Bell Aircraft / Bell Aerospace "D-" designations


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22 January 2006
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Some Bell Numbers:

Ducted Fan Designs (Jay Miller's The X-Planes X-1 to X-31. Revised Edition)

D-181: 4 duct
D-182A: twin duct testbed
D-182C: twin duct testbed
D-190: Air Rescue design based on D-181/182 research (1959)
D-190/C-130: It was to be fitted under a specially modified C-130 launch aircraft.
D-190A: D-190 development
D-190B: D-190 development
D-196: D-190 development (Sorry but no pics available Hesham)
D-2004: D-190 development. Tip turbine drive ducts

D-2005: Assault transport for the USMC. 1959
D-2022: Formal proposal derivated from D-2005. 1960. USMC VTOL Assaul Transport System Requirement/ US Army ASR 3-60 VTOL Transport System Study. 28500 lb gross weight. Up to 30 Troops.
D-2020: smaller corporative D-2022 derivative
D-2021A: smaller corporative D-2022 derivative
D-2064: Bell joined with Lockheed (as Lark previously indicated) submitting this design to meet TS-152 for a tri-service STOL.
D-2064A: improved D-2064
D-2127: became the X-22A

Tilt Rotors: The Bell Helicopter Textron Story from David A. Brown and Bell Aircraft from AJ Pelletier (Putnam)

D223 (1956)
D246 (1959)
D252 (1961)
D266 (1965)
D267 (1968)
D303 (1980)
D321 (1980)
D326 Clipper (1980)
D327 (1980)
D329 BAT (1984): LHX "fighter"
CTR-22A/B/C/D (1983)

BTW, anyone can give the Bell/McDD LHX helo design number?
And instead off open a new topic,we can speak about Bell D series;

D-1 to D-5 ----
D-6 XP-77 fighter
D-7 to D-34 ----
D-35 delta wing jet fighter
D-36 to D-78 ----
D-79 Single-place rotor plane
D-80 & D-81 ----
D-82A Rotor plane transport
D-82B Rotor plane rescue
D-83 to D-99 ----
D-100 Rotor plane single engine
D-101 to D-103 ----
D-104 HSL civil version
D-105 to D-108 ----
D-109 VTOL fighter
D-110 development of D-109 (not sure)
D-111 to D-115 ----
D-116 HSL civil version
D-117 ----
D-118 Convertiplane
D-119 to D-136 ----
D-137 Fighter (not sure)
D-138 ----
D-139 VTOL Fighter
D-140 to D-170 ----
D-171 Expermental hypersonic aircraft to compete NA-240 (X-15)

to be continued

D-172 & D-173 ----?
D-174 well known
D-175 to D-178 ----?
D-179 well known
D-180 ----?
D-181 & D-182 well known
D-183 to D-187 ----?
D-188 well known
D-189 ----?
D-190 & D-191 well known
D-192 to D-195 ----?
D-196 well known
D-197 to D-199 ----?
D-200 turbine powered convertiplane (not sure)
D-201 to D-206 ----?
D-207 Cargo convertiplane
D-208 to D-215 ----?
D-216 HSL as 25-seat commercial helicopter
D-217 to D-219 ----?
D-220 Observation-reconnaissance version of XV-3

to be continued

Bell D-306 was executive transport aircraft.
hesham said:

Bell D-306 was executive transport aircraft.

Sorry,it was Model-306 and not D-306 and it was executive helicopter,
does anyone know it ?.
To the best of my knowledge there never was a Model 306.

There was a D-306 business helicopter project, which accomodated 6 to 10 passengers. A full-scale mock-up was built.
Finally, my own list of Bell Aircraft "D-for design" numbers. Any corrections and additions are most welcome!

D-6 design name of Model 32 / XP-77 fighter
D-13 competitor project of XP-55 (same as Model 16?)
D-? WWII era tailsitter project
D-22 a "Bell Design 22" appears in the Sara Clark collection at the US National Archives
D-35 delta-wing single seat jet fighter project
D-37 swept-wing version of X-1 (Design 37D is said to have been the X-2)
D-39 P-63 interceptor
D-79 single-place rotor plane
D-82A Transport rotor plane; gross weight: 23,000 lbs.
D-82B rotor plane for rescue; gross weight: 23,000 lbs.
D-89 a "Bell Design 89" appears in the Sara Clark collection at the US National Archives
D-90 fixed-wing, supersonic derivative of the X-5, itself a derivative of the Messerschmitt P.1101 (1950)
D-100 single-engine research rotor plane (developed D-79)
D-104 projected civil version of Model 61 (Navy HSL)
D-109 CONVERT-O-PLANE VTOL fighter project (1951)
D-110? possibly a development of D-109
D-116 projected civil version of Model 61 (Navy HSL)
D-118 CONVERTIPLANE (VERTIBURNER?) project submitted to US Navy; two-place single engine aircraft for observation and reconnaissance
D-137? possibly a fighter
D-138? twin-boom fighter project?
D-139 VERTIBURNER VTOL day fighter weapon system (1955) (preliminary design was larger and more conventional)
D-143? twin-boom fighter project?
D-171 expermental hypersonic aircraft; design submitted for the X-15 competition
D-174 very early X-14-like study
D-179 very early X-14-like study
D-181 4-duct ducted propeller assault transport study
D-182A twin duct testbed
D-182C twin duct testbed; trailrotor T-37 COIN conversion project (1956)
D-188 early tilt-jet fighter project developed from D-139 project but with conventional-type thrust
D-188A experimental tilt-jet fighter project ("XF-109"/"F3L") (WS-318A?) (Model 2000)
D-190 VTOL study, rescue concept with tilt-ducted propellers on each wing, based on D-181/182 research (1959)
D-190/C-130 VTOL with wing-tip ducted fans, was to be fitted under a specially modified C-130 launch aircraft
D-190A D-190 development, no details
D-190B D-190 development, Multi SVVP with two propellers turning in the ring canals
D-191 ?
D-196 D-190 development, no details
D-200 turbine-powered helicopter project (or the design number for the XV-3 CONVERTIPLANE?)
D-207 cargo convertiplane (1953)
D-212? convertiplane project?
D-215? helicopter proposal?
D-216 derivative of HSL-1 as 25-seat US Army (attack?) helicopter (also commercial?)
D-217G? no details
D-218 cargo helicopter of twin side-by-side rotor scheme, would have been powered by two R-1820-34 engines (1956)
D-220 observation-reconnaissance version of XV-3 with T58 turbine (General Electric) (1955)
D-222 air rescue convertiplane with multi-engines (1955)
D-223 vertical takeoff transport convertiplane for internal and external cargo, with 4 GE XT58 turbines (1956)
D-224 air-rescue convertiplane with 3 General Electric ST-112 turbines (1956)
D-225 air rescue convertiplane with 2 Allison T56 turbines (1956)
D-230 AERIAL JEEP, a VTOL aircraft project with four foldable rotors. Not built. (also found as "FLYING JEEP") (1957)
D-232 tilt wing rotor feasibility study (1957)
D-238 derivative of HSL-1
D-240? convertiplane project?
D-242 target activation convertiplane (1959)
D-243 one- to two-ton cargo convertiplane (1959)
D-244 utility command convertiplane (1959)
D-245 forerunner of 'COBRA'
D-246/A medium transport convertiplane powered by 4 Lycoming T55-L-5 turbines (1959/60)
D-250 convertiplane project?
D-252 military VTOL transport: squared fuselage section, 2x T64 turbines; entered into Tri-Service competition (1960)
D-252A NATO version of D-252 (1961)
D-255 full-size mock-up of 'IROQUOIS WARRIOR'
D-? 'AIR SCOOTER' ground effects machine (GEM), a one-man unit with a hover height of 2-1/2 inches, cruising speed of 25 mph
D-? 'TRAILROTOR' concept, full-scale testbed project
D-261 attack two-seater for AAFSS contest (1964)
D-262 IROQUOIS WARRIOR attack two-seater for AAFSS contest; the project originated the AH-1 COBRA
D-266 proprotor VTOL research aircraft composite pre-design study proposal; light tactical transport Developed in response to Army's Composite Aircraft Program; requirement w/ 2x 2850shp T64-GE / 30-seat short-haul civil aircraft; project ended early 1969 due to lack of funding (1965)
D-267 first design study for a full-scale tilt-rotor demonstrator; significantly smaller than the D-266, and oriented toward commercial rather than military operation (1968)
D-270/A design study for a 60,000-lbs. 4-jet (proprotor) heavy transport with wing-tip tilt-rotors (1969)
D-271 proprotor proof of concept aircraft design (1969)
D-272 folding proprotor proof of concept aircraft design (1969)
D-276 light twin helicopter project
D-280 project of a wide-bodied COBRA
D-292 light composite materials version of 222 (ACAP program)
D-294 design name of X-16
D-300 CARA (Combat Air Rescue) civilian tilt-rotor transport with conventional tail, forerunner of Model 301/XV-15A (1967)
D-301 military VTOL tilt rotor operational transport with conventional tail, forerunner of Model 301/XV-15A (1971)
D-302 NASA conceptual design study tilt rotor (1971)
D-303 civilian VTOL transport with H-tail, extended fuselage and jet mounted on top; using the same amount of fuel as a helicopter, able to fly twice as fast and twice as far; design was for ideal use on the North Sea. Projected to be operational by 1990 (1980)
D-305 COD/VOD tilt rotor proposal (1972)
D-306 business helicopter, 6 to 10 passengers; mock-up built
D-310 HX study for Navy tilt rotor aircraft (1974)
D-311 HX study for Marine tilt rotor (1974)
D-312 large civilian tilt rotor VTOL commercial (passenger) transport with H-tail and square fuselage section (-100, -45, -21) (1974)
D-313 tilt rotor STOL commercial transport (-100, -45) (1974)
D-314A "Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study; attack VTOL designed for ground support and FAC duties;
AH-1 type cockpit on XV-15 general arrangement (1975)"
D-314B Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study (1975)
D-314C Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study. A light military troop transport VTOL (1975)
D-314D Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study. observation VTOL designed for duties similar to OV-1 Mohawk; OV-1 type cockpit on XV-15 general arrangement (1975)
D-314E Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study. An uprated military cargo transport version of the D-314C and which is technically a medium lift transport (1975)
D-314F Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study. Heavily armed attack VTOL with armored cockpit designed for ground attack duties (2 different designs) (1975)
D-314G Tiltrotor Army Spectrum study. military VTOL which carries an onboard side looking airborne radar and other sensor units for OV-1-type operations (1975)
D-315A/B Tilt rotor HXM aircraft conceptual design study (1975)
D-316 Air Force combat rescue mission tilt rotor aircraft (1976)
D-317 ASH tilt rotor aircraft (1976)
D-318 LAMPS tilt rotor aircraft (1976)
D-319 Tilt rotor conceptual designs (resulting from Navy R.F.Q./I.) [D-319A, A-1, A(P), B, B(Q), C, D] (1978)
D-320 Tilt rotor conceptual designs for the U.S.A.F. rescue mission analysis (1978)
D-321 tilt-rotor conceptual VTOL design for US Navy V/STOL-A (pre-R.F.Q. activity) (1978-80)
D-322 Heavy lift quad rotor (resulting NASA inquiry) (1979)
D-323 V-tailed assault transport VTOL for US Marines with folding wing and tail (1979)
D-324 Navy Type A V/STOL (1979)
D-325 project for Navy (1979)
D-326 'CLIPPER' commercial tiltrotor (passenger transport) (1980)
D-327 VTOL aircraft with 10.5 m rotors (diameter) and a capacity for 24 paratroopers (1980-1981)
D-329 'BAT' research VTOL, proposal for Army's 1984 LHX light helicopter program ; could not meet the weight requirements. Rotor diameter: 4.87 meters (1984)
D-340 'POINTER' tilt-rotor UAV
D-400 more refined development of X-14 with retractable gear

D-600 several tilt-rotor projects; final one was six- to nine-passenger commercial tilt-rotor aircraft (Model 609)
D-604? tilt rotor aircraft project?

D-1007 huge nuclear-powered double-deck twin-rotor helicopter project

D-2001 two-seater tilt-rotor
D-2004 D-190 development with tip turbine drive ducts
D-2005 assault transport for USMC, forerunner design of X-22 (summer 1959)
D-2014 similar project with clamshell freight loading doors in tail
D-2020 smaller corporative D-2022 derivative
D-2021A smaller corporative D-2022 derivative
D-2021B development of D-2001
D-2022 formal proposal derivated from D-2005, USMC VTOL Assault Transport System Requirement/ US Army ASR 3-60 VTOL Transport System Study; forerunner of X-22 (1960)
D-2064 military VTOL transport development of D-2022; joint design with Lockheed to meet TS-152 for a tri-service STOL
D-2064A improved D-2064
D-2127 X-22A tilt-duct VTOL research plane
D-2149-1 SK-3 'CARABAO' ground effect machine
D-2161 no data
D-2172 alternate proposal for X-22 program?
D-2278 V/STOL aircraft technology (Air Force Systems Command)
D-2285 ULV – ultra light V/STOL
D-2289 USN ASW V/STOL aircraft study
D-2300 lift cruise fan V/STOL ASW
D-2301 cruise fan V/STOL ASW
D-2332 armed X-22A proposal
D-2410 USAF Tactical Air Command VTOL aircraft
D-2424 X-22A test project (Naval Air Systems Command)
D-2447 light anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft

D-2078 VTOL aircraft
D-2239 ducted fan large transport aircraft
D-2240 ducted fan very large transport aircraft
D-2249 ducted fan medium aircraft
D-2250 ducted fan military aircraft
D-2251 ducted fan medium size military aircraft
D-215 was attack helicopter.
Bomiwriter here:

Here are some unusual designations systems not easily located. Remember Bell Aircraft performed a huge number of varied study contracts not wholly on one subject or for an overall vehicle, sometimes they involved systems for a particular vehicle study.

Bell Aircraft Space Projects

Model 7020 to 7029 Dyna Soar weapon system

Model 7045 Hypersonic Reentry Vehicle study
Model 7052 Manned Space Capsule Remora
Model 7060 Swept-Wing reentry vehicle
Model 7068 Orbital Weapon Delivery study
Model 7069 Dyna Soar Phase Alpha Glider study
Model 7070 Dyna Soar Phase Alpha Glider study
Model 7075 Saturn IV Second Stage study
Model 7069 SLOMAR Vehicle
Model 7092 Global Surveillance System study
Model 7105 Double-Wall X-15 Nose Section Proposal
Model 7123 Orbital Work Platform study
Model 7163 One man Orbiter Worker Capsule, Remora
Model 7212 Two man Lunar Transport Vehicle
MOdel 7260 LLTV Trainer
Model 59, & 59A Shrike Missile
Model 60 X-5
Model 62 Bomber, Pilotless parasite
Model 62-63 & 66 B-63 (SM-63) Rascel missile
Model 63 Trizon Bomb-Controlled
Model 67 X-16 Bald Eagle surveillance aircraft
Models 117, 8001, 8048, 8081, 8096, 8247, 8096/HAD are all Agena rocket engines.

This may help others in uncovering the confusion about Bell designations. Some numbers are simply unavailable while others are faded from the original lists, Thats it.


The Bell D-188A in your list : tiltrotor ?
Well, yeah, of course! Otherwise it would be just plain D-188.


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Tiens , maybe I'm missing something but I cant see
rotors,only rotating jets at the wingstips...
Oh blast! I couldn't see where you were heading... of COURSE! Tilt-jet, NOT tilt-rotor... Thanks.
Hi All!

D-18---Transport helicopter study.
D-143---Space aircraft/vehicle studies...
D-250---OH-4/B-206 Jet Ranger
Gleaned from the Spangenberg Index, courtesy of RyanCrierie:

D-34 single-engined two-bladed helicopter proposal for US Navy (Oct. 45)
D-80 KD-VI target airplane for US Navy
D-104 "XHPL" proposal for ASW helicopter for US Navy
D-116 assault helicopter proposal for USMC
D-117 assault helicopter proposal for USMC
D-163 air-to-surface guided missile weapon system
D-196 VO class observation proposal for US Navy
D-226 ship-based amphibious observation helicopter (HO) proposal for US Navy
D-227 ship-based amphibious observation helicopter (HO) proposal for US Navy

a very strange Bell Designation,in this book they insisted on
D209 as for Cobra attack helicopter,and not Model-209 as
we know,why ?.

The Bell displayed a full-scale concept mock-up,designated
D-306,at the annual convention of the Helicopter Association
of America in San Diego in 1974,later the company made
some improvements to be Model 222.
From the Bernard Lindenbaum Vertical Flight Research Collection:

Model 46..........Single Engine-Two Bladed Helicopter
D4....................proposed helicopter (1942)
D34..................specification for single engine two-bladed helicopter (1945)
D41..................helicopter project, no detail (possibly a competitor of the Sikorsky S-51/R-5D)
D76.................."rotor plane" for a single occupant (pre-convertiplane design) proposal (specification SR-175) for what became the Bell Aerosystem X-22A
D190B..............V/STOL Interim Transport Aircraft (1959)
D232................tilt-wing type vertical takeoff and landing aircraft proposal (May 1957)
D246................V/STOL Transport Aircraft Study (1960)
D252................Tri-Service Transport Aircraft proposal (1961)
D270/ studies of folding-prorotor VTOL Aircraft (1969)
D2017..............GEM Morphology Study (1960)

Also please note that Bell Report No. 2000-953001 dated Feb 17, 1959 describes the Model 2000 (formerly D-188A) as the "XF-109 V/STOL Tactical Fighter"...
Hi All!
D-89---MX-1095, X-5
D-98---Rascal Design Proposal, MX-776B/XB-63
D-147---Horizontal Attitude Test Aircraft
D-159---MX-2147 Bald Eagle, X-16
D-205---Cargo Transport Helicopter, Allison T-38 turbine powered
D-229---Flying Crane Helicopter(D229D)
D-253---Cobra helicopter

Source: D-159, (page 62) and sources of the D-89,-98,-147,-253 I do not remember and try to find.
Hi All!
Where the text is written D174 and the drawing written D147 and I really do not think D147, there is a drawing to be the D174. D147--mistake.
and another:
D-133---version of the X-5
Source: Bell VTOL Studies (...from 1941 to 1965)
D-183---D183-945-001, Specialized High-Altitude Reconnaissance Weapon System Study: Photography Reconnaissance Subsystem (U).
Source: 15)
Here's the next 10 pages - boring stuff.


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This makes 20 pages. -SP


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Steve Pace said:
more to follow tomorrow and so on... SP

Er... not to sound pushy or anything, Steve, but could you please remember the "and so on" bit? ;D
Here's the next ten pages - boring! -SP


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This makes 30 pages so far. -SP


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Excellent, Steve, thanks! And not all boring, believe me. Some real interesting stuff in it.
Not boring, Steve, amazing should be the word.

Many thanks!

Here's pages 31 thru 40. -SP


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Enjoy! -SP


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