programme - from MCA to AMCA
  18. TinWing

    Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

    Shortly after the recommissioning of the ex-Hermes as the the INS Viraat in 1987, there were reports from India of long term plans for a 4 carrier fleet,with two new construction hulls and both ex-Hermes/Viraat and ex-Leviathan/Vikrant being retained in service until the late 1990s. A contract...
  19. A

    Indian near future developments

    India is actively engaged in hypersonic research and TAV tech ... take a look and and...
  20. flateric

    No fifth-generation MIG fighter, India turns to export version of PAK-FA

    India will not cooperate with MIG on 20-tonn class fighter as Indian MIG supporter, Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee, resigned last year, so India turns to export version of PAK-FA - according to pre-MAKS 2007 interview of MIG Deputy Director-General Sergey Tzivilev. MIG currently don't develop...
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