China COMAC 919

Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

A Chinese version of An-124 "Ruslan"???
Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

That picture is completely BS ... the C919 will be - if ever - a family of airliners in the class of the B737 or A.320-series ...


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Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

archipeppe said:
A Chinese version of An-124 "Ruslan"???

Although give the PRC/PLAAF time!
And they will producing such capable strategic transport's in numbers that will put the Ruslan to shame!! :eek:

Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

Fianlly they seem progressing:

... and reportedly last week CAC began manufacturing the front section.

Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

:eek: Oh! A Chinese Airbus! ::)
Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

No the front looks more like the Dreamliner :)
Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

Some more pictures:
Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

Definitely reminds me of an Airbus A320. :(
I much prefered the Ruslan-like transport at the top of the page... especially since the word "comac" is sometimes found in French slang for "enormous"!!! ;D
Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

This is why Boeing refused to transfer technology to China. Airbus did, and now they'll have a near-clone at half the price. Congrats.
Re: China COMAC 919 heavy transport aircraft

*visual* near-clone. If the quality will be the same as the chinese copies of the EU and US cars, than the every plane will crash after a few hours in service and kill everybody on-board. I am not going to be a passanger.
Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

I just changed the topic's title as I tried to put an overview together about China's ambitions to develop a “large aircraft”:

It currently seems that there are two programmes run in parallel: The first is the now unveiled COMAC C919 – an airliner in the class of the A.320 or B-737 – and a new military transport sometimes called Y-20. Both projects are under development within pretty much the same time frame and most likely both share a certain amount of R&D, which are openly founded to the C919 but most likely could find their way onto this large transport. Some analysts compare this share of technology and founds to the Japanese efforts with the C-X and P-X programme.

For the Y-20 it seems now (even if unconfirmed !) that Shaanxi and Xian were competing for the designs of an advanced 4-engined “future large transport” aircraft that was slightly larger (wider) and more capable (capacity wise) then the IL-76MF. Its max payload is expected to be around 50t.
It seems now that after both competing concepts were examined – and in mind of its close cooperation with Antonov – Shaanxi’s design was chosen, which is said to be based upon some IL-76MD technology. Despite an agreement signed between AVIC and Antonov during fall 2008, Xian – esp. its design Institute 603 – and SAC will cooperate in the later production phase.
It is then reported that a full-scale metal mock-up of the head section was constructed by 2008 and the latest news suggested that SAC just started to build the rear fuselage of the first prototype on August 20, 2009. A first flight is still projected in 2012.

Regarding the new transports powerplant there are different information available, even if the later serial models are to be powered by modified WS-10 turbofans. The prototypes and the initial batch may be powered by Russian D-30KP-2/WS-18 turbofans, but also a Western commercial engine seems under consideration.

Also in an early stage of development is the next generation of medium transport aircraft – this time rumored to be under development at XAC/603 Institute and also to be powered by two WS-10 turbofans. Some rumors suggest an An-70 based design.

Hope that helps a bit until more information is available
Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

Model of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) C919 on display at Asian Aerospace '09. Alcoa and COMAC are jointly exploring technology solutions for the design and development of the new 190-seat aircraft.

The aircraft will be assembled in Shanghai, but will source parts and components globally.

There is strong market interest for this aircraft based on China’s expected long term growth in global passenger traffic demand. The C919 is expected to take its first flight in 2014 and enter service in 2016.



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Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

Sorry guys ... no surprise until today ! :-[ ... at least some news:

Posted by Xinhui at the CDF:






As such if I'm not completely wrong (maybe someone can help!) the structure assembly of the Y-20 prototype 001 has been completed and has been "handed over (?) ... Now I'm not sure "Roll out" (or First flight" is expected to be before the 18th National People's Congress by the end of this year.

But now - come on - give us just a glimpse of that bird .... NOW !!! :p

Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

Model of COMAC C919 in GE Capital Aviation Services livery on display at China Airshow 2010.

Artist's impression of COMAC C919.

COMAC C919 cabin mock-up.



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Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

Model of COMAC C919 on display at Singapore Airshow 2012.



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Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

Artist's impression of COMAC C919.

Nacelle design of COMAC C919.

Cutaway model of COMAC C919.



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Re: China COMAC 919 and Shaanxi Y-XX large transport aircraft projects

Can a moderator please separate the COMAC C919 from the Shaanxi Y-XX and create a topic for each of these aircraft projects?
Grey Havoc said:
Christ, there goes P&W in China again. I'm not gonna feel one bit sorry for them when the inevitable intellectual theft happens.

这是位于中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院内的C919“铁鸟”试验台(12月30日摄)。 12月30日,国产大型客机C919“铁鸟”试验台在中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院投入使用,这标志着C91 9系统验证工作正式启动。 “铁鸟”试验台全称为“飞控液压系统综合试验台架”,是飞机系统综合、优化设计、适航取证和交付运营、持续 适航的关键试验设施。裴鑫 摄 图片来源:新华网

via BING !

COMAC C919 "iron bird" Tester put into use

This is located within COMAC Shanghai aircraft design and Research Institute of the C919 "iron bird" Tester (photo by, December 30). On December 30, the Chinese C919 large aircraft the "iron bird" Tester put into use in China's COMAC Shanghai aircraft design and Research Institute, which marks the C919 system validation work was officially launched. The "iron bird" Tester called "flight control hydraulic system test-bed", is an integrated, optimized design, aircraft systems deliver operations, airworthiness and continued airworthiness of the key experimental facilities. Pei Xin photo source: Xinhua


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Don't think I posted these two before, from the 2013 Paris-Le Bourget Airshow:


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Prototype 01 ;)


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Following delivery of several mayor parts during May to August, final assembly of the first prototype has started on 19. September !


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;D Fuselage-wing-mating took place on 30. November !


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latest image ... ;)


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Finally on its own feet ...


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Grey Havoc said:
With regards as to the ARJ-21:

The C919 is also mentioned in the above linked article.
Roll out officially set for tomorrow !


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First taxi-test this morning


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Deino said:
First taxi-test this morning

Good news my dear Deino.
"C919 Prototype Configuration Frozen For April First Flight"
by Bradley Perrett
Mar 22, 2017


BEIJING—The configuration of the first prototype of the Comac C919 program has been frozen in preparation for a first flight next month, say industry sources.

The timing of the flight almost rules out the possibility of the Chinese state manufacturer meeting its internal target of making the first delivery of the 158-seat airliner in 2019.

Philippe Petitcolin, CEO of major C919 supplier Safran, told Bloomberg on March 17 that the first-flight target was now April.

Taxi tests began in December. By the middle of March the aircraft had used the thrust reversers of its CFM Leap 1C engines but had not begun high-speed taxi tests, says one source. Suppliers are under pressure to complete minor work, such as making adjustments to systems, in order to make the aircraft ready, but they will not receive new demands for changes before the flight, say the sources.

Aviation Daily last year reported that Comac would probably miss its declared target of flying the C919 in 2016, and later that the most likely time was April.

The first C919 was rolled out in November 2015, officially said to be complete but not actually so. When the program was launched in 2008 the first delivery was due in 2016. Early in development, the target for first flight was June 2014.

Accordingly, development to date is running 34 months late, but the first delivery will be delayed by a greater period because Comac has also lengthened the planned duration of the flight testing campaign from the original two years.

A year ago, Comac had an unstated target to make the first delivery in 2019, but not early in that year. That assumed a 2016 first flight.

Handing over the first aircraft before 2020 now seems most improbable, because the first aircraft has still not flown, the second has not been assembled and the program history suggests that the inexperienced state company could easily hit more delays.

Shortly after Mitsubishi Aircraft's MRJ regional jet first flew in November 2015, that similarly inexperienced commercial aircraft company expected to need 32 months for flight testing and pre-delivery preparations. The period has now been stretched to about 50 months, maybe more, but for an unusual reason that Comac will reasonably expect not to encounter: nine years after program launch, Mitsubishi Aircraft has found it needs to make significant changes to its design.

Although the first C919 prototype’s configuration has been frozen, it is quite different structurally to the final C919 design. Comac discovered during static testing that it could lighten the aircraft, mostly because the wing was unnecessarily strong. The resulting design change came too late for the first two prototypes but the other four will follow the lighter design.
Congrats to a successful maiden flight today ! :)


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