
Senior Member
26 May 2006
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The Russian Federal Space Agency (FSA) is developing
the Kliper,a reusable manned spacecraft.


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Much more and super fresh


Mato, Vadim Lukashevich (author of the photos) said that this is last model of Kliper as of march 2007.

This, meantime, doesn't mean that this is model of the last Kliper iteration, in his words.
At least the same model stands at Sevastyanov's working table now. Tomorrow I will scan some stuff from the January Energia presentation on Kliper/Parom.
This is from Energia October 2006 presentation. Now so far to my knowledge, just winged version survived, Kliper-Parom stack abandoned (flies are separated from cuttlets as our president says). No money enought to go on. Europeans (ESA) just investing in Soyuz modermnisation so far.

Looking at Kliper nose/bottom fuselage I can't stop myself from thinking about striking look-alike some grill chicken breast parts.


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Interesting interview from Novosti Kosmonavtiki magazine (01/2007) with Nikolay Sevastyanov, RKK Energia Chief Designer. ), many on Kliper.
Sorry, in Russian only.


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Oh, and this goes from July 2006


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flateric said:
This is from Energia October 2006 presentation. Now so far to my knowledge, just winged version survived, Kliper-Parom stack abandoned (flies are separated from cuttlets as our president says). No money enought to go on. Europeans (ESA) just investing in Soyuz modermnisation so far.

Looking at Kliper nose/bottom fuselage I can't stop myself from thinking about striking look-alike some grill chicken breast parts.

Yeah, ESA financed ALL its programs in 12/2005, except... Klipper proposal. ESA manned spacecraft are more dead than alive... china, India have taken the lead in this field...
No mention of Kliper at all at MAKS 07, except little model on top of new Makeev KB 'Rossiyanka' rocket (methan fueled, with reusable first stage - in short, full bullshit deadborn stuff) that was left there just because of pre-show hurry in spite of changing winds after Sevastyanov resignment. So, farewell, Kliper...


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So current situation is, ESA has money but no will ( former astronaut Patrick Baudry has a strong opinion on the subject, to say the least ::)) for a manned spacecraft, while Russia wanted to replace Soyuz by Kliper, but has no money...

what a waste :'(
In fact, Russia don't want Kliper now as well. Read this http://www.kommersant.com/p795701/r_529/Space_Rocket_Launch/
Kliper die Slowly

Plant as Universal system like CEV (now ORION)
LOW to ISS, Lunar and Interplanetary (Venus Mars)
as Lifting Body

Kliper Switch to wings
its became Heavy just like ESA Hermes mini Shuttle (from planed 10 Ton up to 21 Ton !!)

then they lost the Launcher Zenit
is Ukraine Launcher so NIET from Moscow
because Russian government wanted all system contractors to be located inside Russia.

Angara Launcher no jet build (is this chancel too ???)
R-7 upgrade projects -- Yamal, Avrora and Onega never leave a drawing board.
then its Soyuz-3 with NK-33 no jet build....

December 2005 they lost securing the European funding for the project...

January 2006
next Idea Kilper on R-7 Soyuz-2 launch from French Guiana, rendezvous with orbital tug Parom
question : how gona Kilper be Cheaper as Soyuz with 2 Launches for ISS ???

then on Juli 2006 the Universal system like CEV was kill in favor of Lunar Soyuz system
means Kipler fly only to ISS...

It like end of Hermes allover again...

So Wat next ???
radical upgrade of the Soyuz spacecraft as ACTS (ESA & RSA)
could work but if ESA minsters say NO again (like Hermes or Europe Capsule) is over

Khrunichev's concept of the TKS-based capsule ??

2008 we will know more wen the Crew Space Transportation System (CSTS)
(was Advanced Crew Transportation System ACTS) Studie ends in 2008

more on that here
Please, anyone can post a pic of Kliper/Soyuz launch configuration?

Thanks in advance
OK, Kliper was effectively dead already in June, 2006 - this is a date Lukashevich says when all design work on Kliper was stopped at Energia...Now we will built our own Shenzhou copy-cat...what an irony..
pometablava said:
Please, anyone can post a pic of Kliper/Soyuz launch configuration?

Thanks in advance



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Thanks a lot Gregory!!!

russianspaceweb is a treassure
Thank you for all these infos! I recignize that I'd lost Kliper development since January 2006. Feck, time fly quickly these days ::)

So what will replace Kliper ? Is Russia seriously studying an upgraded Soyuz, or a Russian Shengzou ? :eek:
Read topic and Russianspaceweb again. There's all explained. Federal Space Agency (ex-Roscosmos) chief Anatoly Perminov hates winged spacecrafts, I've heard it again yesterday in his interview. We will build upgraded Soyuz on steroids, the same that Chinese did in terms of ideology. Stretch your legs according to your clothes.We just have no money to do this...

from Flieger revue 7/2004,here is the ESA Klipper.


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Launch vehicle

According to original plans, Kliper would be launched on top of a yet-to-be developed Onega booster -- a heavily modified Soyuz rocket. Given virtually nonexistent chances of obtaining funding for the Onega, RKK Energia considered the operational Zenit booster with similar capabilities, as well as yet-to-be built Angara-3 rocket. The Soyuz-3 rocket was also considered as the alternative. However, upon "splitting" the spacecraft into two independent vehicles in 2005, RKK Energia settled on the smaller Soyuz-2-3 launcher. However alternative options still remained on the table as of beginning of 2006.
Hazegrayart said:
Kliper Spaceplane: ESA-Russia Collaboration that never Materialized
The Kliper spaceplane was a proposed Russian reusable spacecraft intended for crewed missions to low Earth orbit (LEO), the Moon, and potentially Mars. Developed by RSC Energia, it aimed to be a successor to the Soyuz spacecraft and capable of transporting both crew and cargo to space. [...]
View: https://youtu.be/ntQucdOnsf4?si=vNUf1W_CA1IsSGX7


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