Various Sukhoi projects and unknown designs

Armchair Admiral

ACCESS: Restricted
12 February 2007
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Before Sukhoi got the nod to build the Russian Regional Jet, I remember seeing a photo in Air International from somebody/something called Irkutsk that was offering a lifting-body short haul jet. Any body have any info?
Armchair Admiral said:

somebody/something called Irkutsk

Irkutsk is a city in Siberia and home to the Irkutsk Aircraft Production Association (IAPO), builder of the two-seat Flanker variants.

In the Sukhoi second series,the Su-10 was a project of four
engined supersonic bomber,does anyone get a drawing to it ?.

The Flightglobal imagine for Sukhoi S-32 or S-37.


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First one identified as Sukhoi LL 100 LDU that was first Russian fly-by-wire testbed (based on Su-7). Other are MiG-21 derived laboratories.


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Not quite. Su-9 based, not MiG-21.

There were supposedly up to 20 variants of wings, fuselage and other parts of the T-4 aircraft tested on the Su-9 (100L-1). In the period from 1967 to 1969 eight wing configurations were tested.

again I found in that gear site,two unknown Sukhoi designs;
T-60 of 1961 and S-60 also 1961,has anyone more info about
them ?.

for the Sukhoi T-60 of 1961,I think my dear Paul (Overscan)
spoke about it before;,556.msg4138/highlight,t-60.html#msg4138

and there is also anther new aircraft in the same site,the PT-1.

also in that site,many unknown projects to me,such as;

Su-9UT two seat trainer,Su-9 interceptor with radar
Thorium,anther Su-9 with engines mounted looks like
the Su-11,anther Su-13 fitted with only two guns
and two projects related to Su-13; MA and M as a
fighter-bomber aircraft,Su-15UT two-seat trainer,
anther Su-15 as escort fighter with increased VTB,
Su-15 powered by only one TR-3 engine as escort
fighter of 1948 and S-3 fighter-interceptor with swept
wing project of 1954.

also Sukhoi PT-1 and S-16 are a mystery designs.
Topic consolidated with posts from older thread. Please use this for post-war projects that are insufficiently documented for now to have their own topic.
hesham said:

also in that site,many unknown projects to me,such as;

Su-9UT two seat trainer,Su-9 interceptor with radar
Thorium,anther Su-9 with engines mounted looks like
the Su-11,anther Su-13 fitted with only two guns
and two projects related to Su-13; MA and M as a
fighter-bomber aircraft,Su-15UT two-seat trainer,
anther Su-15 as escort fighter with increased VTB,
Su-15 powered by only one TR-3 engine as escort
fighter of 1948 and S-3 fighter-interceptor with swept
wing project of 1954.
There is also many little known Sukhoi projects in this site;

-Su-9 anther aircraft with two RD-14 turbojet engines of 1947
-Su-10 with four TR-2 turbojet engines of 1948-1949
-no name, but just two-seat escort fighter powered by one VK-2 engine of 1948
-S-1 early design,as a tactical fighter project,with mid-wing looks like North American
F-100,in 1953
-P-1 two seat interceptor with one VK-13 engine

we have in this great site a good painters,can we imagine the shape of Sukhoi P-2
two seat interceptor project from a small article description it in the book; Sukhoi
Interceptors ?.


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here is the Su-7 Model with VG wing,later became Su-17.


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In my files,

there is a version to Su-27 at the end of the 1980s,had a vectored thrust nozzle,does
anyone hear about it before ?.
Hi! Su-12.

What is booking plane? What is RC plane?


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    General view of a modified Su-12 2ASh-82fn.jpg
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    RC airplane m-83 (drawing from sketch project).jpg
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  • Booking plane diagram RK 2 m-62 (1943).jpg
    Booking plane diagram RK 2 m-62 (1943).jpg
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blackkite said:
What is booking plane?

That's Google Translator "jokes":). The Russian caption of this picture says: "RK 2M-62 aircraft armoring layout". But in Russian, the word "bronirovanie" means not only "armoring", but also "booking/reservation" (for example, of tickets or hotel place). So the program translated the caption in such a ridiculous way:)))
Hi! Very beautiful Su-17.

"The plan of experimental aircraft at 1948 on the Sukhoi Design Bureau provided one more task:
To design and build an experimental fighter with swept wings 50 degree, and with the following
• Maximum speed at an altitude of 10,000 m - M = 1
• The crew - 1 person.
• To provide space for 2 x 37mm-caliber guns.
The aircraft built in 2 copies and take flight data in the first instance in September 1949
In early July, Air Marshal KA Vershinin approved TTT for new aircraft, according to which it was
intended to:
• Achievements in steady level flight Mach number of unity, and studies of the flight
at a speed corresponding to Ma = 1;
• Mining structure Hermetic discharged the cab;
• Development of prototype front-line fighter high speeds.
By the schematic design of the aircraft, the designation "P" or Su-17 began in the month of June.
Creating an airplane with swept wings 50 degree was very difficult, primarily related to the issues
of sustainability, manageability, structural strength.
A certain complexity in the design process is detachable nose of the fuselage with a cabin at emergency condition,
which had no analogues in the domestic aircraft.
The construction of the prototype was completed in late July 1949.
High speed taxi test were conducted several times in summer of 1949.
But the flight test was not performed perhaps mainly by the political reason.

Wingspan, m 9.95
Length m 15.25
Height, m
Wing area, m2 27.50
Weight, kg
empty aircraft 5932
maximum take-off 7890
engine's type 1 TRD TR-3
Thrust, kgf 1 x 4600
Maximum speed km / h 1209
Cruising speed, km / h 980
Practical range, km 1080
Combat range, km 855
The maximum rate of climb, m / min 2273
Practical ceiling, m 15000
Crew 1
Armament: two 37-mm guns N-37 (with ammunition - 80 rounds) "

In addition,
"Combined pilot rescue system in emergency situations included detachable foreward fuselage and ejection seat. This bailout was possible from free-falling detachable foreward fuselage overload 5-6cf and without separation of the detachable foreward fuselage with an overload to 18d. "

"The second ( "alternate") Su-17 at the time of liquidation of the OKB had readiness around 30%. "


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In my files,

there was two little projects developed from Sukhoi Su-33,the first was a Jammer
and the second was a Tanker aircraft,and they had two-seat,does anyone know
them ?.
My dear Flateric,

they wrote on the source, Su-54,maybe a magazine or book,I will check.
Do you understand that you'd get Air Force official approval to designate a military plane Su-**?
flateric said:
Do you understand that you'd get Air Force official approval to designate a military plane Su-**?

OK my dear,I will check and search to get that source,and leave you answer or ask them
about their source.
Also an Info need a confirm,

there was a Project from Su-34 intended to be AEW aircraft ?,or for naval uses.
From Авиация и космонавтика 2017-12,

here is a drawings Sukhoi S-3 with more details,and a strange drawing to S-28.


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From Авиация и космонавтика 2017-9,

here is a drawing to T-3A-9,and early T-37.


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