MiG-29: Ground Attack methods


ACCESS: Restricted
14 January 2006
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G.R.B means shelling, rocketing and bombing, so this topic will explain in detail how to use unguided weapons on all MiG29s from 9.12B to 9.12SE.

During ground attack - armament control system is being used in "Opt" (optical), "Kabr" (bombing while climbing) and "Setka" (net) modes.

Usage of unguided missiles and gun:

Unguided missiles S24B, S8 and cannon during ground attack can be used in "Opt" and "Setka" modes.


In "Opt" mode aiming can be done with or without pre-setting target coordinates. Pre-setting of target coordinates is done when enough time for procedure is available. For aiming using that method following is needed:

Ensure that "Rezimi SUV" switch is in "Opt" position and switch "Vozduh/zemla" is in "zemla" positon (only for cannon), and "Kompl.odin-0.5 k-t-a" (single - multiple - 0.5 of complet) is as you see fit in current situation (unguided missiles only).

Turn on the switch "Glavn"
Start diving (the plane of course so don't eject above water)

Ho (cannon)/RS.SS.B (unguided missiles, guided missiles, bombs) switch has to be returned in previous position.

After "A" symbol is turned on ensure that on diving angles above 10 degrees and on 500m from targeted point laser rangefinder has automatically activated.

If "A" symbol is off, activate laser rangefinder manually (on pilot stick).

Press and hold the "mrk.zah.pz" button and after this is done aiming symbol will be ready for target coordination selection.

Place aiming symbol over desired target and relase "mrk.zah.pz" button. When this is done, target's coordinations are pre-setted.

Place aiming symbol over target again and on allowed firing distances pres "ho" or "RS.SS.B" switch (index D(tex) is within effective firing zone, sound signal appears). After you are done (shooting) leave the attack pattern.


During attack againist ground targets minimal time between relasing "mrk.zah.pz" button and activating "ho" "RS.SS.B" switch has to be minimum 2sec and max 10sec. Biggest precision is achieved during 4 sec interval.

Pre-setting target coordinates again during attack is possible by pressing "mrk.zah.pz" again.

If after doing previously describet action symbol "A" isn't on, attack can be continued and distance is being measured using less acurate angular method.

When minimal allowed range for safe shooting is achieved blinking "OTV" (leave attack pattern) symbol will appear on SEI.

Aiming in "Opt" mode without pre-setting target coordinates is being done when we lack time (altitude) for attack. During aiming without pre setted target coordinations after diving and activating laser rangefinder it is needed to visualy select angular corrections because of wind and target movement.

Reposition aiming symbol according to those angular corrections hit the switch "Ho" or "RS.SS.B" (index D(tex) is within effective firing zone, sound signal appears).

After you are done shooting leave attack pattern.

Setka mode:

Setka mode is being used when "Opt" mode malfunctions. For using this mode effectively following is needed:

Switch "Setka - den -noc" (net - day - night) place in "setka" position, make sure that switch "kompl-odin-0.5-kta" is positioned according to current situation (for unguided missiles) and switch "Vozduh/zemla" is in "zemla" position
(for cannon).

Turn on "Glavn" switch.

Start diving

return "Ho" "RS.SS.B" switch in previous position.

Measure visualy distance to desired target and angular corrections due to wind and target movement, keeping on mind balistic characteristics of selected weapon.

After you are done shooting leave the attack pattern.

Balistic characteristics:

S24B has max target distance 1800m max speed during firing is 800km/h diving angle is 20 degrees and angular corrections (symetric to aircraft in thousands) is 60.

Same data for S8 is 1600m/800km/h/20 deg/43
Same data for cannon is 1500m/800km/h/20 deg/14

With this said, we have covered usage of guns and unguided missiles. I guess it would be appropriate to leave some time to reader to familiarize with this, and then we will continue with usage of bombs and IR missiles againist heated ground targets.

Re: MiG29 G.R.B.

Allright, let's bomb a little in wholesale mode :D

Usage of aircraft's bombs:

Aircraft's bombs can be used in following SUV modes: "Opt", "Kabr" i "Setka".

"Opt" mode:

In "Opt" mode aiming is being done with pre-setting target coordinations or without it. Pre-setting target coordinations is being done when enough time is available.

Aiming with pre-setting of target's coordinations is being done during dive up to 40 degrees and is done on following way:

Make sure that "Rezimi SUV" switch is in "opt" position, "Kompl-odin-0.5 K-TA" as fits to current situation.

Turn on the "Glavn" switch.

Dive on target with diving angle not greater than 40 degrees.

Place "RS.SS.B" switch in first position.

After "A" symbol is on, make sure that during diving on angles greater than 10 degrees and distance to target around 3500m laser rangefinder is activated. If "A" symbol is off, activate laser rangefinder manually by pressing the button on the pilot stick.

Press and keep "mrk.Zah.pz" button, and when it is depressed aiming symbol will be in position for target coordinations setting.

Place aiming symbol on target and relase "mrk.Zah.pz" button. In relase moment target coordinations are pre-setted.

Place aiming symbol on target again and relase "RS.SS.B" switch. In that moment bombs will be relased under the circumstance that vision angle and bomb drop angle matches each other.

If bomb drop angle is greater than vision angle, then after "RS.SS.B" switch is pushed - ILS changes indication - circle of issued G load appears, vector of current G load, distance scale is exchanged for time scale (time left untill bombs are released). Not releasing fire button place and keep current G load vector matched with ring of issued G load. Moment before bombs are released sound signal will appear in the speakerphones.

Aiming without pre-setting of target's coordinations is being done during bombing from horizontal flight and during bombing while diving at angles not greater than 40 degrees, when we lack time (altitude) for attack. Angular corrections for wind and target's movement is done visually. For aiming using this method following is needed:

Make sure that switch "Rezimi SUV" is in "opt" position.

Fly horizontally, or dive at angles not greater than 40 degrees towards/on target.

Place "RS.SS.B" switch in first position.

Activate laser rangefinder 3-5s before positioning aiming symbol on target.

Visually set angular corrections related to time required for bomb's impact and target's speed.

Move aiming symbol according to angular corrections, depress and hold "RS.SS.B" switch until bombs leave their rails. Bombs will leave their rails when "RS.SS.B" switch is depressed and vision angle matches bomb drop angle. If bomb drop angle is greater than vision angle - then after "RS.SS.B" switch is depressed indications will be changed: Vector of current and a circle of issued G load appear, distance scale is exchanged for timescale (time left until bombs leave their rails).

Continue horizontal flight or diving untill bombs are dropped matching the end of current load vector with center of the ring of issued load. 1,5 - 3 seconds before time is up sound signal appears in the speakerphones and after signal's end bombs are being dropped. Control available bombs by looking at ordinance symbol on ILS.

After bombs are dropped leave the attack pattern with sharp maneouver.

"Kabr" (Kabriranje) mode:

"Kabr" mode allows bombing while climbing on 110-130 degres attack angle. Aiming in "Kabr" mode is done on following way:

Make sure that "Rezimi SUV" switch is in "Kabr" position.

Fly towards target.

3-5 seconds before aiming symbol is placed on target activate laser rangefinder by pressing the button on pilot's stick.

When aiming symbol is on target depress and hold untill bombs are dropped the "RS.SS.B" switch. When "RS.SS.B" switch is depressed, distance scale is exchanged by timescale, showing time left until kabriranje will begin.

Continue horizontal flight matching the circle of issued load with the end of the current load vector.

1.5-3 seconds before kabriranje is being done sound signal will appear in speakerphones.

When time is up sound signal dissapears, "G" symbol appears and circle of issued load "jumps" upwards.

In case of flying above target with side errors moving symbol will go left - right but that shouldn't be followed with aircraft.

Timescale now shows the time left untill bombs are dropped.

Hold the pilot's stick towards yourself, matching in the same time current load vector with center of the circle. During this process load will be between 4-5; on 90-95 degres of angle of attack circle of issued load might go right, then left and then return in the first position, this shouldn't be followed with aircraft.

1.5-3 seconds before bombs are dropped sound signal will appear in speakerphones.

Separations of bombs should be followed on SEI (symbol showing available bombs dissapears).


It is allowed to relase "RS.SS.B" after aiming simbol is tied for ground target. "RS.SS.B" must be pressed again when we start climbing.

"Setka" mode:

When "Opt" mode is unavailable it is possible to bomb from horizontal flight or diving by using unmovable net on calculated angle, with keeping flight parameters during flight.

To bomb using unmovable net "den-noc-setka" (day-night-net) switch must be in "setka" position and "podgoto rucn. autom" switch is in "rucn" (manual) position.

During bombing when calculated angular correction is in boundaries of vertical net matching of calculated point with target is needed while maintaining flight parameteres and press the "RS.SS.B" switch.

During bombing when calculated angular corrections are outside boundaries of vertical net line it is needed to match target's position with outside overshooting ring's intersection with vertical line, measure the time and press the "RS.SS.B" switch...

With this said, we have finished bombing methods, read carefuly and stay focused.


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