MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. Russia’s Energia Rocket and Space Corporation patented a suborbital spacecraft for flights of space tourists and high-altitude parachute jumps, the Federal Industrial Property Institute said in the invention patent (available with TASS).

"The group of inventions pertains to control and design of multiple-use spacecraft with the vertical takeoff and landing, which can be used for space tourism, high-altitude parachute jumping and other things," the document says.

The maximal spacecraft speed during descending will not be above 1 km per second owing to the design, developers say. "Therefore, thermal loads will be insignificant," they noted.

The developed spacecraft will also make possible to increase the altitude of parachute jumping to almost 100 km.
Ah yes. So much more likely than a cock-up in manufacturing. First deep-vein thrombosis, then unrequited love. Evidence?
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Ah yes. So much more likely than a cock-up in manufacturing. First deep-vein thrombosis, then unrequited love. Evidence?

Delve into it. The whole thing is strange. Ruskies sure know how to goof up stuff at times but this event was bizarre from start to finish and there is more to it than is let on. I dont know exactly what, but it is very odd.
I did. Why the change of story from Roscosmos?
<edit> Roscosmos not necessarily the source of the rumours, but 'officials' quoted by TASS, RIA Novosti.
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As much as i count Rogozin as a fool, thanks god Roscosmos never blamed astronauts for that hole. Never. Futhermore, cosmonauts during EVA cut off thermal and meteor shield and found that hole is closed from the outside with some sort of sealant substance.

This whole story is a product of our domestic media.
I've read the hole was made from the inside and couldn't have been made after the vacuum tests which is absurd. I have never heard of the discovery you mention when they did do their EVAs.
I've read the hole was made from the inside and couldn't have been made after the vacuum tests which is absurd. I have never heard of the discovery you mention when they did do their EVAs.
This was reported by the state-owned agency TASS:

So, guys, just distinguish official Russian statements from the Russian stupid journalists claims and cool stories. But i see Western journalists aren't any better than ours, using this bull**** story made up by their Russian colleagues to make the new cool story, "Russia threatens".
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The third test flight of Angara 5 went good for Khrunichev
not so go went for RSC Energia third stage Persei who failed to ignite in orbit.

with testing of 16 universal rocket modules, seems the Angara is now qualified

Sources: Twitter
Hope they get it all figured out. I know they have had issues with other upper stage buses before. I love the angara rocket.
However, under Rogozin's tenure, Roscosmos has seen its fortunes diminish. There have been public embarrassments aplenty. For example, After he previously mocked NASA for not having its own means of transporting its astronauts into space, Rogozin was forced to eat his words following SpaceX's Crew Dragon flight in 2020.

In December, a state-aligned newspaper published a devastating essay on the performance of Roscosmos since Rogozin took over as its leader in May 2018. It characterized a wasteful, increasingly decrepit enterprise where almost no money is being invested into the present or future. Instead, the focus seems to be providing high-paying jobs for a handful of technocrats, with Rogozin at the top.

The article cited "serious leadership weakness" at Roscosmos and said the country's once glorious space program is "rotting from within."

For all of this, however, Rogozin's salary has increased substantially during his time at Roscosmos. His salary information comes from Transparency International and is based on conversion rates at the beginning of each year. During the most recent year for which salary data is available, 2020, Rogozin was paid $1.3 million—and this does not include perks of the job, such as four vehicles, real estate holdings, spousal pay, and possibly off-the-books income. Before his imprisonment, Russian critic Alexei Navalny released an investigation of Rogozin and the corruption at Roscosmos that delves into some of these benefits.
He is such a disgrace and an idiot. I hated his fat corrupt ass before he ran Roscosmos off the deep end and i hate him even more now. Russia has so much history and so much potential in space exploration but it is all wasted with this imbecile at the helm.
He is such a disgrace and an idiot. I hated his fat corrupt ass before he ran Roscosmos off the deep end and i hate him even more now. Russia has so much history and so much potential in space exploration but it is all wasted with this imbecile at the helm.
Even long time space reporters in Russia who generally have been supportive of the country's space program are now muzzled by strict laws recently enacted by Putin. Considering that whoever follows him will likely be a hand picked stooge with a similar ideology, I dont see things improving at all in the next few years. :mad:

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There were lots of leaks and it's why there was a clamp down. Also that paper quotes Navalny. He is a western plant, essentially. So any papers that quote him or write hagiographies about him I dont look fondly on.

Rogozin needs to go, tho.
Rogozin is still in place. Who put him there anyway?
By far most Roscosmos problems started way before Rogozin. And quite a few of them became less after his (in fact relatively recent) arrival. Saying that I have no sympathy to the man is an understatement, but blaming everything on him is counterproductive.
On Wednesday morning, the sprawling Russian corporation that oversees the country's space activities, Roscosmos, issued a statement from its general director on Twitter that appeared to speak both to NASA as well as Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

"We value highly our professional relations with NASA, but as an (ethnic) Russian and a citizen of Russia I am very unhappy with the openly hostile policy of the USA toward my country," said the statement by Dmitry Rogozin, who heads Russian space policy and interfaces directly with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

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So far, the partnership appears to be weathering these concerns. At a seminar on Wednesday, Valda Vikmanis-Keller, who directs the Office of Space Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental Scientific Affairs for the US State Department, said relations are ongoing. Two NASA astronauts are presently training in Russia, with five more scheduled to go, while three Russian cosmonauts are training in Houston, Vikmanis-Keller said. European officials said relations on joint spaceflight projects are continuing.

And a spokeswoman for NASA's Bill Nelson, Jackie McGuinness, told Ars, "NASA continues working with Roscosmos and our other international partners in Canada, Europe, and Japan to maintain safe and continuous International Space Station operations."
My guess is that lots of folks were jealous of the chief I don't think it was attrition alone. Milspace rose in the US, struggling to find a voice Russia lost to the echos off the Aral sea. An investment there would be a more positive return to power.
On Wednesday morning, the sprawling Russian corporation that oversees the country's space activities, Roscosmos, issued a statement from its general director on Twitter that appeared to speak both to NASA as well as Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

"We value highly our professional relations with NASA, but as an (ethnic) Russian and a citizen of Russia I am very unhappy with the openly hostile policy of the USA toward my country," said the statement by Dmitry Rogozin, who heads Russian space policy and interfaces directly with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

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So far, the partnership appears to be weathering these concerns. At a seminar on Wednesday, Valda Vikmanis-Keller, who directs the Office of Space Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental Scientific Affairs for the US State Department, said relations are ongoing. Two NASA astronauts are presently training in Russia, with five more scheduled to go, while three Russian cosmonauts are training in Houston, Vikmanis-Keller said. European officials said relations on joint spaceflight projects are continuing.

And a spokeswoman for NASA's Bill Nelson, Jackie McGuinness, told Ars, "NASA continues working with Roscosmos and our other international partners in Canada, Europe, and Japan to maintain safe and continuous International Space Station operations."
Ain't that nice.....
He secretly hopes Putin will quit cutting him if he is hostile to NASA now.

It won’t work.
MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/. Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos will halt the deliveries of rocket engines to the United States in response to anti-Russia sanctions, Roscosmos Chief Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel on Thursday.

The ban applies to RD-180 engines that are used on US Atlas V launch vehicles as the main propulsion systems and RD-181 thrusters operated as the first stage of Antares rockets, the Roscosmos chief specified.

"As of today, there were plans to deliver an additional 12 RD-181 engines in 2022-2024 and talks were also held with the United States on the delivery of RD-181M engines with improved operational characteristics but we believe that in this situation we can no longer supply the United States with our best engines," the Roscosmos head said.

The United Launch Alliance — one of two launch providers certified to fly national security space launches — carries the RD-180 on its Atlas V rocket, which the company is set to retire in 2025. The company has said it has enough engines on hand to power the remaining scheduled Atlas V launches.

Kendall noted that the purpose of DoD’s strategy — which he played a significant role in crafting in his former role as Pentagon acquisition chief — was to eliminate dependencies on Russia.

“The whole point of the program we put in place several years ago was to work our way off of the RD-180,” he said. “Other suppliers like SpaceX, for example, have come on board. ULA is moving towards a different solution that doesn’t involve the [RD-180]. I think our launch needs will be met.”
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MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/. Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos will halt the deliveries of rocket engines to the United States in response to anti-Russia sanctions, Roscosmos Chief Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel on Thursday.

The ban applies to RD-180 engines that are used on US Atlas V launch vehicles as the main propulsion systems and RD-181 thrusters operated as the first stage of Antares rockets, the Roscosmos chief specified.

"As of today, there were plans to deliver an additional 12 RD-181 engines in 2022-2024 and talks were also held with the United States on the delivery of RD-181M engines with improved operational characteristics but we believe that in this situation we can no longer supply the United States with our best engines," the Roscosmos head said.

Meanwhile, Aerojet blows the dust off of the AR-1...

Atlas V is almost finished with EELV launches, so other than Starliner not many more RD-180's were needed. It's not like we never considered the risk of the loss of supply for RD-180's. Oh wait we did, it was like the very first risk we put on the register when I was in the EELV systems engineering shop over a decade ago.

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