OKB Mikoyan book


ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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Hi everyone.

Can i ask a question to the british folks here , the book OKB Mikoyan by Yefim Gordon and D.Komissarov (the latest 2009 edition), where can i get it the cheapest way?( and preferably fast -very fast...i have little patiente!). I refrained myself from buying aviation material lately other that few basic magazines,due to the damn economics , but i HAVE to have this book! It seems to have alot of new stuff in it , and i know it sounds silly, but one of the main reason i'd like to buy it is the tiny little MFI 1.42 drawing( not 1.44-plenty of that)!!! Have to see with my own eyes if the renditions i saw on the net are corect or not...

I know many of you might have this book , and since as i mentioned i have little patiente, can anyone please tell me at least if the 1.42 drawing in the book is exactly like paralay's renderings , or is it bit different?

Thank you lots!

can anyone please tell me at least if the 1.42 drawing in the book is exactly like paralay's renderings , or is it bit different?

You and I both know better than to doubt Paralay........... ;)

Regarding ordering the book, I've always used either Amazon, or direct from Ian Allen..

Oh , i would never doubt Paralay's talent... ;)( tho that meens the real 1.42 was suposed to have those horrible F-22-ish fins? awww...)

Hmm, so far the cheapest i got is on amazon at roughly 30 quid new(?),plus carriage, surprisingly on Ian Allan is FIFTY!
Hope to order the thing tommorow, realized i left my card in my friends car while i was halfway thru checkpoint! ( that is unless theres somewhere cheaper still)


Well, I also started to wonder about the source of that 1.42 drawing - means its authenticity. Can someone clarify? (I dont have this book)
From the Acknowledgements paragraph on
the half-title page :-

'Line drawings by Valentin Vetlitski, Andrey Yurgenson,
the late Ivnamin Sultanov and Viktor Dubinin...'

there is no credit on the drawing itself...

YAY! Got my copy today ,and 1 day earlier! been browsing it thru the evening, pretty much confirms what i've read about it here ,not 100% perfect , but its still a great read, excellent source of info , certainly the best so far over the subject in the west...

If i'm to knitpick tho , one of the things that i'm unhappy with is why the bloody heck i read in a work this caliber in the year 2010 ,that the Mig-21MF has a RP-22 radar? ???(and the stories about czech Ms being upgraded with R-13-300, true , and some with RP-22 aswell...huh ? - thats unforgivable)...also , kinda surprised couldnt find a good pic of a Mig-23 sans suffixe in the book( that is, the so called etalon 1971), plenty of those on the net...

I hope Mr Gordon is going to take his time and double check with his sources , and why not browse around these online forums , like this one , he can get alot of things clarified , and find new ones aswell! this book IMO could have easily practically 100% rated , if only bit more attention to detail! My criticism is intended to be constructive , i still have my complete admiration and respect for Mr Gordons work, and i'll continue to enjoy reading his books as before ...

In conclusion , yep , OKB Mikoyan well worth the money for the russian aviation enthusiast , and anyone else wanting to find more about the famed Migs!

Oh and ...i think i should apologize for questioning even in the slightest Paralay's renderings , the 1.42 drawing is practically the same, and the little one , the LFI , too! :p


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