Almaz-Antey S-500 Prometheus / 55R6M Triumphator-M / System 98Zh6M1

It'd take brass ones to be extremely confident in Pantsyr these days, given how it was constantly being blown up in Syria and Libya. It'd be fair to question how effective other systems might be. It doesn't mean the others won't perform, but if somebody was skeptical there is a reason for it.
pantsir drones.jpg

I mean in terms of some being damaged and repaired and some not being in use, the trade off costs seemed to be pretty effective especially if they are not slaved to long range air defenses where they can use those radars instead.

Each S-500 is tasked alone to intercept 10 ICBMs having 10 ordered you can theoritically intercept 100, maybe the S-550 being a "magnitude"(meaning of the wording going by the power of 10s) 10 of those S-550s might reach 1000, maybe 500 or 250 ICBMs being intercepted simultaniously, we can say the A-235 with ground radars gives it an additional 500 ICBMs being intercepted simultaniously. RTI director states photonic radars are created just the software part will take 5 years for the photonic ground radars they will be in charge of and of course the person in charge of the entire air defense systems states how photonic radars will greatly improve their countries air defense the Yakhroma is in question of being a photonic radar because of different bands so just for the fun of it we will say it will intercept 1000 ICBMs, the other most important part that is not mentioned about photonic radars is that higher frequency radars quickly recover from nuclear blackouts being back in operation to find targets again than lower frequency radars. The U.S. is going to be like ohh shit better press that nuke button now before they nuke us back without any retaliation.

Even if we say the situation was reversed if Russia didnt give a shit about air defenses but the U.S. has the same level of air defense technology as Russia, The U.S. cant intercept every coastal Poseidon nuke, thus coastal air defenses get destroyed and when an immediate nuclear blackout occurs nuclear warhead zircons fired from underwater if intercepted very close above the heads of every civilian a nuclear detonation would go off causing nuclear black outs while the other zircons will pass through causing annihilantion and than finish off the remainder of the attack with Bullavas to hit the center of the U.S. since Zircons only have a range of 1,500kms. More examples could be black projects the Russians didnt introduce yet, example Trump tweeting about their missiles being better than the Russians testing Burevestnik, than if thats the case what kind of weapons do they have that they not have disclosed yet?

DUBAI, November 15. /TASS/. Russia’s latest S-550 missile defense system will feature an extended target detection and missile range, which will be able to intercept any targets, Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov told reporters on the sidelines of the Dubai Airshow.

"This is work that never stops and will carry on being implemented to boost the detection range and the missile range with the capability of intercepting any target,’’ he said. ‘’That’s the focus of the work on the S-550.’’
Earlier, a source close to the Russian Defense Ministry told TASS that Russia’s armed forces will get the first delivery of the S-550 strategic missile defense system prior to 2025. The hardware for the S-550 has been built, he said. The S-550 will use a mobile launcher with a hypersonic missile, and no sea-borne option is envisioned, the source said.

The Ministry of Defense approved the concept of non-strategic missile defense (NMD). The complexes that will become part of this system will cover cities, important social institutions, troop concentrations, road and industrial infrastructure. Their potential target will be hypersonic aircraft and ballistic missiles. Now the systems capable of intercepting them are created only around key strategic facilities. In the future, nmD should ensure the security of the entire territory of the country from missile strikes.
In Russia, there will be a non-strategic missile defense system, the Defense Ministry told Izvestia. The corresponding concept was approved by the leadership of the department. In the future, such a missile defense system will be able to quickly cover not only strategically important stationary structures, but also cities, bridges, railway junctions and socially significant objects. At the same time, the system is not designed to intercept strategic ballistic missiles.

The basis of the NMD will be mobile complexes mounted on trucks. In case of a threat, they can be deployed in a matter of hours near important facilities in different regions of the country. This is one of the differences between the promising missile defense system and the existing one in Russia. The current strategic missile defense system consists of sophisticated capital structures, underground mines with anti-missiles and a network of bunkers - command posts.

First of all, we are talking about the interception of ballistic and aeroballistic missiles with a range of up to several hundred kilometers, said military expert Anton Lavrov. Now there are more and more such missile systems and they are becoming high-precision. Missile defense systems must combat new classes of threats.

"In the conflicts in the Middle East, we see that ballistic missiles with a range of hundreds of kilometers are in service not only with states, but also with non-state formations," the expert said.

According to him, progress is making the technology more accessible. Non-state groups can buy missiles from a number of countries that possess them.
It is not so difficult to quickly deploy a non-strategic missile defense system, but the range will not be too large due to the nature of the targets themselves. Non-strategic ballistic missiles have high speed, can even be maneuverable in the final section. Intercepting them is not easy. Current air defense systems are not yet effective enough against such means, so it is necessary to develop new anti-missiles. The latest generation of missiles for the S-400 and S-500 complexes, the tests of which have recently been completed, are aimed precisely at combating such targets.

Over the past decade, many states have developed programs for creating operational-tactical missiles that can pose a serious threat, said military expert Yuri Lyamin. Now even non-leading countries have high-precision ballistic missiles.

"Take, for example, the DPRK - a small country was able to create even an intercontinental ballistic missile," he explained. - At the same time, they have a fairly large number of short- and medium-range missiles, and they can be launched from different self-propelled launchers.

According to the expert, short- and medium-range missiles are also distributed in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia acquired Chinese intermediate-range missiles back in the 1980s, and recently this state has purchased even more advanced systems. And most importantly, yuri Lyamin noted, the new missiles have greater accuracy than their predecessors. And if earlier it took from 10 missiles to defeat one object, now one or two.

In recent years, operational-tactical missile systems with a declared range of 300 km Long-Range Artillery Missile (LORA) are being developed by Israel. And the American company Raytheon is developing an operational-tactical missile DeepStrike for the US Army. The manufacturer is tasked with providing greater accuracy than existing systems of the ATACMS family, and at the same time a launch range of up to 500 km.

A week after Shoigu announced the existence of the S-550, the first official data on this anti-aircraft missile system appeared. It is assumed that the Russian army will receive a novelty in four years. What are the advantages of the S-550 air defense system and which foreign countries can get it in the first place?

Complexes S-550 will have a large target detection range and missile range, said on Monday the head of the state corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov, speaking at the international air show Dubai Airshow 2021. "This is a work that never stops and will continue to increase both the detection range and the missile range with the ability to intercept any targets, ”he said.

A source close to the military department added in an interview with TASS that the first batch of S-550 will be delivered to our army by 2025. According to him, the S-550 has already been created in "hardware" - we are talking about a strategic missile defense system. The interlocutor emphasized that a mobile launcher with a hypersonic missile will be used, while the naval version of the complex is not envisaged.

The new S-550 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM), developed on the basis of the S-500 Prometheus, will become the world's first mobile specialized anti-missile and anti-space defense system capable of effectively destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles, two sources in the Defense Ministry told RIA Novosti on Saturday. industrial complex.

Currently, Russia and the United States have specialized missile defense systems capable of shooting down warheads of ICBMs with a high probability, but of a stationary type - anti-missiles are placed in mines.

“The new mobile system is being developed as a version of the S-500 air defense system and will specialize in anti-missile and anti-space defense tasks. Its capabilities to intercept warheads of ballistic missiles of various ranges, primarily intercontinental ones, as well as space attack weapons will be an order of magnitude higher than that of the S-400 and S-500, as well as the American missile defense systems - THAAD and Aegis with SM-3Block llB missiles ", - said one of the interlocutors of the agency. Another source confirmed this information, adding that "the development of a new system is at an advanced stage."

For the first time the existence of a C-550 last week, said Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the head, but no information about it has not resulted Minister. Probably, it will be a modification of the S-500, military expert Pavel Felgenhauer told the VZGLYAD newspaper. In his opinion, the main components of the S-500 and S-550 systems will be identical, the difference is likely to be in specialization.

“The S-500 was created against both aerodynamic and ballistic targets. The S-550 is a purely anti-missile variant that can shoot down satellites in low orbit at the same time. True, this is not a great achievement: the Americans and the Chinese can already do this, ”the source said.

“The S-550 will definitely have a different missile and, I suppose, separate batteries against different targets - aerodynamic and anti-missile. Perhaps the new complex will even be able to carry out a direct intercept - when, for example, an enemy warhead is hit by an interceptor warhead. So far, no one has done this in our country: the topic was closed in the 70s, considering direct interception impossible, ”he explained.

Felgenhauer doubts that the S-550 will become "the world's first mobile specialized missile defense and anti-missile defense system" capable of effectively destroying ICBMs, according to RIA Novosti sources . As the specialist recalled, Israel already has such a technology - the Hetz-3 anti-missile system. “These are serious mobile batteries, they are already deployed, they can move and are not in mines. One battery is located north of Tel Aviv, the second to the south. But I don't know if this system will be able to shoot down a conventional satellite. Israel simply does not have such a task, ”the expert added.

As for the timing, the S-550 may well appear in service with Russia until 2025, Felgenhauer agreed with the opinion of a TASS source . At the same time, the expert admitted that in the future, the development may be of interest to China - one of the importers of the S-400 systems and a potential buyer of the S-500. As for other clients - India, Turkey and Iran - it is still difficult to say anything unambiguous, the interlocutor admits.

“It is clear that for export we will supply a deteriorated version of the complex. If the development comes from the "cash" of the Ministry of Defense, various components are removed from it. It is clear that weapons abroad may fall into the hands of a potential enemy. The most secret cannot be sold, the General Staff simply will not allow this, ”he concluded.

Military expert Alexei Leonkov also suggests that China may be among the buyers of the S-550 - a country that wants to buy the S-500 from Russia. With the participation of Russian specialists, the People's Liberation Army of China is modernizing its warning system of a possible missile attack, he added. “This system in China has not changed for several decades. But since then, the situation in the world has seriously changed. Chinese territory is already being considered as a target for ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, Beijing understands this well, ”Leonkov explained.

The interlocutor recalled that a deeply echeloned defense of the coastal zone, where the most densely populated provinces are located, have already been created in the Celestial Empire. “For the Chinese air defense, our S-400s have already become a real gift. The range of the S-400 missile is 250 kilometers. The Chinese, for example, already shot down a maneuvering air target that was moving at very high speeds with this missile. The appearance of the S-550 - a complex that can hit even further - would make China's air defense even more effective. Moreover, the S-550 can operate in near space, which is just manna from heaven for Beijing, ”the expert noted.

True, the expert is not sure that in Russia itself the S-550 will appear on alert by 2025. “This is still a question. True, if earlier it took about a decade to create one missile system, now this period is much shorter. Now Russian missiles are designed and manufactured much faster. At the Almaz-Antey concern, the design of missile systems has long been automated, which makes it possible to quickly take the next step on the current project. The same S-350 appeared at Almaz-Antey rather quickly - due to the fact that the concern and all its enterprises were re-equipped, ”the expert recalled.
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A high-tech new Russian air defense system that has sparked fears for NATO warplanes could soon be shipped to China and India under the terms of new export deals being considered by military-industrial bosses in Moscow.

Speaking to business daily RBK on Tuesday, Dmitry Shugaev, the director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, said that deploying the advanced S-500 launcher to the country’s own defense forces would be the first priority. However, “when the system has been delivered to the Russian Army in the required volume, it will also be possible to supply it for export,” he said.

“We consider India, as well as China, and all the states with which we have long-standing and predictable partnerships, as potential future owners of the system,” Shugaev went on. The day before, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the first of the S-500 anti-aircraft launchers would be handed over to combat troops in the next few years, under plans to modernize the country’s military equipment.

Moscow has touted the S-500 as the most advanced weapon of its kind, capable of taking out high-speed warplanes and even, potentially, hypersonic weapons in near-Earth orbit. Putin has previously described the launcher as “unique.”

However, exports of Russian rocket technology have caused concern in the US, with Washington slapping tough sanctions on countries that placed orders for the system’s predecessor, the S-400. Even Turkey, a NATO member, has faced restrictions and been shut out of American procurement programs in response to its decision to explore purchasing the launcher.

General Tod Wolters, of the US European Command, and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, has said the system would “attempt to exploit the F-35’s capabilities,” regardless of which side of the battlefield it was on. “You cannot operate an F-35 in the vicinity of an S-400,” he said, despite reports that the Israeli Air Force has flown the jets close to the missile launchers in Syria with no issues.
Dont fall for your own propaganda. Pantsir is an incredible system. Tor even better. If you believe the turk and national interest teir western media are saying, I dont know what to tell you.

Get the same vibe from people assuming we dont have monsters just like Putin in our own governments. From the weaponization of "human rights" to "arab spring" style regime changes it is all demonically ruthless. But hey, remember we are the good guys because diversity is our strength and our healthy democratic processes!

Video footage showing Pantsyr TELARs being destroyed is not propaganda.

It's entirely possible that the people operating the Pantsyr in Libya or Syria were nowhere near as competent/trained as they could've been, leading to some of the failures. It's also likely that the Pantsyr systems being fielded by Russia, such as the ones deployed near S-400s recently, are an improved model.

There is every reason to believe that the Russians are competent designers and that they can produce high-quality air defense systems - they've been doing so for decades. All I'm saying is that based on some of the failures in the Middle East, i.e. Pantsyrs being destroyed or the IAF apparently annexing Syria's airspace around Damascus, if someone were to have a doubt about their claimed effectiveness it'd be understandable. That doesn't in any way mean it's going to be an accurate assumption, but it's not one pulled out of nowhere, as opposed to some of the boilerplate "oh it's Russian (or Chinese) therefore it has to be garbage" idiocy that is also far too common. If someone were to question the potential efficiency of a US-made air defense system, following the intermittent failures of various test intercepts, that'd also be understandable and the exact same kind of reasoning.

That is how this game works - someone develops as system, someone else develops countermeasures and countertactics, leading to improved or wholly new systems, etc.

It's also hilarious that you cannot even think about questioning something without it turning into some sort of asinine political argument. Neither the Arab Spring nor diversity have anything to do with the combat effectiveness of Pantsyr in the hands of Middle Eastern operators.

It'd take brass ones to be extremely confident in Pantsyr these days, given how it was constantly being blown up in Syria and Libya. It'd be fair to question how effective other systems might be. It doesn't mean the others won't perform, but if somebody was skeptical there is a reason for it.

The U.S. is going to be like ohh shit better press that nuke button now before they nuke us back without any retaliation.

Even if we say the situation was reversed if Russia didnt give a shit about air defenses but the U.S. has the same level of air defense technology as Russia, The U.S. cant intercept every coastal Poseidon nuke, thus coastal air defenses get destroyed and when an immediate nuclear blackout occurs nuclear warhead zircons fired from underwater if intercepted very close above the heads of every civilian a nuclear detonation would go off causing nuclear black outs while the other zircons will pass through causing annihilantion and than finish off the remainder of the attack with Bullavas to hit the center of the U.S. since Zircons only have a range of 1,500kms. More examples could be black projects the Russians didnt introduce yet, example Trump tweeting about their missiles being better than the Russians testing Burevestnik, than if thats the case what kind of weapons do they have that they not have disclosed yet?

Remotely question the efficiency of a single Russian system and the discussion naturally goes right to let's nuke the United States.

“The S-550 will definitely have a different missile and, I suppose, separate batteries against different targets - aerodynamic and anti-missile. Perhaps the new complex will even be able to carry out a direct intercept - when, for example, an enemy warhead is hit by an interceptor warhead. So far, no one has done this in our country: the topic was closed in the 70s, considering direct interception impossible, ”he explained.

Felgenhauer doubts that the S-550 will become "the world's first mobile specialized missile defense and anti-missile defense system" capable of effectively destroying ICBMs, according to RIA Novosti sources .

Returning to the issue at hand, the "different missile" for the S-550 could be the 77N6. Or the 77N6 could be the S-500 missile's designator, and the new one for the S-550 could be built off of the 53T6.

Like I've mentioned previously, I wonder if they haven't decided to take the S-500 and separate out the ABM/ASAT missiles, launchers, and radars into a separate system and call that the S-550.

As for being the first mobile ABM - they should possibly be calling it the first operational mobile ABM. I believe the Soviet-era S-225, also a legitimate ABM, was intended to be somewhat mobile.
Video footage showing Pantsyr TELARs being destroyed is not propaganda.

It's entirely possible that the people operating the Pantsyr in Libya or Syria were nowhere near as competent/trained as they could've been, leading to some of the failures. It's also likely that the Pantsyr systems being fielded by Russia, such as the ones deployed near S-400s recently, are an improved model.

There is every reason to believe that the Russians are competent designers and that they can produce high-quality air defense systems - they've been doing so for decades. All I'm saying is that based on some of the failures in the Middle East, i.e. Pantsyrs being destroyed or the IAF apparently annexing Syria's airspace around Damascus, if someone were to have a doubt about their claimed effectiveness it'd be understandable. That doesn't in any way mean it's going to be an accurate assumption, but it's not one pulled out of nowhere, as opposed to some of the boilerplate "oh it's Russian (or Chinese) therefore it has to be garbage" idiocy that is also far too common. If someone were to question the potential efficiency of a US-made air defense system, following the intermittent failures of various test intercepts, that'd also be understandable and the exact same kind of reasoning.

That is how this game works - someone develops as system, someone else develops countermeasures and countertactics, leading to improved or wholly new systems, etc.

It's also hilarious that you cannot even think about questioning something without it turning into some sort of asinine political argument. Neither the Arab Spring nor diversity have anything to do with the combat effectiveness of Pantsyr in the hands of Middle Eastern operators.
Darn I thought you were going to atleast address me on how the amount of costs of TB2s destroyed compared to pantsirs evens out the costs of pantsirs destroyed, some put back into operation and others not in use that it was actually a pretty great system. Even the oil tycoons that had their facilities targetted by such drones are making purchases of such useless systems. We havent even gotten to the better short range air defenses and EW systems which they have a variety of. Its like your ignoring the amount of TB2s destroyed with syrian soldiers taking selfies with them all over the internet with just a simple google search.
(some that were forgotten to be included like this in 1st image on top of page).

Remotely question the efficiency of a single Russian system and the discussion naturally goes right to let's nuke the United States.
NATO chiefs are freaking out putting S-400s near F-35s, and they are still making plenty of purchases along with U.S. threatening whoever buys them. They sound pretty efficient to me ;)
Returning to the issue at hand, the "different missile" for the S-550 could be the 77N6. Or the 77N6 could be the S-500 missile's designator, and the new one for the S-550 could be built off of the 53T6.

Like I've mentioned previously, I wonder if they haven't decided to take the S-500 and separate out the ABM/ASAT missiles, launchers, and radars into a separate system and call that the S-550.

As for being the first mobile ABM - they should possibly be calling it the first operational mobile ABM. I believe the Soviet-era S-225, also a legitimate ABM, was intended to be somewhat mobile.

S-400 was to engage different targets from aircrafts, cruise missiles to ballistic missiles, the S-500 as reported was similiar in function to this but with the addition of ICBMs and hypersonic vehicles. S-550 is still an unknown matter other than being a magnitude higher in intercepting hypersonic targets than the S-500.

"The S-500 is an air defence weapon created for the future air-space integrated battle environment. With the further development of aerospace technology, the boundary between air and space has become more and more blurred, and the integration of air and space will become a trend in space and aviation for both offence and defence," Lin predicted.

"The air-space attack system spans between the two spaces of aviation and aerospace. It is complex and ever-changing, and to deal with this kind of attack, multiple types of anti-missile and air-defence missiles must be united in one platform to form a network of operations to establish air, anti-missile and anti-aircraft defence," he stressed.

The Russian defence sector has indicated that as far as the production of S-500s goes, it will focus first on the needs of the Russian military. The first system is expected to be delivered before the end of 2021 and introduced into service in 2022, with mass production set to start in 2025. Four of the first tens sets of the system will be deployed around Moscow, with five more sets to be stationed across the country's five military districts, and another placed in reserve for mobile deployment.
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Why is the altitude limited to 200km when the range is 800km? Surely once you're in space, you're in space, and air is no longer a factor.
Some things I strongly disagree with in the article but oh well. The question is a legit one. This system would not really help in this conflict. Russia needs more short range point defense systems and early warning command and control aircraft. Thr Ukrainians are playing clever games of cat and mouse and they are hugging the earth for most of their missions. S-500 would not help much here. S-500 is more of a strategic system.
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Defense Updates has put out a video concerning the deployment of a S-500 missile battery to protect the Kerch Strait Bridge:

Ukraine’s spy boss has said that Russia has deployed one of its S-500 air defense systems to the occupied Crimean Peninsula to protect the Kerch Bridge.
Lt. Gen Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence Directorate, said in an interview with Ukrainian media, "The Russian air defense system is being strengthened. This is quite obvious and understandable. The newest elements of the S-500 have appeared. In principle, this will be their experimental application, but they have already appeared there [in Crimea]."
Provided that the assertion is true, this marks the first time it has been fielded and would provide Russia with significant air defense capabilities, especially against ballistic missiles.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes what the deployment of Russian S-500 to protect Kerch Bridge means for Ukraine ?
03:04 S-500 OVERVIEW

Does anyone know if the S-500 has received a US DoD/NATO designation yet?
Defense Updates has put out a video concerning the deployment of a S-500 missile battery to protect the Kerch Strait Bridge:

Does anyone know if the S-500 has received a US DoD/NATO designation yet?
For me, the question is does this S-500 system have enough interceptors/missiles to defeat any significant (in numbers) attack by ATACMS? And secondarily, will the system be used to swat down/intimidate Ukrainian Flankers and Vipers? Considering the publicly stated range/speed of the S-500 missiles they seem to me to be a definite aviation threat. How many S-500 missiles are actually available?
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These are good questions also as it's mentioned in the video is that the S-500 has finished development so there will be some bugs in the system. IMO it's likely to not perform as well as the Russians claim on the fact that their much advertised and vaunted SA-21 Growler missile system hasn't performed as expected and at least half a dozen SA-21 batteries have been destroyed by the Ukrainians.
Ok, just to be clear. It is not a matter of ATACMS destroying the S-500. Rather, the old space tracking center in Crimea has been at the receiving end of a volley of ATACMS, this, despite the S-500 standing guard.

Not sure about what to do about this information.
Sometimes I wonder whether, as far as ballistic missiles go, ATACMS and Iskander have found the best "spot" (in velocity versus altitude vs range, and overall trajectory) not to get shot down. It is as if they just don't fly long and high enough for SAMs or ABMs to shoot them down. They just sneak between the two, leaving only very short reaction times to the defenders. What if this was the right way of doing it, rather than Kinzhal, Zircon or Avangard ?
I'm fairly sure the US would have tested Patriot and other systems against ATACMS at least once. Did SCUDs not follow a similar trajectory?

ATACMS was proposed as the basis for the Hermes BMD target in the 1980s/90s. I think it was actually used but I can't recall for certain.
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I think you're referring to the Zombie missile target conversion of old ATACMS.

No, there was an older proposal in the late 1980s using new ATACMS airframes to replace the older Lance targets that were running out.

Edit: Link that I meant to include earlier:

HERMES. The HERMES Target System is a variant of the ATACMS and is currently in the development stage. Development of the ATACMS and flight testing at WSMR began around 1985; it effectively entered service early in 1991 for use in the Gulf War (JANE’s Strategic Weapons Systems, 1995). ATACMS was developed as a ground-launched missile system capable of destroying selected high-value targets while remaining outside the area of target threat. The HERMES has been proposed as an economically viable alternative for use as target missiles. (White Sands Missile Range, 1988)
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Vitino is 260km in a straight line from the Crimean side of the Kerch Bridge, and in truth we don't know where (or really if) S-500 is deployed.

A video from an obscure source which is basically an AI generated narration overlaid over random footage of HIMARS (as opposed to ATACMS) and S-400 (as opposed to S-500), with any sort of photographic evidence of hits on the claimed target conspicuous by its absence... what reason is there frankly to believe anything it says?

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