Almaz-Antey S-500 Prometheus / 55R6M Triumphator-M / System 98Zh6M1

Well i have never seen such accelleration after the booster launch kicked off.. never!

So this is a new rocket engine, even if it uses older chassis or what not.
Impressive for the sheer size of it.
Yes i am aware of the overhype of said S-500.. but if you think about the current budget(around $60Bn) the last two years, the Russkies sure does make prospects/concepts turn into Complex's.. how they manage to do this idk:oops:
Yes i saw that. But its a different beast. We don't know what kind of launch mechanism they used in those Silo's.. how deep they are etc
Is there a possibillity they use Mag-Rails propulsion(doubtfull i know..), or high Air pressure release?

But we can clearly see the S-500 missile kick off after the launch booster detach.
Its basicly from Zero and getgo.. and by that i have never seen anything like it!
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Fyi i live very close by this CIVILLIAN Research site:


I have whatched many different rockets launch, some quite large with a triple stage design. But keep in mind, their payload in term of weight are very light/small, imo a micro sattelite for lower orbit or upper stratosphere, for atmosphere research.

They go off fast, pretty similar in some cases, but its not the same, is it? Its different design and role.
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Welcome to the S-500 era:

Just looks like a modernized S-300V on a wheeled chassis.

There is already Antei-4000, which is exactly what you are describing. Seems like missile tubes are considerably larger on this one:

The s
Well i have never seen such accelleration after the booster launch kicked off.. never!

So this is a new rocket engine, even if it uses older chassis or what not.
Impressive for the sheer size of it.
Yes i am aware of the overhype of said S-500.. but if you think about the current budget(around $60Bn) the last two years, the Russkies sure does make prospects/concepts turn into Complex's.. how they manage to do this idk:oops:
Agreed. There are definitely a few areas and examples where Russians over hype their stuff (just watch combat approved, love the show but whoa man) but in a particular number of domains their kit is indeed hard to over hype. Remember delving pretty deeply into some of their jamming and surface to air missile complexes and damn. They are legit good in these and some other fields.
Welcome to the S-500 era:

Just looks like a modernized S-300V on a wheeled chassis.

There is already Antei-4000, which is exactly what you are describing. Seems like missile tubes are considerably larger on this one:

Look a little closer. The missiles containers are virtually identical. They just look bigger because the rack that holds them is a little different.
Don't know. Those launch tubes are different and I'd say s500 tubes are maybe 1.5 to two meters different in size. Just a guess though I'm probably falling into that liquid filled skinny tube/fat dish illusion lol
Agreed. Those S-300VM containers looks indeed a bit shorter.
I've scaled the two images up to same size of the truck.

While the diameter of the launch tubes seems to be the same (with s500 even having a few pixels narrower tube, but that's within the margin of error) the length of the tube is visibly different.
I am getting 390 pixels for the Abakan launcher (s300v) and as much as 455 pixels for the S500 launch tube.
I'd say that's well beyond the margin of measurement error.

That said, it may very well be that the 77n6 missile is somewhat based on the 9m82 missile and features a different/longer booster.
Yep. Scaled the two up based on the distance between the hydraulic stabilizers. The wheels on the new vehicle are larger in diameter as well. Also the bases of the launch canisters have features at the four "corners" that look like they're designed to increase the area when resting on the ground. What few drawings there are seem to indicate the booster has been stretched at it's maximum diameter.



This almost looks like it has folding fins at the back for additional stability. If the booster has been increased, as appears in the drawing in my last post, then that would move the CG towards the rear. Maybe they went with fins instead of thrust vectoring during boost? (Doesn't make sense to me either but watch the video carefully. Also, they blur out the best view which also doesn't make sense if it's just your basic cone.)

Source: signed a contract for the supply of VKS more than 10 S-500 Prometey systems

Serial deliveries will begin in the first half of 2022

MOSCOW, July 29. / TASS /. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a contract with the Almaz-Antey concern for the supply of the first batch of S-500 Prometey anti-aircraft missile systems. This was reported to TASS by a source in the military-industrial complex.

"The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a contract with the Almaz-Antey concern for the supply of more than 10 Prometheus systems to the Aerospace Forces (VKS). Serial deliveries will begin in the first half of 2022," he said on the sidelines of the MAKS-2021 air show, which took place from 20 to 25 July in Zhukovsky.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, at the present time "state tests of the S-500 air defense system are underway at one of the test ranges in the south of Russia." They are expected to be completed at the end of 2021.

The interlocutor noted that Prometheus is capable of destroying all existing and potential means of aerospace attack, including warheads of intercontinental ballistic missiles at altitudes up to 200 km and at ranges up to 500 km.

The source noted that the ground version of the S-500 air defense system is now undergoing state tests. "If necessary, it can become a shipborne one," he added.

TASS does not have official information on this matter from the developer of the system of the Almaz-Antey concern.
Welcome to the S-500 era:

Am I interpreting this right?
First launch seems to have the missile explode at 0:15 to 0:16 - puff of dark smoke as it enters cloud, camera loses tracking. No way to tell if it hit its target, the RSO commanded self-destruct or the missile had a failure.
Second launch, camera angle is so low I can't tell if we're seeing a (partial?) launch failure, or simply the rocket efflux from booster ignition causing damage to the launcher - the bouncing debris could be the launch tube cap, but there are at least a couple of frames between 0:20-22 where there's something emerging from the lower left of the rocket efflux that appears to be consistent with the object that then impacts the ground at speed. At the very least it's a crew safety issue.
Third launch - could be second launch from a different angle, no issues visible.

Source: signed a contract for the supply of VKS more than 10 S-500 Prometey systems

Serial deliveries will begin in the first half of 2022

MOSCOW, July 29. / TASS /. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a contract with the Almaz-Antey concern for the supply of the first batch of S-500 Prometey anti-aircraft missile systems. This was reported to TASS by a source in the military-industrial complex.

"The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a contract with the Almaz-Antey concern for the supply of more than 10 Prometheus systems to the Aerospace Forces (VKS). Serial deliveries will begin in the first half of 2022," he said on the sidelines of the MAKS-2021 air show, which took place from 20 to 25 July in Zhukovsky.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, at the present time "state tests of the S-500 air defense system are underway at one of the test ranges in the south of Russia." They are expected to be completed at the end of 2021.

The interlocutor noted that Prometheus is capable of destroying all existing and potential means of aerospace attack, including warheads of intercontinental ballistic missiles at altitudes up to 200 km and at ranges up to 500 km.

The source noted that the ground version of the S-500 air defense system is now undergoing state tests. "If necessary, it can become a shipborne one," he added.

TASS does not have official information on this matter from the developer of the system of the Almaz-Antey concern.
I'd like to know how they control the upper stage at 200 km altitude.
How does everyone does it at such altitudes? Logical assumption would be some sort of gas thruster or vectored nozzle?

Recently, the program of state tests of the S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system (according to another version - 55R6M Triumphant-M) was completed. The results of test tests confirmed not only the tactical and technical characteristics declared by the manufacturer, but also the absolute readiness of the product for operation in the combat units of the Armed Forces of Russia. S-500 Prometheus According to Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Yuri Borisov, the deliveries of the latest anti-aircraft missile system that have begun do not yet fully correspond to the nomenclature requested by the customer. S-500 "Prometheus" is supplied in the configuration of a complex of a specified composition. A unique combination of record range, altitude and precision Three months earlier, the President of Russia announced the imminent staging of these advanced complexes, with which none of the existing missile and air defense systems in the world is able to compete, on combat duty to protect the air borders of the Russian Federation. According to the official source of TASS, the customer in the person of the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of more than ten promising air defense systems. "Fromthe same source it became known that the 1st Army of Special Purpose of the Russian Aerospace Forces, covering the capital of Russia and the Central Economic Region, and this is an area of 486 thousand square kilometers and 32 million people, has already received the first brigade set of Prometheus. As the main targets of the new anti-aircraft missile system, nuclear warheads, hypersonic missiles and even low-orbit space spy satellites are considered. These are precisely the means of attack over which the main potential enemy of Russia , the United States - is working hard, but so far unsuccessfully. The latest Russian fifth-generation anti-aircraft missile system S-500 "Prometheus" is equipped with fundamentally new radar facilities. Their tactical and technical characteristics make it possible to effectively detect air targets at previously inaccessible distances. Built on the basis of phased arrays and characterized by super-power radar "Prometheus" allows you to increase the detection range of the object by 150-200 kilometers, which significantly exceeds the capabilities of the previously created and showing a fairly high level of efficiency of the S-400 Triumph air defense system, capable of detecting a target at a distance of 600 kilometers. S-400 Triumph These circumstances are regarded by Pentagon analysts as a very good reason for serious concern. Reasonable doubts about the radar invisibility of their stealth aircraft – F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II, B-2 Spirit visit them more and more often. Analyst of the Chinese Internet company Sina Group Zhou Hongxin compared the currently known data on the functional potential and combination of technical and operational characteristics of the Russian "Prometheus" with similar parameters of the American Patriot Advanced Capability-3 air defense system. The conclusions made by the Chinese specialist testified not in favor of the American complex, confirming the opinion of the world expert community about the absence of analogues of the Russian air defense system in the modern world. Cost and efficiency The admiration of Chinese military experts for the merits of the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system reaches such an extent that they are ready to attribute even fantastic capabilities to it. For example, the ability to effectively destroy meteorites threatening our planet.

s-500 almez antey.JPG
Nevertheless, there is a consolidated opinion of the world expert community that the organic combination of the record firing range for today, inaccessible to foreign analogues of the flight altitude of guided missiles of the "surface-to-air" class and the uniqueness of the homing system turns the 55R6M "Triumphant-M" into the most advanced of the existing means of missile and air defense. The beginning of the arrival of the S-500 in the active parts of the air defense of Russia allows us to state the fact of the emergence of a full-fledged aerospace defense system in the Russian Federation. And finally, another, of course, important advantage of the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system is its cost, which is definitely less than the cost of the American THAAD system (mobile ground-based anti-missile complex for high-altitude atmospheric interception of medium-range missiles). And this despite the fact that the latter is significantly inferior to domestic development in a number of key technical characteristics and operational parameters. In addition, the S-500 Prometheus is able to work effectively on a whole complex of various objects, which initiates a burning desire for its purchase in some countries. However, the export prospects of Prometheus are currently somewhat vague, so it is premature to talk about them more substantively. The exit of the promising Russian air defense system to the finish line formed another aspect that is quite important for potential opponents of the Russian Federation, voiced by the same experts of the Celestial Empire. They publicly declared the ability of the S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system, if not completely kill, then thoroughly undermine the faith existing among the countries participating in the North Atlantic Alliance in the effectiveness of the American THAAD system. Created by the Russian developer (JSC "Concern of Aerospace Defense "Almaz-Antey"), the S-500 air defense system is not a single anti-aircraft-anti-missile defense complex. The division of the Prometheus into a combat control point, anti-aircraft and anti-missile units ensures the ability of the air defense system to intercept all air attack weapons in service with the United States Army and its NATO allies. In addition, the breadth of the functional potential of the S-500 makes it possible to effectively destroy hypersonic weapons located in near-Earth space, space weapons and low-orbit satellites. This is worth talking about in more detail. Space potential of "Prometheus" It is obvious that the Russian S-500 air defense system, which has no analogues in the world, and this is recognized by the overwhelming majority of both domestic and foreign military experts, is not positioned by the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry as a system designed to replace the S-400 Triumph, the comfortable range of working heights of which is located between the marks of five and sixty kilometers. Its key purpose remains the priority defeat of strategic facilities located at extremely long distances: hypersonic cruise missiles; intercontinental and ballistic missiles; low-orbital satellites; heavy bombers and AWACS aircraft; space planes. "Younger brother" "Prometheus" - S-400 "Triumph" is also able to effectively hit such targets, but at significantly lower altitudes. However, it can work highly productively as one of the elements of a deep-echeloned missile-air defense system, effectively neutralizing cruise and tactical ballistic missiles, stealth fighters. Given the excellent tactical and technical characteristics, the Russian fifth-generation air defense system can be safely positioned as a first-generation anti-space defense system. Possessing a six-hundred-kilometer radius of effective destruction, the S-500 Prometheus is capable of simultaneously destroying up to ten objects (for example, ballistic and cruise missiles) flying at supersonic and hypersonic speeds reaching up to 25 thousand kilometers per hour at altitudes up to two hundred kilometers at altitudes of up to two hundred kilometers. Military analyst Dave Majumdara, an employee of the American conservative magazine The National Interest, is convinced that the S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft missile system developed in Russia, which allows simultaneously destroying up to ten targets in near space, in combination with the S-400 Triumph and S-300 Favorit, will form a single integrated and layered air and missile defense system capable of effectively protecting Russian airspace from any threats. However, the primary task of the latest S-500 air defense system is to create a shield that reliably covers the deployment of troops of the Western Military District, including basing systems and missile systems of various ranges. The completion of the deployment of the S-500 air defense system, according to experts of the information publication Datviet, will provide the Russian Federation with complete and undeniable military superiority over the United States. Currently, the leadership of the Pentagon is developing a global strike system at an accelerated pace within the framework of the Prompt Global Strike concept, but Washington's lag behind Moscow in the development and creation of modern non-nuclear weapons is now obvious. S-500 can already be used for an effective solution to destroy any air-missile strike systems.

During his recent meeting with top Russian Defense Ministry officials and heads of Russian defense industry enterprises, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance of delivering S-350, S-500 and S-550 surface-to-air missile systems to the troops, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

"Measures to adequately respond to the volatile situation near Russia’s borders were considered. Huge attention was paid to improving the country’s system of aerospace defense. The head of the state put a special emphasis on the importance of advanced development of domestic air defense and anti-ballistic missile systems, of delivering S-350, S-500 and S-550 systems to the Russian armed forces," he said.

The S-550 high-mobility terminal air defense system was being developed in the Soviet Union in 1981-1988. The project, along with many others, was closed as part of Soviet-US military agreements of that period. The equipment installed on the system’s prototype was dismantled after 1992. The project’s groundwork was destroyed after the collapse of the Soviet Union

S-350, S-550 wheres S-450 :p
That S-500 write-up is hysterical. Reads like it was written by J. Jonah Jameson. Any info on the S-550?
talking about the text write up(apologoies nauketechnika is a bitch although it has a bunch of great info especially on other foreign countries like the thread i created for ukraines new air defense) or some of its info? S-550 was mentioned by the Shoigu with the s-350 and s-500 and other sources are suggesting its a short range defense which doesnt make sense to me as of yet because the newer pantsirs are going with quadpack missile options combined with two times the longer ranges of previous pantsirs with better radar performances. I dismissed the information of the source immediately when it came from Sputnik(which made it sound like Putin said it) but later it came from tass highlighting it as Shoigus speech when i took it a little bit serious.
I find myself wondering why they have so many different types. For example Buk M3 and S-350 seem very similar.
I find myself wondering why they have so many different types. For example Buk M3 and S-350 seem very similar.

AFAIK it's dated back in Soviet era fighting doctrine between PVO-SV ("Motherland"/Country Air Defense Troops) and PVO-Army (Army Air Defense Troops)

These two forces operates SAM tailored for their specific needs, despite similar requirements the army version often have tracked chassis like Buk, Tor or Amphibious chassis like the SA-8. While the PVO-SV as they're defending the motherland they can accept semi-mobile, static or wheeled chassis which is evident in SA-2/S-75, SA-3/S-125, SA-5/S-200 and later S-300P family.

and back in Soviet days they assign the jobs to different design bureau e.g Army SAM systems have their long range systems designed by NPO Antey while shorter range system by Kupol with Lyulaev (now Novator) building the missiles. While Country-air defense troops have their system designed by NPO Almaz with Fakel design bureau design and build the missile. Another player is KBP Tula which made Pantsyr, kashtan and Tunguska, but this design bureau seems to be an exception as it doesnt really "align" to specific branch.
That S-500 write-up is hysterical. Reads like it was written by J. Jonah Jameson. Any info on the S-550?

Haha I love russian military kit but yeah they have an old world panegyric quality to buffing their stuff up in public. Particularly how they used the chicoms as a setup to praise their meteor destroying missiles (jokes aside s-500 is indeed impressive).

I get the same kind of amusement about western buzzword salads when discussing their military equipment. I'll make some up right here.

SKYberTRON green friendly machine learning battlefield logistics suite. Or starBRST scalable algorithmic sub-assemblies for brown wave propagation. Or how about N-larp internet-of-things aggregator for achievement of quantum mechanical overmatch.
Well they have reasons to be confident in their air defenses especially selling them more than others do with their aircrafts based on what we saw.
So its an air defense on steroids.

MOSCOW, November 13 - RIA Novosti. The new S-550 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM), developed on the basis of the S-500 Prometheus, will become the world's first mobile specialized anti-missile (ABM) and anti-space defense system capable of effectively destroying intercontinental ballistic missiles, two defense sources told RIA Novosti -industrial complex. During a conference call on November 9, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that Russia is developing a new S-550 anti-aircraft missile system. No information was provided about her. Currently, Russia and the United States have specialized missile defense systems capable of shooting down warheads of ICBMs with a high probability, but of a stationary type - anti-missiles are placed in mines. "The new mobile system is being developed as a version of the S-500 air defense system and will specialize in anti-missile and anti-space defense tasks. Its capabilities to intercept warheads of ballistic missiles of various ranges, primarily intercontinental ones, as well as space attack weapons will be an order of magnitude higher than that of the S- 400 and S-500, as well as American missile defense systems - THAAD and Aegis with SM-3Block llB missiles "- said one of the agency's interlocutors. Another source confirmed this information, adding that "the development of a new system is at an advanced stage."

Edit: have some air defense humour.
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more hype train news.

DUBAI, November 15. / TASS /. The first S-550 strategic missile defense (ABM) system will be put into service with the Russian army until 2025. A source close to the Russian military department told TASS on the sidelines of the Dubai Airshow 2021 international air show."The S-550 has already been created in hardware. This is a strategic missile defense system.

The first S-550 will be delivered to the Russian Aerospace Forces by 2025. Its delivery is envisaged under the state armaments program until 2027," he said , commenting on the recent statement of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.According to the source, initially it is planned to supply the S-550 brigade set.

"The S-550 will use a mobile launcher with a hypersonic missile," he added, noting that the naval version of the complex is not envisaged.TASS has no official confirmation of this information.
"The S-550 has already been created in hardware. This is a strategic missile defense system."

I had assumed they meant they had finalized the r&d and design phases. Didnt realize they already have some kind of prototype ready. Wonder when we will get images of the TEL, support vehicle and mobile radar stations. Also they are making it sound like mobility is an important factor. Could this be a system based on tracked vehicles?
It was always implied that the S-500 had ABM (not ATBM, but ABM) and some degree of LEO ASAT capability. It sounds like the S-550 maybe takes these roles from the S-500.
Well they have reasons to be confident in their air defenses especially selling them more than others do with their aircrafts based on what we saw.
It'd take brass ones to be extremely confident in Pantsyr these days, given how it was constantly being blown up in Syria and Libya. It'd be fair to question how effective other systems might be. It doesn't mean the others won't perform, but if somebody was skeptical there is a reason for it.
Dont fall for your own propaganda. Pantsir is an incredible system. Tor even better. If you believe the turk and national interest teir western media are saying, I dont know what to tell you.

Get the same vibe from people assuming we dont have monsters just like Putin in our own governments. From the weaponization of "human rights" to "arab spring" style regime changes it is all demonically ruthless. But hey, remember we are the good guys because diversity is our strength and our healthy democratic processes!
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