Suggested projects for the future

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The first jet picture is a speculative (very speculative) drawing of the Caproni-Campini N.1 from 1940 after it was announced as being the first jet aircraft to fly.
Nice advert. Not entirely sure the big flying wing was a pucker project but a futuristic craft to emphasise Westland's non-stereotypical design work they claim in the advert.

hesham said:
and transport aircraft;
The freight transport above (twin-boom 1943 for me!) is detailed at
with also a loading view
But from your source (front page and last/third page as well), I desperately look for the company of the designers/authors: C.A.H. Pollitt and J.H. Laver. From USA or England (is Flight British?)? Just individual enthusiasts or journalists? Google finds the aviation-focused CAH Pollitt as author of a 1940 book published by Leicester:!68940!0
and a 1949 article:
Can someone helps me understanding?
My dear Tophe,

I think they were British ,because most of the projects look like
the well known British companies,for example the first page project
was similar to Airspeed projects.

And here is some transport aircraft.


  • Transport aircraft  projects.JPG
    Transport aircraft projects.JPG
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Thanks for this one also, but is it in the past part of 1942 (possibly 1938 design) or in the future part of 1942 (1942 design)?


  • Pursuit airplane.JPG
    Pursuit airplane.JPG
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  • Bomber.JPG
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hesham said:
the Pilot's ideas for light trainer aircraft.
What is the name of the pilot/designer? Page 1 of this article is at
and says only "by Ex R.F.C"... someone that was in the Royal Flying Club? anonymous?
RFC would be for Royal Flying Corps. No hint of an author's name that I could see, though
Tophe said:
hesham said:
the Pilot's ideas for light trainer aircraft.
What is the name of the pilot/designer? Page 1 of this article is at
and says only "by Ex R.F.C"... someone that was in the Royal Flying Club? anonymous?

Tophe, anonymous articles were not uncommon, it was a way of stating opinion without repercussion.

Something to bear in mind with many of these designs Hesham posts, they are not actual designs,
many aren't even deserving of the term concept, rather they are simply explorations of possibility or an expression
of an individual's opinion of the perfect solution for a given problem.

Flight, nowadays Flight International, is indeed a British publication.

Thanks! ;D
I have updated my page
with a scale drawing of these ones:
hesham said:

a comfortable airliner aircraft.

It seems to me that it's not supposed to represent a specific project but rather a "generic" aircraft for promotional material for aircraft air conditioning systems.
Yes indeed.That 's just the problem with 'advertisement aircraft'
Everyone see's something in these kind of illustrations but it seldom comes to a name or designation.
Maybe it should be better to open a new chapter about that theme...
I suggest to move all that "ad concept designs" to Scale Modelling CGI... or Aerospace sub-fora because most of it aren't real unbuilt projects.

a method of carrying an undercarriage-less aircraft on powered pontoons.


  • floatplane.JPG
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a method of carrying an undercarriage-less aircraft on powered pontoons.

That's from Flight archives?. Could you please post the reference?

Thanks a lot :)
Well, Hesham's right, it's from
Interesting article from 1939, advocating the "indestructible airfield" called water surface
and the remedy to the weight penalty of aircraft fitted with an undercarriage.
Both points came up again, although for quite a short time only, after the war, but were
already about 10 years old then !
Oh sorry,

I forget to put the page number from Flightglobal.

Anther suggeted aircraft,but I don't know it was just jet transport aircraft
or jet flying boat project !.


  • jet aircraft.JPG
    jet aircraft.JPG
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We could speculate about the shape of the fins, which looks a little bit a
made by de Havlland, but probably it's just an illustration for an advert
by Cellon Ltd., Kingston-On-Thames, a company, which seem to have produced
some kind of cellon-based paints ...
And the artist seem not to have been very familiar with aviation, as the registration
on the right wing points in the wrong direction, I think. ;)
Jemiba said:
We could speculate about the shape of the fins, which looks a little bit a
made by de Havlland, but probably it's just an illustration for an advert
by Cellon Ltd., Kingston-On-Thames, a company, which seem to have produced
some kind of cellon-based paints ...
And the artist seem not to have been very familiar with aviation, as the registration
on the right wing points in the wrong direction, I think. ;)

the absence of air intakes for the jet engines is also surprising, though not as surprisig as the Christmas tree on the starboard leading edge ;)


  • suggested for new fighter concept.JPG
    suggested for new fighter concept.JPG
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"auxilary jettisonable rotor" for fighter? Funny... I had imagined/drawn such P-38s, but as helicopter/autogyro hybrids... not as full high speed aircraft after cruise with a rotor... This is more funny than most pictures in History books. Thanks.
The Dornier project is described at Minidocavia num 22 ;)
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