Junkers Project 11 Junkerissime


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26 May 2006
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and http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-10685.html


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Here's a 3-view of this project from F.Gütschow "Die Deutschen Flugboote",
showing, that there were plans for a land plane, too :


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Great my dear Jemiba,

but I think the aircraft did not mention in the Junkers site.
hi all
Some time ago, I've see this plane on "The Junkers home page"
but as i want to return I've see it don't exist more.
This plane was referenced as " JUNKERSSIME"
The same photo as above.
Studies by ZINDEL in 1920.Two designs : seaplane and landplane
Engines : 4 X 515kw.
sea lengh 33.20 m land 31.20 m
Span ( the two) 62.80 m
seats. sea 7 + 60 land 7+56
Speed sea 180 km/h Land 200 km/h
Range sea 1900 km land 2200 km
In fact , it must be 'Junkerissime' ( Junker issime)
See : Junkers big ones on this chapter.
dear iark.
Yes, the two word are writed in my article.
I only choise the one which is write two time !!!! ??
"Junkerissime" probably was meant as a superlative form of "Junkers", as
the ending " -issime" in latin language is the highest form of an intensification.
Yes indeed Jens,
from the Latin :issimus - means superlative.

Now back to the aircraftprojects :)
Another 3-view drawing of the land-version of the Junkers "Junkerissime" project.

From the book "Prof. Junkers nannte es DIE FLIEGE" by Hermann Pohlmann.
Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart, 1983.


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"Now back to the aircraftprojects :)"

Was just my answer to touras questions, if it has to be written in
one or two words.
And ...why not show, that this is really a cultivated forum ? :D
"Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum..."

.. and Seneca also said :"It is better to know useless things, than to know nothing"

But sorry for that, now really back to aviation ! ;D
Hesham first picture was dated 1922. Jemiba's and Retrofit's have no date, are they also of the 1920s? Engines of 700hp suggest that (1,000hp and above was standard in the 1930s). Thanks if you can confirm.
Tophe said:
Hesham first picture was dated 1922. Jemiba's and Retrofit's have no date, are they also of the 1920s? Engines of 700hp suggest that (1,000hp and above was standard in the 1930s). Thanks if you can confirm.

Taking into account information from Pohlmann's book, the first studies on the "Junkerissime" (60 pax) project seems to have started in 1921, along with the construction of the Junkers G-1 (9 pax) prototype. Construction of the latter was stopped and the prototype destroyed following Allied Comission decision.
An article nicely sent to me by Borovik confirmed the date 1921 for a project close to Jemiba's picture. Before the canard twin-boomer J.1000 of 1923-24 (I have the Unicraft model* of this one, to be built, maybe in 2010...)
* : http://www.geocities.com/unicraftmodels/j1000.htm

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