Tachikawa Ki-74 and it's unbuilt variants


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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Hi next pictures!


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And more pictures.


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Hi! Cockpit structure taken from the nose and front wind shield.
You can see offset wind shield and reinforcement bar to withstand cockpit inner pressure in the first picture.
Cabin pressurising air was intercooler cooling air (after cooling hot air).



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Hi Alcides san! Thank you for your attention. I will give you some more information about Ki-74. Please wait.
Source : Gakken "大戦末期 航空決戦兵器 (Late war aerial battle weapons)" ISBN4-05-604536-4
I think that the technology which applied to the Ki-74 was very useful for Fugaku design at the day.
Nakajima asked Tachikawa to deliver pressurized cabin technology for Ki-87Ⅱdesign.


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We can see turbo charger exhaust gas outlet and turbo charger bypass exhaust gas outlet in these pictures.


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Great pictures Balckkite-san! I believe that picture 3 of your first post is the only known photograph of the finished Ki-74 cockpit.
Fascinating collection of photos — some quite rare — of an ugly but so fascinating type! Thanks a lot for this treasure.
Hi! Ki-74 brief history(1/2).


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Hi! Ki-74 and Ki-77.(Same scale)


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the Tachikawa Ki-74 in detail for front section.



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Thanks a lot my dear hesham.
Ki-74's engine was turbo charged Nakajima HA-211ru Homare with forced cooling fan. ;)
Also Ki-74 had a pressurized cabin and remote controled tail turret. Ki-74 was a very advanced aircraft in Japan at the day.
Nakajima aircraft asked Tachikawa to deliver pressurized cabin technology for Fugaku bomber.
I imagine that Nakajima also asked Tachikawa to deliver remote control turret technology for Fugaku bomber,too.


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Oh engines are running. :eek: Tail shape looks like B-17.
A sight and shooting of a tail remote machine gun were Leonard system through a self synchronizing motor.
ACG : AC generator?
SM : Self synchronizing motor?
M : Motor?
CM : Charge motor?
LG : Some kind of generator?
LM : Some kind of electric equipment?
Someone please help me. :-[

砲架 : Saddle and body、照準架 : Sighter body、照準器 : Sight、発射電磁石 : Firing Electromagnet、引鉄 : Trigger、主配電盤 : Main Switchboard、継電器 : Rejay、発射 : Firing、運転 : Operation、操縦器 : Controls、修正装置 : Compensator

SM1 : Turning control motor
SM2 : Turning control motor
SM3 : Elevation control motor
SM4 : Elevation control motor
LM1 : Turning movement limitation circuit breaker
LM2 : Turning angle transmitter
LM3 : Elevation movement limitation circuit breaker
LM4 : Elevation angle transmitter
LG1,LG2 : ?


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LM could stand for linear motor. Why would the abbreviations be in English? ???
Winston said:
LM could stand for linear motor. Why would the abbreviations be in English? ???

Perhaps because Japanese didn't have the required words and once established in the Japanese industry, the abbreviations just followed on?
Kadija_Man said:
Winston said:
LM could stand for linear motor. Why would the abbreviations be in English? ???

Perhaps because Japanese didn't have the required words and once established in the Japanese industry, the abbreviations just followed on?
Good guess! Thanks.
I tried to translate these Japanese Kanji into English.

Source : ISBN4-05-604536-4 ”The Pacific War last years Air decisive battle weapon” Gakken, 15/11/2006

寫眞第一圖 : No.1 picture
砲架 : Saddle and body、發射電磁石: Firing Electromagnet、平行傅動桿 : Parallel transmission rod、旋回歯車装置 : Turning gear、旋回角度発信器 : Turning angle transmitter、旋回操縦電動機 : Turning motor、俯仰角度発信器 : angle of elevation transmitter、装填電動機 : Charging motor、装填用歯車装置 Charging geae、砲側接續筐 : Gun side connection steel case、

寫眞第二圖 : No.2 picture
駐退器 : Recoil brake、揺架 : Cradle、俯仰歯車機構: Elevation gear mechanism、旋回俯仰操縦電動機 Turning Elevation control motor

寫眞第三圖 : No.3 picture
俯仰歯車装置及運動制限開閉器 : Elevation gear and movement limitation circuit breaker、操作盤 : Control panel、旋回操縦電動機 : Turning control motor、電動発電機 : Electric drive generator

寫眞第四圖 : No.4 picture
照準機 : Sight、俯仰操縦電動機 : Elevation control motor、旋回歯車装置及運動制限開閉器 : Turning gear and movement limitation circuit breaker 、平行傅動桿: Parallel transmission rod、俯仰及旋回角度指示器 : Elevation angle and turning angle indicator、眼鏡 : Spectacles、距離調定輪 : Distance settlement ring?、眼鏡修正器 : Spectacles compensator、操縦器 : Controls


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1. Bomber seat, 2. Bombing controller, 3. Ten-type bombing sight, 4. Bomber seat switchboard, 5. Astronomical observation window, 6. Small aerial camera
7. Bomber pillow, 8. Bomber seat, 9. Pitot tube, 10. Autopilot, 11. Sextant, 12. Cockpit main instrument panel, 13. Pilot seat, 14. Engine control lever
15. Rudder operation handle, 16. Cockpit switchboard, 17. Fuel cock control lever, 18. Engine control lever, 19. Main switchboard, 20. Vice pilot instrument panel
21. Co-pilot seat, 22. Antenna support, 23. Antenna, 24. Tail gun gun sight, 25. Crew exit, 26. Oil storage tank, 27. Radio operator desk, 28. Long-distance radio
29. Short-distance radio, 30. Frame type antenna, 31. Bomb bay door, 32. Direction detector receiver, 33. Pressurizer operation panel,
34. Pressure chamber rear end door, 35. Passenger doorway, 36. Bomb bay open / close motor, 37. Oxygen cylinder, 38. Automatic aerial camera,
39. Hanging antenna twine, 40. Hanging antenna post, 41. Tail wheel, 42. Tail leg cushion, 43. Tail wheel storage position, 44.12.7mm machine gun magazine,
45.12.7 mm machine gun (Ho103), 46. Inter cooler, 47. air filter, 48. Third fuel tank, 49. Lubricating oil tank, 50. Main wing girder, 51. First fuel tank inlet,
52. Second fuel tank inlet, 53. Third fuel tank inlet, 54. Auxiliary injection tank
55. Second fuel tank, 56. Lubricating oil tank inlet, 57. Main wheel storage position, 58. Main leg storage position, 59. Main wheel,
60. Inner and outer wing main girder fittings 61. Aileron correction tab, 62. Flap, 63. Inner aileron, 64. Outer aileron, 65. Fourth fuel tank,
66. Forth fuel tank inlet, 67. Fifth fuel tank, 68. Fifth fuel tank inlet, 69. Wing tip light 70. Cascade light, 71. Wing tip cover, 72. Rudder
73. Rudder correction tab, 74. Elevator, 75. Elevator correction tab
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Of the 16 prototypes constructed, were any of them the Ki-74-II otsu? This one had a payload of 2000 kg
Ki 74-II
A long-range bomber type that was developed in April 1944. This machine was also called "Ya-Go." The scale of the aircraft was expanded to a total length of 20. 0 m, a total width of 29. 6 m, and a total height of 5. 5 m, and the engine became the Mitsubishi "Ha 211 Le". The fuselage has also been redesigned, the pressurized cabin became only at the nose part. The cockpit shifted to the front, smoothly connected to the fuselage, resembling a normal double-seat bomber. There are 7 passengers. Due to the work delay caused by the air raid and the evacuation, only the mockup was produced and the war ended.

Ki 74-Ⅱ Type A(Ko)

A mainland US bombing plane with an emphasis on long range cruising performance. The number of crews was reduced to three, and the total fuel capacity was increased to 12,000 liters by using only two 500 kg bombs. The cruising range was planned to be 8,000 km, and it was supposed to make a one-way attack against the mainland US. Completion of the first prototype was scheduled for August 1944.

Ki 74-Ⅱ Type B(Otsu)
A type that emphasizes the amount of bombs loaded. The cruising range is inferior to the Type A, but it was possible to carry bombs up to 2,000 kg. The first prototype was scheduled for completion in October 1944.

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