Harth-Messerschmitt glider

hesham said:
can anyone ID this Hart-Messerschmidt glider ?,it was from S series.

It is, what it is, I think, a glider constructed by either two persons, one with the family name
"Hart", the other "Messerschmidt", or maybe just one person with the double name "Hart-Messerschmidt".
It's still not clear to me, and still yet, I haven't found more information, besides those on the "Flight"
pages, but I hope it's clear, that this "Messerschmidt" had nothing to do with Willy Messerschmitt.
But on page 549 of that Flight issue, you can see this aircraft with the mentioned girder fuselage
and no "boat", that means without cockpit fairing. The early '20s were the heydays for gliding in
Germany, as construction of powered aircraft still was forbidden and there really were a lot of
constructors, just have a look into the list of the participants on page 548 !
What do you mean with "S series", I'm not sure ..
Jens, see


The 'Messerschmidt' in question is THE Willy Messerschmitt!...

Friedrich Harth, along with a young Messerschmitt had been working on gliders for several years. On September 13th,1921 Harth, flying the Harth-Messerschmitt S.8, acheived a flight of 21 minutes duration. However the flight ended in a major crash, Harth sustaining serious injuries, from which he never properly recovered. In 1922, at the Wasserkuppe Meeting, Messerschmitt produced the S.10, however other machines were more sucsessful, and Messerschmitt eventually moved on to powered aircraft.
Several of these early machines used a novel control system, the wing being pivoted like that of a Flying Flea, rather than using elevators, or a slab tailplane.

source, 'Sailplanes 1920-45', Martin Simons, Ekip, 2006 ISBN 39806773.4.6 pp. 17-20.



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My dear Jemiba,

as my dear Robunos explained the Messerschmidt equals Messerschmitt,and I think
this glider was S.12.
Sorry, my bad had just browsed through "Die Evolution der Segelflugzeuge", shortly mentioning Willy Messerschmitt,
but without detail, whereas "Friedhelm Messerschmidt" (and his brother) actually are mentioned in "Weg in den Himmel:
Der deutsche Segelflug", 1931, although as pilots only.
And most mags knew the correct spelling of the famous Willy Messerschmitt ... or should have known ! Beg your pardon !
My dear Jemiba,

I think it differed in spelling only,and those two words are the same person.
Again, accepted. Searching for the correct spelling brings results, but neither "Hart/Harth", nor
"Messerschmitt/Messerschmidt" are rare names in Germany (about 1900 entries in the telephone
book for the former, more than 2000 for the latter). But in 1922 Willy Messershmitt still was a
dark horse, at least in Britain, I think, and actually even today you can find his name written
incorrectly, even in German publications ! ::)
My dear Jemiba,

you are right,but that is incorrect spelling,although this glider was belong to Willy Messerschmitt.

here is some S gliders.

неизвестный мессершмитт


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The gliders in this thread are the result of Willy Messerschmitt's cooperation with Friedrich Harth. I've had a look in 'Willy Messerschmitt - Pionier der Luftfahrt und des Leichtbaues' by Ebert/Kaiser/Peters, Bernard & Graefe 1992. Most of this thread's images appear in this book.

I think this thread's title should be modified accordingly.


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