What if: Alf Faddy concept for long range single seat recon/fighter aircraft


ACCESS: Confidential
31 October 2022
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I referred to this elsewhere, but this is more of a speculative thread about it. Basically, it was a concept (though not much more) for a long range single seat recon aircraft that was envisioned as being superior to the Spitfire in that role, and capable of being developed into a fighter. All that's known to exist is a rough concept sketch and anticipated (if optimistic given that this was 1940) specs.

I'm also guessing maybe I'd like to open this up to, based on what little info is available, what would you do if the RAF was interested in the concept? From an imagination standpoint, it's probably helpful that our hindsight is basically 20/20 and this didn't get much further than Alf's concept sketch.

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As I said in the other thread this is neither innovative nor advanced and the quoted estimate of top speed is highly questionable. There were several other PR concepts discussed around this time by other manufacturers and they, too, were turned down as the performance of existing aircraft adapted for the role was quite adequate and did not involve significant disruption to the countries manufacturing capability.
I'm actually looking at this from the long range fighter perspective. Maybe (in theory) England could've had a long range bomber escort before the Merlin-powered Mustang. But that's pretty speculative (though that's a bit of why I made this thread), and, though it took a while, we got there with the Mustang.

However, I do hope that this is a a fun "what would you do" thread if you were in charge of producing this, be it as a recon plane or fighter.
OK, so the summer of 1940, the Battle of Britain commencing and the MAP focussed 100% on maximising production of existing fighter types. However, Supermarine, despite the pressure they are under, decide to transfer some of their limited design staff to work up Faddy's concept, at the obvious expense of high-priority work on Spitfire upgrades, Griffon Spitfires and new Seafire options. They take his sketches and do the basic structural and aero work to turn it into a viable project, that would take maybe 6 months and would almost certainly indicate that the estimates of speed and range were optimistic. However for some reason MAP agree that the project, now changed to a fighter, can progress, so with mock-up work, design and service conferences, something like another 18 months required to deal with details and build a prototype, actually almost certainly more as the Woolston and Itchen Works have both been bombed in Sept 1940. Nevertheless somehow all goes ahead and we are now in mid-1942 ready to fly the prototype. Provided there are no issues and the RAF give the thumbs-up then production approval can be granted before the end of the year. Where is it to be built? Which subcontractors will be taken off Spitfire work and retooled for the new fighter? Somehow this is resolved, but at the cost of a not insignificant drop in Spitfire deliveries, and production commences, with the first aircraft rolling off the line by the end of 1943 and the first service squadron ready to go by early 1944, just prior to D-Day. Would it truly be worth it for such a mundane aircraft?
I know that in truth, Faddy's plane wouldn't have been needed or probably much wanted. For photo recon duties, the PR Spitfires and later Mosquitoes did the job well, and for long range fighters, we eventually got the Merlin Mustangs that were also quite successful.

But I did post this thread mostly for speculative reasons. Namely, a "what would you do?" with the concept and/or how you'd evolve it. Sort of like say you're running a country that's allied with the Allies in World War II but want to limit reliance on purchasing foreign weapons system (ie, you want to be self reliant).

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