BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter

Mike Pryce

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
21 December 2006
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New book coming soon.

See attached flyer and cover image.

It's in the final stages of production, and rests on a decade of research in archives, interviews with the engineers and experience of working on related projects.

Comments/questions welcome.


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  • P1216PTP-Flyer.pdf
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Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

That looks absolutely fascinating, Mike. I am certainly looking forward to it!
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

"Original technical diagrams and artwork"! Think i'll have to get this one :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I assume Summer 2009 refers to the Northern Summer - i.e. very shortly?


Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce



Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Oh, I see, that will be No. 2 of the ProjectTech Profiles! Let's hope for more issues of this very promising series :) .

Please, keep us informed, Michael, as soon as it will be published on the book market.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

The untold story of the secret supersonic jump jet that led the way from the Harrier to the JSF.


History and technology of the project
Original technical diagrams and artwork
Plans and paint schemes for modellers.

Approx 60 pages
Colour and B&W illustrations
12,000 words plus extensive appendices

If possible, I'd like the third ProjectTech volume to be "Hawker P.1121".... but that depends on many factors :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

overscan said:
If possible, I'd like the third ProjectTech volume to be "Hawker P.1121".... but that depends on many factors :)

I've just noticed that the "Vickers VC10" says "ProjectTech Profiles 3" on the cover.

So if P.1216 is no. 2 and VC10 is no. 3 then what was no.1?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Common mistake. The 3 is part of the CGI pic (runway marker)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

That's a terribly positioned runway marker! It’s a great book BTW; the VC10 study. Though I was teased mercilessly by a certain lady who handed me the envelope and asked why I was receiving publications in the mail from “Blue Envoy”... She seemed to think a Blue Envoy was something more risqué than a never built long range air defence system.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

overscan said:
If possible, I'd like the third ProjectTech volume to be "Hawker P.1121".... but that depends on many factors :)

I think Chris may beat you to the third one, and we're trying twist Mikes arm to follow up the 1216 with a similar volume for the 1154, so you'll need to get on with writing up the 1121.

So it sounds like you may be in a race for who finishes first !!!..

However i ain't complaining as intend getting all of them when they are published ;)


Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

with a similar volume for the 1154

That will be greatly anticipated!


Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I'm definitely looking forward to this. :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Any chance we might get to see anything on the P.1213, P.1214 (Infamous X-Wing) or HS.1205 & other Kingston projects?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

amsci99 said:
Any chance we might get to see anything on the P.1213, P.1214 (Infamous X-Wing) or HS.1205 & other Kingston projects?

Yep, they are already in there, given their due place in the story leading to the P.1216. The P.1213 was very brief, just a GA, while P.1214 was not just the one in BSP1 but also (later) a FSW variant of the P.1216.

What I want to show is just how serious the P.1216 was at Kingston, in contrast to some of the other projects, and it is on an 'in contrast' basis that others are in the book.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

When does this book become available to buy?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I recently contacted Blue Envoy Press and was informed by Chris Gibson that Michael Pryce's P.1216 book is still in preparation and he hopes to have it available before his RN AEW book which could be available in the spring.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Thanks for the update, I've been waiting for this one. :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

My apologies for the delay on this - largely due to new job and family illness (and my own dose of swine flu this week!).

Also partly due to a desire to make it better - getting clearance from BAES to use extra pictures etc., which is a bit slow, and eternal fiddling (put in all the GA's, or only the important ones?). Also adding some other V/STOL projects to add context.

Target date is now before Christmas, so the 'southern summer' someone mentioned was correct!

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Cheers for the update Mike, knowing some of the stuff you have i can imagine deciding what to use to best illustrate the book can be difficult without tuning it into an epic, expensive volume !.

Looking forward to the final version


Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Thanks for the extra info Mike, much appreciated.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

without tuning it into an epic, expensive volume !.

You say that like its a bad thing ;D


Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Anyone interested in the Bae 1216 should grab a look at Sentinel
Chicken's superb artwork showing in-service side-views with a
short description note. I think SC has also posted them on this site,
but they are definitely on the Whatifmodelers site.

Michael is a reall expert on VSTOL and I hope to see this book soon.

UK 75
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

while P.1214 was not just the one in BSP1 but also (later) a FSW variant of the P.1216.

I presume this is the P.1214 - 4? If so, there's a c. 4 x 3ft GA drawing hanging up in the office at work...
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Yep, the -4. The A4 pic I have was easier to scan than your one sounds (at Farnborough?).

Update on the book. Hope to finish layout this week and on sale before Xmas. Overdue, as day job came first (and also involves some 1216 related research, so had to separate).
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Another quick question; do you cover the designs after the P.1216 through the 1990s or are those still classified?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Don't cover others except some contemporaries.

90's work is largely classified (some in SAE, AIAA papers), and really is more for 'Chapter 1' of some eventual JSF history.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Also adding some other V/STOL projects to add context.

harrier said:
Don't cover others except some contemporaries.

So can you say which projects are included?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Any of you guys know if this book is now available, if yes where?.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Not yet Nige, when its ready Mike (aka Harrier) will announce it on here and on Whif.

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Any updates on when this will become available? I just want to make sure I don't miss it. :)
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Bump. Any news yet? Are we going to see this this year?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

I hope so! As ever, 'nearly there'. But never quite there. Hope to get some time on it this month, ahead of my first holiday in two years (cue violins!).

Good to know the interest is still there!

Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

harrier said:
Good to know the interest is still there!
Interested! I'm bursting with anticipation ;D

Really looking forward to this one, please can we have a bit of a teaser?
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

please can we have a bit of a teaser?

OK, a favourite pic (I made from an original). P.1216-6 wire diagram, 1982. Inverted image of the book's frontspiece. And my netbook's wallpaper cos it's cool!


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Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Yay! ;D

Thank you very much.

Almost looks like it's got seaplane floats, could do with a dorsal inlet though.
Re: BAe P.1216: Supersonic ASTOVL fighter by Michael Pryce

Abraham Gubler said:
That's a terribly positioned runway marker! It’s a great book BTW; the VC10 study. Though I was teased mercilessly by a certain lady who handed me the envelope and asked why I was receiving publications in the mail from “Blue Envoy”... She seemed to think a Blue Envoy was something more risqué than a never built long range air defence system.

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