This is hilariously funny...

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yes yes...
"to rise from the dead" that right
but you confuse me with somebody else...

For Susan please !


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I didn't notice the name Tim and was very confused about how this was related to the dish
For no particular reason I have this peculiar scene from "Les visiteurs" stuck in my head.

Fat Monk "We gonna practice an exorcism on that witch ! First, by ripping her tongue,bit by bit"

Jacquouille "And get her stomach eaten by rats"

Comte de Montmirail (riding on his horse) "No torture of women on my fiefdom. Just burning her alive will be enough."
(la brûler vive suffira !)
It kills me, every time.


The witch (preparing a betrayal) "Thank you, my lord, to be so merciful" (note what happens when she spits !)

ROTFLMAO When I was a kid we had a old pussy (a female cat !) with the name of Missette.

My mom was putting the contraceptive pill into a bit of pâté to try and fool her. Well... it never worked. The bloody thing ate the pâté and spat the pill.

As for her two daughters - two younger female cats named Pistache and Reglisse - it was worse.
The pills hormonas had somewhat fried their brains and drove them crazy like drug addicts.
When that time of the month come, they went crazy and made my mother life a misery - attacking, meowing day and night, pursuing her...

They were just bonkers - one can wonder what the heck did they put in the goddam pills, aside contraception.

Very remarquably, without their pills the two female cats turned somewhat lesbians - they spent the entire day glued to each other, head to arse in the shape of a 69. I still remember my mom - an old school catholic but with some good sense of humor - shaking her head in disbelief and shock. "Oh geez, time for the pill, the two cats have turned lesbian once again !"
IRS Insists Man is Dead - Won't Pay $10K He's Owed


When my mother's second husband died, she tried to get Vodafone to change the account, which had been in both their names, to be in her name only. They demanded that he sign a document confirming that he was dead.

My own experience with them was like the Dead Parrot Sketch, but not funny, and spread over weeks, and there was no Colonel.

"Russian man 'trapped' on Chinese reality TV show finally voted out after three months

Vladislav Ivanov says he regretted his decision to join Produce Camp 2021 but fans refused to vote him out

A Russian man who joined a boyband competition show on Chinese TV on a whim but quickly regretted his decision has finally been released from his ordeal after making it all the way to the final.

Vladislav Ivanov, a 27-year-old part-time model from Vladivostok, was working on the show Produce Camp 2021 as a translator when producers reportedly noticed his good looks and asked him to sign up as a contestant.

Ivanov told the programme he had been asked “if I’d like to try a new life” and agreed, but quickly came to regret the decision. Unable to leave on his own without breaching his contract and paying a fine, he instead begged viewers to send him home and deliberately performed poorly in the hope of being voted off.

The programme concept, which originated in Korea, pits young performers against each other to train and eventually form an 11-member international boyband, chosen by a voting public. Ivanov and his fellow contestants were sequestered in dorm rooms on Hainan island and their phones reportedly confiscated.

Using the stage name Lelush, Ivanov told viewers “don’t love me, you’ll get no results”, and repeatedly pleaded with people not to vote for him. His first song was a half-hearted Russian rap, in stark contrast to the high-pop of his competitors. “Please don’t make me go to the finals, I’m tired,” he said in a later episode.

“I hope the judges won’t support me. While the others want to get an A, I want to get an F as it stands for freedom,” the South China Morning Post reported him as saying.

His pleas went unanswered, however, and he was propelled through three months of competition and 10 episodes, plus supplemental digital content.
A fanbase which had taken to his grumpy, anti-celebrity persona, or were perhaps driven by schadenfreude, urged each other to vote for him and “let him 996!” in reference to China’s digital industry culture of chronic overwork - 9am to 9pm, six days a week.

Others called him “the most miserable wage slave”, and celebrated him as an icon of “Sang culture”, a Chinese millennial concept of having a defeatist attitude toward life..............

A Weibo hashtag related to his departure was viewed more than 180m times and reposted more than 59,000 times, including by the Russian embassy.
“Congrats, have a good rest,” the embassy said."
One of the weirdest moments in French TV recent history. You don't really need to understand french to see that something went very, very wrong that day.


Basically: one women in the public (Nassima, the one in pink) had a laugh partly like a machine-gun, partly like a turkey.

Ten minutes later, the entire show laid in ruins with everybody dying of incontrolable laughter.


What aggravated the matter was that Dominique Farrugia also has a weird laugh, more like a seal.

At some point the two laughs just collides: turkey-laugh versus seal-laugh.

From 6 minute in the video to the end, it is just complete madness.

It is like a crazy, well-oiled mechanism:
- Laurent Deutsch (the young guy in brown) put a joke
- Nassima burst into incontrollable laughter
- even more uncontrollable because she has never been live on TV before
- the more she becames nervous, the more uncontrollable laughter
- the laughter spreads to all people in the studio
- including Farrugia and his peculiar laugh (huuuuh... huuuuh... huuuuh !)
- which kills the last people trying to resist

And then things cool down a little...

- And mischievous Laurent Deutsch start all over again
(rinse, repeat)

At 7:30 in the video, it is no longer a TV studio, but rather a zoo...

kakakakakakakaku - huh, huh, huh, huh... kakakakakakakakakuuuuuu ! huh huh huh...

Listen carefuly: 8:20 and 8:56 she sounds like a car horn honking
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Okay... I found this gem randomly on Youtube. I laughed so hard I nearly passed out and fell from my chair. Pure gold, the way he concludes "saaaaad" kills me - every time.


Seriously: imagine if Serkis had had a daily chronicle from November 2016 to January 2021, reading Trump "best" tweets with Gollum voice.

The world would have been a slightly better place.
And he did it again with Theresa May and Brexit.

This is kind of weird if not a little scary. Dear gosh, Serkis is a true genius. Somebody help I can't breath anymore !

More seriously - what Serkis perfectly nailed here is how Gollum skizophrenia perfectly mirrored May and Great Britain endless agonizing over Brexit.

"we must get out of the EU
"but it will be so hard for people ! maybe a second referendum... ?
"no no no ! people voted so brexit is a go "

We shall all remind Serkis defunct cat Dizz. He was the one who gave us Gollum - by vomiting fur balls in front of his master. LMAO.
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