German WW2 Dismountable Police Boat


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
25 October 2007
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Hello :),

have you heard of the "Zerlegbares Polizei-Kampfboot ( ZPK )"? It was built in three sections and could be dismounted easily. Apparently some were built, but other versions weren`t. Please see all versions proposed at:

Hmmm, by "dismounted" do you mean that it was intended to be carried aboard a large ship? 30 meters and 60 tons is a bit much for that.
By attacking the Soviet Union Germany faced a challenge in supplying cover/logistics to army units alongside the Black Sea, as well as countering the soviet fleet stationed there. There were also intention to have a Caspian Sea flottilla, and some units, I believe, also participated in the Ladoga Lake. I recall the sending of Type II U-boats by train and barges through the Danube, a difficult endeavour. As you could perceive by the text, some of the mentioned units were to be stationed on the Dniepr river.

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