Various Italian aircraft

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26 May 2006
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Thanks my dears,
if anyone have a more informations or drawings please send it to us.
from Italy:
we know Reggiane Re.8000 was one hundard passengers flying boat,
Piaggio P.118 was single seat fighter similar to USA Bell P-39 in configuration,
it was proceed the P.119 fighter,two anther more projects based on P.119,
the P.129 with Daimler-Benz DB-605 engine and the P.132 with Piaggio P.XV
RC.60 engine as single seat fighters.

do you have drawings to them ?.

from Italy,little known aircraft:
Ambrosini SAI.8 :reconnaissance flying boat.
,, SAI.9 :reconnaissance bomber.
,, SAI.503 :improve version of SAI.403 single seat fighter.
Fiat CR.23 :fighter bomber.
Are you sure of the SAI.503? The improved model was to be the 404 iirc
From Italy,

For Regia,single engined attack aircraft, the rivals:
CANSA FC.12,Caproni Ca.355,Savoia SM.93 and Breda Ba.201.
and I mentioned that competition before also fot Regia,
twin engined reconniassance/attack aircraft,the rivals:Fiat CR.25,IMAM Ro-53,
Breda Ba-94 and Caproni Ca.150,Ca.160 and Ca.401.
the Caproni Ca.150 was developed into several projects,Ca.153,Ca.154,Ca.155
and Ca.156. do you any idea about them ?.
I can find pictures of all the attack aircraft with time.

SM.93 was a dive/torpedo bomber. Not really an attack aircraft like the others.

Fiat CR.25 was put into limited production, about 12 iirc, had good performance and excellent reliability. Used as a VIP transport and against Blenheims out of Malta.
Thanks Red Admiral,

yes the SM-93 was a twin engined dive bomber.
From Italy,
a very intersting competition I think most of the members don't know it;
for twin engined reconnaissance/bomber floatplane :CMASA RS-14,Caproni Ca.124,
Caproni-Reggiane Ca.410,Macchi MC.203,Piaggio P.110,IMAM Ro.55 and CANT Z-510.

do you know those projects ?.
sorry red admiral,

the Savoia SM-93 was a single engined dive bomber.
the Caproni Ca.153,Ca.154,Ca.155 and Ca.156 were twin engined fighters,
also Jona 11 was a twin engined fighter project,but do you know the CMASA
BS.12 multi-engined heavy bomber project ?.
also from Italy,

CANT Z-514 : a floatplane version of Z-1018 bomber.
CANSA FC.14 : a single engined attack aircraft developed from FC.12.
Fiat CR.44 :twin engined driven a one propeller single seat fighter project.
From Italy,

Caproni Ca.350 :two seat all metal single engined fighter.
Piaggio P.127 :six engined strategic heavy bomber (not airliner).
Savoia S-51 :single seat racer biplane,based on S-50 fighter.
From Italy,

Caproni-Vizzola F.7 :a light version of F.6 single seat fighter,powered
by 1175 hp Alfa 1000 RC 44-1a Monsonia engine,
project only.
Avia-Lombardi L-4 :twin engined light transport aircraft,powered by
a pair of CNA D.IV engines.
CMASA JS.54 :six engined civil flying boat was under development,
but never produced.
Fiat CR.44 by Santo Russo


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red admiral said:
Fiat CR.44 by Santo Russo

It looks like it had the same Issota-Franchessi (sp) "Zeta" engine that the proposed Re.2004 was to have had. Anyone have a three-view of this one?
Aeronautica Umbra 902

The speed estimate seems a little on the slow side.


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The Fiat CR44 - I've seen it mentioned as a dive bomber and as a fighter. Which was it?
Red Admiral,

Can you tell us a bit more about the SM.93
3-vieuw you presented us ?

The aircraft as it was built looks different , specilally in
the cockpit area.

Thanks in advance.
I think the differences arise because that is just an illustrative view focusing on armament options. Here is a more detailed 3-view.


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Re-2004 with Isotta-Fraschini Zeta would look similar to this. Modified from a picture of Re-2005

I also attach the Macchi C.207, a refined version of the C.206 with a DB603 engine, larger wing and 4x20mm cannon in the wing.


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sorry GTX I have not any more informations about MB-6 project.

we know CANT Z-507 was a torpedo bomber version of Z-506
and Z-512 was a float plane,but do you have a more informations
about the CANT Z-502 and Z-503 aircraft which were developed
from Z-501 ?.
red admiral said:

Re-2004 with Isotta-Fraschini Zeta would look similar to this. Modified from a picture of Re-2005

I also attach the Macchi C.207, a refined version of the C.206 with a DB603 engine, larger wing and 4x20mm cannon in the wing.

Very nice info there, thanks. Does anyone know if, post-WW II, Macchi looked at Merlin-powered derivatives of the MC-202/205/et al. series comparable to what Fiat did with the G.59?
From Italy,

Fiat CR.2 :single seat fighter biplane developed from CR.1 with a 200 hp Armstrong
Siddeley Lynx radial engine.
Fiat CR.5 :single seat fighter biplane developed from CR.1 with Alfa Romeo Jupiter
radial engine.
Fiat CR.10 :also developed from CR.1 as single seat fighter biplane with Fiat A.20
engine and cooled by two lamblin radiators.
Fiat G-5 :two seat cantilever low wing tourer/trainer aircraft,powered by one 135
hp Fiat A.54 radial engine.

have you any more information about Fiat G-22 racer/light aircraft ?.

no one knows Fiat G-22 ?!
Savoia S-65 :single seat racer aircraft of unconventional design,with
two engines installed fore and aft of the cockpit and
driving tractor and pusher propeller and it had a twin
booms.(look like exactly Dornier S.4) .
CANT Z-1008 :wooden construction version of Z-1007 three engined
Fiat R.700 :single seat racer biplane developed from BR series.
Savoia S.65 racer


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Thanks red admiral,

Fiat ARF :single seat racer aircraft.
IMAM Ro.25 and Ro.26 :single seat aerobatic trainer biplanes.
Caproni Ca.225 :two seat twin engined low-wing attack bomber,powered by
two 800 hp Isotta-Fraschini Delta R.C.1750 engines.
Caproni Ca.365 :developed from Ca.331 with increased wing span,higher loaded
weight and two 1250 hp Isotta-Franschini Zeta R.C.42 in-line
From Italy,

Breda Ba.26 :two seat promary trainer version of Ba.25,powered by
130 hp Walter NZ engine.
Macchi M.25 :three seat reconnaissance bomber flying boat version
M.24,powered by 510 hp Isotta-Fraschini Asso V-12
piston engines.
Also from Italy,

Macchi M.70 :two seat trainer/tourer biplane powered by one 85 hp
Colombo S.53 inline engine.
Macchi M.73 :two seat trainer aircraft developed from M.70,but powered
by 120 hp Colombo S.63 engine.
From Italy,

Caproni Ca.123 :twin engined low wing monoplane with fixed landing
gear as postal aircraft,a version of Ca.122.
Caproni Ca.205 :multi-engined long range heavy bomber monoplane.

Macchi M.26 :single seat biplane fighter flying boat,powered by 300 hp
Hispano-Suiza 42 engine.
Macchi M.40 :all metal equa-span biplane,it was catapult reconnaissance
seaplane powered by one 380 hp Fiat A.20.
Macchi M.71 :developed from M.41 as single seat biplane fighter flying
boat powered by 420 hp Fiat A.20 engine.
From Italy,

CRDA Cant-2 and Cant-11 :a racer flying boats to Schneider contest.
Caproni Ca.602 :was two seat trainer biplane powered by one Alfa-
Romeo inline engine.
Caproni Ca.603 :was single seat aerobatic biplane version, also powered
by Alfa-Romeo inline engine.
Little known aircraft;

Italy aircraft:
Gabardini G.4 :single seat trainer biplane,powered by 120 hp Le Rhone
rotary engine.
Gabardini G.6 :two seat advanced trainer biplane,also powered by 120
hp Le Rhone rotary engine.

some aircraft from Italy,but I don't know the engines to them:
Agusta Ag.2 :small parasol wing monoplane light aircraft, of 1927
powered by single engine.
Antoni (Guido Antoni) aircraft of 1923 :an experimental aircraft with
variable camber wing.
CRDA Cant-38 :was a seaplane reconnaissance bomber biplane.
Thanks my dear Jemiba,

from Italy:

Savoia-Marchetti S.63 :twin engined flying boat a version of S.55.
,, ,, S.53 :single engined civil flying boat a version of S.16.
hesham said:
dear Pioneer, I think it was Finland.

Oscar (Hungary) AH-4 :was the fourth helicopter developed by that designer
powered by 110 hp Cleget rotary engine driving coaxial rotors.
D'Ascanio (Italy) helicopter of 1930s :experimental light helicopter powered by
one 95 hp Fiat engine driving coaxial rotors.
Florine (Belgium) :experimental helicopter was built and flown in 1933,no more

Hi hesham!

I found a photo of D'Ascanio's 1930's helicopter!



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Hi hesham!

Here's a photo of the same helicopter in flight!



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Thanks Chuck

elmayerle said:
Very nice info there, thanks. Does anyone know if, post-WW II, Macchi looked at Merlin-powered derivatives of the MC-202/205/et al. series comparable to what Fiat did with the G.59?
It probably says something that I'm answering myself 6-1/2 years later. I don't know the exact provenance of the data used, but ItalianKits does produce a MC.205M conversion kit to make a Merlin-powered derivative of the MC.205V. I have to wonder where they got their data.
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