AN unusual configuration has been chosen for Frye's second
Safari project F.2. Described as a further DC-3 replacement,
the F.2 features two Dart RDa.7 Stage 2 turboprops inboard, and
two jets—possibly General Electric J85s—outboard. The jets
would supply additional power for take-off and climb. The fuselage
has been stretched ten feet to accommodate up to 79 passengers
in an "airbus" interior, 73 in a coach layout, or 65 in a de luxe
version. As a result, the gross weight has increased from 45,000 1b
to 50,000 lb and the zero fuel weight has been raised to 97,000 lb.
Payloads plus fuel weights are given as 19,981 for the de luxe
version, 19,946 for the coach aircraft, 20,676 for the airbus
and a maximum all-freight weight of 24,880 lb. Using the turboprops
only, die maximum cruise speed at 10,000ft would be 205 kt, and
the range with 17,000 lb of fuel, 1,615 n.m. This pre-supposes
the use of optional additional fuel capacity.