
ACCESS: Top Secret
13 February 2008
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I know this one has a lot of questions. If anybody has a good answer, I'd like to hear it.

Would the F-12B interceptor have resulted in a significantly different development of Russian/Soviet aircraft? Would it have played a role in the development of our fighter designs? Would it have caused the russians to develop stealth, hypersonic bombers, improved interceptors? Would it have lead to an accelerated, and early development of UCAV's on either side?

Would it have lead to accelerated development on either side for TAV's, manned or unmanned?

Also, do you think it would have affected the aircraft development of other countries such as China for example?

KJ_Lesnick said:
I know this one has a lot of questions. If anybody has a good answer, I'd like to hear it.

Would the F-12B interceptor have resulted in a significantly different development of Russian/Soviet aircraft?

No. Might have accelerated the development of long range cruise missiles like the Kh-55, but that's about it. Most likely, no effect since in a large nuclear strike against CONUS, their few bases would have been taken out by SLBMs long before bombers entered the picture.

Would it have played a role in the development of our fighter designs?

No more than it historically might have. It's really more of a bomber destroyer than a fighter.

Would it have caused the russians to develop stealth, hypersonic bombers, improved interceptors?

No need for stealth or hypersonic bombers, and I doubt the technical feasibility of either of them at the time (and hypersonic bombers even now). No need for an improved interceptor without an improved bomber threat.

Would it have lead to an accelerated, and early development of UCAV's on either side?

Would it have lead to accelerated development on either side for TAV's, manned or unmanned?

Also, do you think it would have affected the aircraft development of other countries such as China for example?

I can't think of a single reason why it would.
Well, one reason I speculated about the UCAV thing was advanced cruise-missile guidance technology could aid in development of UCAVs


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