
But Dad, don't we EAT the antelopes?
2 December 2007
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Posted in yesterday:

Dear Members of,

Once again, I am afraid it is my sad duty to inform you of the saddest news of all in this dark year of devastating loss for the aviation history fraternity.

After a 22 year battle with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, our dear friend and close colleague Jim Lansdale passed away on the morning of Wednesday October 24, 2018 surrounded by family. As his wife Carol informs us, "He fought the good fight up until the end."

Jim's contributions over the decades to our field of military aviation history, and especially that of camouflage and markings, requires no elaboration. He was the heart and soul of J-Aircraft from the very beginning. J-Aircraft will never be the same without him, and he shall be sorely missed. With all of your continued support and involvement, however, I feel confident that we may continue to see J-Aircraft not merely stay alive, but thrive long into the future. I think nothing would make Jim Lansdale happier than to see that. J-Aircraft is his legacy.

His wife Carol tells us that a memorial is planned in Jim's honor in a few weeks. We shall keep you all informed.

Once more in sadness,
Osamu Tagaya

Jim was the heart of

Very sad news. Harry
He was one of the best. I learned so much from him. With passing of Jim and Henry Sakaida we have lost two giants in the Japanese Aviation Enthusiasts Community. My condolences to the family.

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