early 1980s

  1. Grey Havoc

    Edward B Johnson, the other CIA officer who pulled off the Argo rescue of US diplomats from Iran (The Daily Telegraph)

    Meant to post this last week: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2024/09/12/edward-johnson-argo-iran-america-diplomats-affleck/ Rest In Peace :(
  2. C

    Proposed 1980 Update of FRAM Gearing class Destroyers

    From 1979 to 1980, the United States Navy proposed updating their remaining obsolete FRAM Gearing class destroyers in the Naval Reserve Force as escorts to protect trans-Atlantic convoys against Soviet submarines. Some of the proposed modernization included replacing the WWII-era 5"/38 twin-gun...
  3. J

    Tales of past future. Some essays about the VSTOL carrier.

    Érase una vez sólo dos bandos (y sabías qué esperar) y había un país llamado Unión Soviética. Y el portaaviones era la especie dominante en los mares (Cuanto más grande era el portaaviones, más felices eran los almirantes), pero este tipo de barcos son muy caros, tan caros que parecía que iban a...
  4. Temeraire

    Modernise Vanguard and the KGV’s for the 1980s

    In a perfect world for the British armed forces how would you modernise HMS Vanguard and the King George V class to serve in the 1980s? (Before anyone asks Yes CVA-01 through 04 are built in this timeline, so no yapping about building carriers instead, this is a perfect world for the RN, so the...
  5. flateric

    NASA/industry small transport aircraft technology (STAT) studies from 80s

    some GA weirdo projects from early 80s
  6. uk 75

    How capable was the Argentine aircraft carrier in 1982?

    I have always assumed from the various books that I have read that the Argentine 25 DeMayo carrier would have had difficulty launching and recovering fully loaded A4 Skyhawks let alone the bigger and beavier Etendard. Even though the RN did not sink the carrier its SSN barrier ensured that she...
  7. GTX

    The Aircraft Projects of Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation by Joe Vella

    Freshly published:
  8. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    PD-214 Security Class Maritime Administration conceptual mobilisation ship 1974-1981

    Source: p474-p475, US Amphibious Ships and Craft, Norman Friedman The Center of Naval Analyses (CNA) compared a number of different ship designs for the role of the Maritime Prepositioning Squadron (MPS). One of these was the PD-214 "Security Class" (C8-M-MA134), a conceptual mobilisation ship...
  9. helmutkohl

    What if UK postponed the decomissioning of the Ark Royal class, would it change the outcome of the Falklands?

    the Falklands war occurred in 82 Ark Royal (or another ship of the same class?) was decommissioned in 79 What if they had opted to delay the decommissioning by a few years but then the Falkland war occurred anyways Would the Ark Royal have been sent? would it have contributed differently than...
  10. Grey Havoc

    French and other proposals for Canadian nuclear icebreaker (Polar 10) project, late 1970s / early 1980s

    Does anyone have any information on the French design at least? The program was a precursor to the equally ill-fated (non-nuclear) Polar 8 icebreaker program of the 1980s. The only hard info I have on the French proposal at the moment is that the reactor was a CAS (Advanced Series Boiler)...
  11. RavenOne

    40 Years ago today - Rendlesham Forest UFO incident RAF Bentwaters / Woodbridge

    Happy Xmas all and 4 decades ago on this day well 26th rendlesham forest incident between Twin bases of RAF Woodbridge (home of then 67th Aerospace Recovery & Rescue Squadron with HH53C Super Jolly Green Giant and HC-130H Combat Shadow and 81st TFW with A-10 Warthog) Bentwaters had other lot of...
  12. Flyaway

    Top Secret DAMON: the classified reconnaissance payload planned for the fourth space shuttle mission

    http://www.thespacereview.com/article/3748/1 Top Secret DAMON: the classified reconnaissance payload planned for the fourth space shuttle mission by Dwayne A. Day Monday, July 1, 2019 The first military/intelligence payload ever scheduled to fly aboard the Space Shuttle was a top-secret...
  13. N

    Fliegerfaust for Mijaheddyn?

    Some time ago, it must have been in 2013-2014, I was able to see in a movie (maybe on YouTube) a guerrilla with the typical Chitral cap used by ethnic Afghans Pashtun, equipped with a weapon system that looked like a German Fliegerfaust / Luftfaust and the militian who used it pointed it...
  14. A

    General Dynamics F-16/79

    I like this bird nice colors. i think that this rare bird should have topic. Do sombadey know performernce charts or something beyond wikipedia . Did this stuff realy work i meam with F-4 nations.Two fighter one engine. Is this bird that bad.
  15. Mike Pryce

    Australian Invincible

    Image of the Vickers proposal for a modified Invincible Class ship to replace HMAS Melbourne. The enlarged hangar and removal of Sea Dart are of note. Also Invincible image for comparison. Found at: http://warships1discussionboards.yuku.com/topic/24222
  16. Triton

    Shanghai Y-10

    http://youtu.be/-idcnKx3PQo http://youtu.be/MGQ-7TtM4Kg The Shanghai Y-10, the Chinese attempt to copy the Boeing 707. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/23269353@N00/5288276795/in/photostream/
  17. Grey Havoc

    When Grumman Stood Alone

    Read more: http://nation.time.com/2013/05/30/when-grumman-stood-alone/#ixzz2V50fOksb
  18. hesham

    Rockwell SSBJ Aircraft of 1981 (MMIPS)

    Hi, here is the North American/Rockwell MMIPS,a Multimode Integrated Propulsion System, fitted with a small Mach 2.7 SSBJ aircraft. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19810009482_1981009482.pdf
  19. P

    British Chobham armour MICV

    From Sealordlawrence's post on MBT-80 I would add that at this point the British Army was also scheming 1,900 MICV's (which were originally meant to have Chobham armour and a 750hp engine with a total weight of 30 tons). MBT-80 was apparently cancelled in July 1980, it seems that prior to this...
  20. Grey Havoc

    AX-04: Last Torpedo Bomber development of the 20th Century?

    Could the IA-58 Pucará be classified as the last Torpedo Bomber, at least developmental wise, of the 20th Century? For those of you who are not familiar with it, AX-04 was a prototype of the IA 58 Pucará, modified during the Falklands War as part of a joint Air Force/Navy project hoping to...
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