PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Charge £1000 a copy... it'll be a retail hit.

Even better yet, charge five Gold Sovereigns per copy. Bullion coins accepted.
On Atlas' shoulders British Military Transports Mr Gibson does it again

Amatheft has drawn my attention to a forthcoming work by Mr Gibson

This will be the answer to one of my wish lists (the other being for a good book on the P1154 saga)

Hope Chris will let us know when we can order from his people rather than Amatheft.

Nice one Chris
Re: On Atlas' shoulders British Military Transports Mr Gibson does it again

Sorry I was too enthusiastic!
Re: On Atlas' shoulders British Military Transports Mr Gibson does it again

Perfectly understandable :)
Any news on this book, it was due out last Monday but I'm guessing they may be holding to back for Scale Model World at the weekend, along with BSP:Fighter reprint ?
Evening folks,

It's done and about to go to print. Like a lot of books recently it has slipped for various reasons/excuses/arguments. Once it has gone to print, I'll post some images, contents etc.

As I said earlier it has gained weight like a V.1000, but when life gives you melons, make melonade.

Oh well it misses SMW and now becomes an ideal Christmas Present ;D

Is Tony's BSP: Fighters 2 edition also delayed or might that appear on the Crecy stand at Telford ?


On Atlas’ Shoulders is ready for the printers.

Transport aircraft receive very little coverage but as the pillars of any modern war-fighting force, they deserve at least some attention. British aviation companies were at the cutting edge of aerospace technologies in the postwar era and these technologies were applied to transports as much as fighter, bomber and maritime patrol aircraft.

On Atlas’ Shoulders
not only aims to address that but also show how transport aircraft and the technology advances that allowed the RAF (OK, RFC) to go from the BE.2c to the A400m in a century are as fascinating as any other military aircraft class. They are the key to a modern war-fighting force. To paraphrase Air Marshal Charles Elworthy, DCAS, there's always something we forget to bring.



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Looks tasty if Brit Pongo Haulers are your thing (they are)

*Flexes credit card in anticipation*

Suggested RRP for lopped-off chopper chapters sounds a bit steep, mind (do I detect the word 'Chinook' on contents page?)
I've had a go at building the transport shown on the front cover, thanks to Chris who supplied the drawings to me last year.

in 1964, the Air Staff published AST.364, which called for an aircraft capable of transporting 100 klbs (45 tons) over 5000 nm (9200 km) at a speed of 500 kts (900 km/h), for use as a strategic transport on Far East routes. BAC submitted this design using the Vickers VC-10 heritage, with the wings and tailplanes being scaled up by ~25% from the VC-10 items. A new fuselage was designed, with a side-hinged swing-nose. Engines were RB.177 Medway variants.





A longer build report can be found here.
The Heathrow Air Enthusiast Fair coming up on Sunday.
Any chance of a copy being available there?
I doubt it as it only went to the printers about a week ago I think.

Thanks. I shall have to get mine on Amatheft, unless Waterstones or Blackwells in Oxford come up first.
I am looking forward to this volume as I have always been fascinated by transporters, because Abingdon and
Brize Norton were close by.
Elvis Atlas is in the building!

Has arrived back from the printers and should be sent out in the next few days.

Got mine this morning direct from Crecy.

looks quite tasty Chris B)
Got mine through this morning, finally. Looks very good indeed - enormous and stuffed full of illustrations and photos - so it should keep me going up to Christmas. Interesting to read the bit on p18 about the German types labelled Rechlin 104 and Brandenburg 110.
Mine arrived yesterday - here it is, pictured with forerunners....


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yaay, was waiting behind the doors when I got home last night, that's my bedtime reading sorted out for the rest of the week :) B)
Arrived this morning...! together with the three Putnams I found in a second hand bookshop its been a good day for reading material!

Mine arrived this morning, had a quick flick through at my desk and it looks pretty impressive.
Appropriately, today marks the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the Hercules into RAF service.
Bought my copy with BSP5 in the gleaming new Foyles shop in London. After a decent curry with some friends I had a two hour bus journey to scan both.
My 11 year old self in 1966 could only dream of such goodies, but the glea as I turned the pages is undimmed.
I ordered mine directly from Crecy two weeks ago but no joy yet. Does anyone know if they're slow getting stuff out the door?
Flying Sorcerer said:
I ordered mine directly from Crecy two weeks ago but no joy yet. Does anyone know if they're slow getting stuff out the door?

I pre-ordered a copy from Crecy on July 27th, and I'm still waiting... :mad:

I'll be at The National Archives at Kew on 7/8/9th Feb if anyone fancies a blah, a brew or a post-rummage pint.

A bonus image from ebay of the raf c5 in RAFTransport Command
to go with the later Air Support one in Chris's book


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Got my copy Chris and kudos on your effort - a quick look thru it and I look forward to sitting down and reading it in detail.

Well done! Mark
Arjen said:
Don't know if you'll have much luck selling this book - I'll be buying a copy anyway.
... and now I have, after dealing with the backlog. My only regret - not buying it earlier. Where do you find the time for research, writing and drawing?


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Aw, thanks Arjen. Glad you like Atlas and have made it complete with Air Staff and the Helicopter. There's only one problem with the photo of your magnificent collection of books - Listening In was all Dave Forster's work. I only provided advice and a spot of editing in the same way Tony B helped me with BSP4.

I'll try to keep up the good work. The research is a pleasure, the writing a chore and the drawing is therapeutic. There are many people in the background who make these books successful and they rarely get the credit they deserve.

Finally got around to reading this book (been busy!).

It is worth every penny, an insightful survey of the subject with a lot of useful information in a clearly laid out form that answers the important questions. Great illustrations too. Highly recommended.
Today I got my copy.
What a surprising book this is!! Very interesting.
Thank you very much Gibson-san.:)
I will also get that mag soon!!;)
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Thanks. Hope you find it as interesting to read as I did researching it. An eye opener for me.


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