This is hilariously funny...

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german Humor

Russian space station modules are silly.

Look at Nauka.

Just after it docked to the ISS, it atempted an audacious manoeuver to pull away and steal the Russian segment they want to use as basis for their future station.
Alas, Nauka sneak manoeuver failed.
The reason ?
Wrong gear !
To pull away the Russian segment, it should have gone into rear gear. Instead it slammed the accelerator in first gear and thus pushed into the ISS, that idiot.
I think I found the problem with their module...

View attachment 661874

V-2s ran on alcohol fuel... and so did the R-1 rocket (AFAIK).
V-2s ran on alcohol fuel... and so did the R-1 rocket (AFAIK).
actually V2 run on mixture of industrial alcohol and water, hey oxygen burns with everything
so far i known the Story the Soviets had issues of insufficiently quantity of industrial alcohol
so they took that had similar characteristic but in available large quantity: VODKA

so the Story.
V-2s ran on alcohol fuel... and so did the R-1 rocket (AFAIK).
actually V2 run on mixture of industrial alcohol and water, hey oxygen burns with everything
so far i known the Story the Soviets had issues of insufficiently quantity of industrial alcohol
so they took that had similar characteristic but in available large quantity: VODKA

so the Story.
The V-2 used 150 proof ethanol with LOX as the oxidizer. I think the Russians did the same. That would make these the world's largest vodka bottles!
V-2s ran on alcohol fuel... and so did the R-1 rocket (AFAIK).
actually V2 run on mixture of industrial alcohol and water, hey oxygen burns with everything
so far i known the Story the Soviets had issues of insufficiently quantity of industrial alcohol
so they took that had similar characteristic but in available large quantity: VODKA

so the Story.
The V-2 used 150 proof ethanol with LOX as the oxidizer. I think the Russians did the same. That would make these the world's largest vodka bottles!

Even better than that: the world's largest FLYING vodka bottles

on mixture of industrial alcohol and water

I didn't knew water and alcohol could be mixed. Pernod Ricard kept telling me to put water in their beverage, but I dismissed them as fools.

Maybe they were right in the end ? Maybe I should give it a try ?:p

In the immortal words of Renaud "c'est seulement quand j'fait des mélanges. Si on me met d'leau dans mon Ricard, par exemple." (Don't know why, when my alcoholic beverage is of the mixed kind, it gets worse. Case in point: mixing Ricard with water)

The song title speak volume: POCHTRON (drunkard)


Best line
"J'me souviens même plus ce qu'on fêtait / mais on a pas bu trop de tisane / c'matin j'ai une casquette plombée sur le crâne !"

"I can't even remember what we celebrated / but for sure, we didn't drank herbal teas / this morning, I have a led cap on my brain"
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A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer

A mathematician, physicist, and engineer are all trying to find the volume of a yellow bouncy ball.

The mathematician gets his callipers out and measures the diameter, then evaluates the integral.

The physicist fetches a bowl of water, drops the ball in and measures the displacement.

The engineer strolls up with book in hand, checks for a serial number and looks up the volume in his yellow bouncy ball table.
Hypothesis: all uneven numbers > 1 are prime numbers.
Mathematician: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime. Proof by extrapolation.
Engineer: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is measuring error, 11 is prime, 13 is prime...
Programmer: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime, 7 is prime...

Someday in the not too distant future, you will be able to fire up an AI program, tell it "give me a mashup of David Lynch's 'Dune' with 'The Great Lebowski'," and it'll process for a bit and spit out a serviceable copy of just that. Someday a little further down the line, ask the same thing of a later generation of the AI, and it'll spit out a *good* copy of that.
At Jacob Desvarieux burial, the pall bearers started dancing with his coffin on their shoulders.'

When we saw that in the news, my girlfriend was laughing. In turn, I told him that joke I red in a novel.

One Russian / Polish / slavic colorfoul character dies way, way too young. His heartbroken, equally colorfoul friends bury him and from time to time they go visit his grave.
Guess what they do to celebrate his memory ?

They bring a bottle of vodka, have a toast between them. Then one takes his glass and empty it on the grave.
The vodka of course is absorbed by the soil.
Then one of them says

"See ? He may be dead, he remains a fast drinker."

"Il a toujours une bonne descente. On peut l'applaudir"

"May be dead, still hitting the sauce. Congrats to him."
"With so many people pretending to capture De Gaulle legacy since 1970 and his death, EDF / Engie (France national electricity company) just had a wonderful idea.
Le Général is spinning in his grave, so fast, that they just plugged a dynamo into his grave and voilà, they got a crapton of electricity for free. They are thinking of patenting the invention. Also works well with Che Guevara."


One woman dies and now face Saint Peter for the decisive choice - Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell.
She asks Saint Peter "Have you seen my late husband ?
Peter sight "we have ten billions souls between all three places. I need something significant to recognize him.
"Hmmm... wait a minute. Oh, he once told me, if I die before you and you slept with other men after my death, I may spin into my grave, you know."
Saint Peter face illuminates in joy.
He passes a phone call and is heard saying "Hey, SPINNER, your wife there at least !"


Saint Peter brings a man's soul in a roundtrip to Heavens, Purgatory, and Hell. In the latter place they see a seemingly happy men with a beautiful naked woman and a bottle of the best, finest wine.

The man says "Whaaat ? how can this be Hell ?

Saint Peter sighs. "Don't be fooled by Satan shenanigans. The bottle has a hole, the woman has none."


When Snow White went to heavens and they checked her virginity, they couldn't made a decision. They found only seven tiny holes, no larger than a needle....

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Looks like Hollywood is rebooting that old "Holy grail" obscure movie from the 70's. I'm so excited ! The first trailer has just been released.

Very promising... perhaps better than John Boorman old time classic - Excalibur. Which sounds terribly dated in comparison. The casting looks awesome !


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Maybe not hilariously funny but you do have to admire their approach to death:

Residents in the town of Tisdale, Saskatchewan (population 3,000) watched in astonishment on 31 July as a bright red helicopter descended on the parking lot near the town’s only Dairy Queen, blowing up clouds of dust and debris as it touched down.
Initially, some residents thought the chopper – painted the same colour as the province’s air ambulances – was on the scene for a medical emergency.
But when the town’s mayor saw the passenger leave the restaurant with an ice cream cake, he realized the aircraft had a different mission.
Picture and more details below :


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Residents in the town of Tisdale, Saskatchewan (population 3,000) watched in astonishment on 31 July as a bright red helicopter descended on the parking lot near the town’s only Dairy Queen, blowing up clouds of dust and debris as it touched down.
Initially, some residents thought the chopper – painted the same colour as the province’s air ambulances – was on the scene for a medical emergency.
But when the town’s mayor saw the passenger leave the restaurant with an ice cream cake, he realized the aircraft had a different mission.

Tabernacle !!
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