OKB mikoyan


You're Mad, You Are.....
Senior Member
1 May 2007
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just found this in the latest Midland Counties catalogue, and also available to pre-order on Amazon, here;


been waiting for this one for a while, to complete the set, have to say it, but i _was_ dissappointed by the original 'OKB Mig', especially the illustrations, the Ye-8 3-view, in particular, springs to mind. hope this one matches the standard of the rest of the series.

apologies for dredging up a comatose thread, but i've had the email from amazon informing me that my copy has been shipped. any day now...

Finally, I've written it........ B)

Review of 'OKB Mikoyan a history of the design bureau and it's aircraft', by Yefim Gordon and Dimitriy Komissarov.

For a start, this book is _big_, running to 544 pages, hardbound, and printed on a quality matt art paper.
The quality of printing is excellent, the photographs being crisp, contrasty,and finely screened.
The same goes for the small colour section at the rear of the book. (there is no colour in the main body of
the text)
Annoyingly, there are numerous typos throughout the book, in some cases the figures, which are presented
in both metric and imperial units, are transposed, and in one instance, the same same paragraph is used to
start two different chapters.

On to the content itself. There are eleven 'official 'chapters, with the introductory 'A Brief History of the
Mikoyan OKB' making up a twelfth. The chapters are :-

1. The Piston Engined Fighters
2. Mikoyan's early Jets
3. The First Supersonic MiGs
4. The Swing-Wing MiGs
5. The Heavy Interceptors
6. The MiG-29
7. Combat Aircraft Projects of the 1980s and 1990s
8. Commercial and Transport Aircraft
9. The Trainers.
10. Aerospace Systems
11. Mikoyan's Missiles and UAVs

The introductory section, as it's name suggests, summarises the history of the Mig OKB, from it's formation
as the OKO in the summer of 1939, through the glory years of the Soviet period, to the end of the 'cold war'
and the various post-Soviet shenanigens, up to the time of writing,(late 2008-early 2009), as RSK MiG.

The remianing chapters, 'do what it says on the tin', detailing the aircraft named in their titles.
Coverage of both built and unbuilt variants is compehensive, with at least one illustration of each,
where possible. A section on operational use rounds out each chapter, where applicable.

In the opinion of this reviewer, the chapter, 'The Heavy Interceptors' should have been split into two,
containing as it does, both the experimental 'heavies', I-75, Ye-452 series etc., and the Mig-25 and
Mig-31 operational types. It would have been better if the latter two had their own chapter.

Likewise, 'Commercial and Transport Aircraft', should really be 'Commercial and Transport Aircraft Projects',
as, apart from the Mig-8 'Utka', itself, not really a commercial or transport aircraft, none of the aircraft
detailed were actually built.
(as an aside here, the author choose to spell several russian words with a double 'O', rather than a 'U'.
While this does help to give the correct enunciation/pronounciation, I draw the line at 'Ootka', or
indeed 'Izumrood')

Obviously, the main chapters of interest for us here are 'Combat Aircraft Projects of the 1980s and 1990s',
and 'Commercial and Transport Aircraft projects). I don't propose to detail al of what's here, as I'll end up
reproducing the whole text, suffice it to say, some of what's presented here will probably be familiar to you,
while some of it might not be....

The chapter 'Aerospace Systems', is a bit thin, with many large illustrations to pad out the text. However, since
the reason for this is that most of the subject matter is stil secret, we have to be grateful for what we have.

It also seems, to this reviewer, that many of the chapters here, are re-worked versions of the author's previous
monographs on MiG aircraft. This may be a factor if you already have most of these.

While the text is written in the author's usual conversational style, this reviewer found some parts of the text
heavy going, in particular the various post-Soviet MiG-29 upgrades. It seems as though the author is happier
writing about the Soviet era, than the later time period.

While the above may give the impression that this is a poor book, the truth is far from it.
This book is excellent, and is probably destined to become the 'book to have', for MiG aircraft, published
in English. The reviewer only points out the above points, given this book's prospective status, and the price.
At £50.00 GBP (US$ 80.00) rrp, it is not cheap, and it's merits, which are many, have to be weighed against
it's faults.

In summary then, this is an excellent book, well worth having, and likely to become your prime reference for
MiG aircraft in english.

9 out of 10.

And finally, some of the highlights, or things new to this reviewer.

An artists impression of a 'MiG-11' (I-200 series), with a raised rear decking and Curtiss P40 style main
undercarriage units.

a 3-view of the I-260, 'Me262ski', precursor to the Mig-9.

An artists impression of the Nene powered Mig-9, I-320, izdeliye FN.

A photograph of a wind tunnel model of an I-310 (MiG-15) configuration, with a mid-mounted cockpit, and
narrow rear fuselage, giving an impression of a swept-wing Yak-15.

A wind tunnel model of a 'MiG-23V' configuration with forward swept wings.

The MiG-31D AST launcher, with wingtip endplate fins reminiscent of early MiG-25P interceptors.

A model of an 'F-15ski' Mig-29 concept, you have to see this.....

A MiG-29 model, with 'falsies', fake intakes to disguise it's appearance on satellite images.

A 3-view of an early I.42 configuration, with a vertical wedge intake and cranked wing leading edges,
plus a 2-seat version of same.

A 3-view of the I-4.12, a single engined light version of the I.44, itself referred to as the I-5.12

A model of the MiG-101 project with overwing pylon mounted engines and a box fuselage.

A postwar 'Mig-8', twin engined VIP transport.

A model of the Mig SVP project with a square section fuselage aft of the wings.

The first stage of the '50-50' project named as the Tupolev '205'

DISCLAIMER : The opinions expressed here are purely those vof myself.
I have connection whatsoever with the authors, illustratiors, contributors, publishers, distributors, re-sellers,
or anyone else associated with the production of this book.


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