Strange. It is very light for dimensions and VERY short ranged.

Perhaps it is intended as a coastal or even seabed launched system?

I'd just assume they don't have highly advanced battery technology. The weight does seem a bit low for the reported length, but maybe they have a lower density battery?
Strange. It is very light for dimensions and VERY short ranged.

Perhaps it is intended as a coastal or even seabed launched system?

I'd just assume they don't have highly advanced battery technology. The weight does seem a bit low for the reported length, but maybe they have a lower density battery?
Some up-to-date information was released on AKYA HWT
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1:1 Scale mock-up of Kuzgun Modular Missile - As can be seen on the image, the tail section can be swapped out for a jet powered tail. Also, the front seeker section can be swapped out for single, dual mode or tri mode IR/RF/LAS seekers

SOM-J Cruise Missile

Very Large Thermal Batteries, unknown use case - likely very long range missiles.
Not a missile, but I thought it worth posting here. Turkey's MKE is working on developing a 76/62mm Naval Cannon.

Range - 16km HE-PFF
Length - 4700mm
Cooling - Water Cooled Jacket
Fire Rate - 80 rounds a minute
Weight - 7500kg dry - 8500 with ammunition
Magazine - 70 rounds

Not a missile, but I thought it worth posting here. Turkey's MKE is working on developing a 76/62mm Naval Cannon.

Range - 16km HE-PFF
Length - 4700mm
Cooling - Water Cooled Jacket
Fire Rate - 80 rounds a minute
Weight - 7500kg dry - 8500 with ammunition
Magazine - 70 rounds

View attachment 641514

Looks like a fairly direct copy of the OTO Melara 76mm. They've tweaked the barrel fittings slightly but it's very similar.
Not a missile, but I thought it worth posting here. Turkey's MKE is working on developing a 76/62mm Naval Cannon.

Range - 16km HE-PFF
Length - 4700mm
Cooling - Water Cooled Jacket
Fire Rate - 80 rounds a minute
Weight - 7500kg dry - 8500 with ammunition
Magazine - 70 rounds

View attachment 641514

Looks like a fairly direct copy of the OTO Melara 76mm. They've tweaked the barrel fittings slightly but it's very similar.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the renderings provided, however specification wise, very similar.
To add, development of 76mm is to reduce procurement times of weapon systems for Naval Apllications. OTO Malera being so successful, have worlds navies to outfit, hence very long lead times - which was not favourable for a Navy which looks to expand within a short time period.


Aselsan, developed fire control system for OTO Melera 76mm. Giving it ability to fire salvos for simultaneous impact. - much like modeen howitzers. No doubt the FCS would be adapted to Turkish 76mm.
Aselsan, developed fire control system for OTO Melera 76mm. Giving it ability to fire salvos for simultaneous impact. - much like modeen howitzers. No doubt the FCS would be adapted to Turkish 76mm.

Interesting, though I'm not sure it's incredibly useful in this application. Targets at sea can't take cover, which is the main advantage of multiple rounds, simultaneous impact (MRSI). And shooting MRSI means that most of the rounds took a slower than optimal route to the impact point, which is not great for hitting moving sea targets.
Aselsan, developed fire control system for OTO Melera 76mm. Giving it ability to fire salvos for simultaneous impact. - much like modeen howitzers. No doubt the FCS would be adapted to Turkish 76mm.

Interesting, though I'm not sure it's incredibly useful in this application. Targets at sea can't take cover, which is the main advantage of multiple rounds, simultaneous impact (MRSI). And shooting MRSI means that most of the rounds took a slower than optimal route to the impact point, which is not great for hitting moving sea targets.

It is very much a feature set requested by the Turkish Navy for shore bombardment, if you look at Turkey's geographical position it is hugged by sprinkle of islands to it's west in the Aegean.
Fire support aside, one other thing that simultaneous impact might do is give multiple incoming targets to overwhelm point defense systems.

Point defense against gun rounds?

I guess someone might try it, using Phalanx in something more like its C-RAM role. But it's going to get overloaded really fast.

Besides, an OTO shooting at 80-120 rpm is already delivering functionally simultaneous impacts as far as a system like that is concerned. For field artillery, rounds impacting within a second of each other meets the standard for MRSI. A rapid-fire gun with an RoF of 60+ RPM meets that standard automatically, without any trajectory shaping.
I assume MRSI here is rather some form of patterning fire mission to land multiple rounds in short time to suppress coastal defense in certain area using one gun only.
Inlet design on ATMACA AShM - being slid into launching cannister. (Side-by-side image of same missile)

--- to add ---

ATAMACA AShM passed electronic warfare and GPS/GNS denial testing in recent test fire, flying only with INS to target.
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Not a missile, but I thought it worth posting here. Turkey's MKE is working on developing a 76/62mm Naval Cannon.

Range - 16km HE-PFF
Length - 4700mm
Cooling - Water Cooled Jacket
Fire Rate - 80 rounds a minute
Weight - 7500kg dry - 8500 with ammunition
Magazine - 70 rounds

View attachment 641514

Looks like a fairly direct copy of the OTO Melara 76mm. They've tweaked the barrel fittings slightly but it's very similar.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the renderings provided, however specification wise, very similar.
To add, development of 76mm is to reduce procurement times of weapon systems for Naval Apllications. OTO Malera being so successful, have worlds navies to outfit, hence very long lead times - which was not favourable for a Navy which looks to expand within a short time period.


Aselsan, developed fire control system for OTO Melera 76mm. Giving it ability to fire salvos for simultaneous impact. - much like modeen howitzers. No doubt the FCS would be adapted to Turkish 76mm.

Would it not have been easier and cheaper to take out a licence for the OTO 76mm, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. I can see a court case between Leanardo and MKE for some sort of industrial rights infringement.
Domestic Missiles from ROKETSAN etched into every PCB board the Founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and signature.

Ataturk.jpg 1024px-Signature_of_Mustafa_Kemal_Atatürk.svg.png

Artillery Systems & Projects of Turkish Defence Industry
ManufacturerDesignationTypeDiameter ^Range
76Naval.jpg MKEN/ANaval Cannon76mm16km
Boran105mm.jpg MKEBoranLight Towed Howitzer105mm16km
MKET-107Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher107mm11km
MKE / RoketsanT-122Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher122mm40km
155mmPanter.jpg MKEPanterTowed/Semi-Propelled Howitzer155mm40km
155mmYavuz.jpg MKEYavuzSelf-Propelled Howitzer155mm40km
155mmT155.jpg MKET-155 FirtinaSelf-Propelled Howitzer155mm45km
AselsanT155.jpg Aselsan/MKEN/A (Concept)Self-Propelled Howitzer155mm45km
155mmAselKMO.jpg Aselsan/MKE/BMCAselsan KMOSelf-Propelled Howitzer155mm40km
TRG230mm.jpg RoketsanTRG-230Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher230mm70km
300mmKasirga.jpg RoketsanT-300 KasirgaMulti-Barrel Rocket Launcher300mm120km
300mmTiger.jpg RoketsanTRG-300 TigerMulti-Barrel Rocket Launcher300mmBlock I - 120km
Block II - 90km

ManufacturerDesignationTypeDiameter ^Range
600mmYildirm.jpg RoketsanYildirimTheatre Quasiballistic Missile600mm152km
610mmBoraKhan.jpg RoketsanKhanTheatre Quasiballistic Missile610mm280km
610Bora.jpg RoketsanBoraTheatre Quasiballistic Missile610mm360km
The dimensions of the "Yildirim" missile from Roketsan and its tube-launch variants "Kaan" and "Bora"

Sounding Rocket TP 0.1

Erdogan vows to boost Turkish defense industry​

President praises Turkish defense industry, pledges more support​

Yildiz Nevin Gundogmus |12.11.2020

Erdogan vows to boost Turkish defense industry

The Turkish president on Thursday vowed to further boost the country’s defense industry.
“We can never tolerate procuring products [of the defense industry] from abroad that we can produce ourselves,” said Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the inauguration ceremony of a new facility for Turkish defense giant Aselsan.
“We will continue to provide all kinds of support to the defense industry,” Erdogan added.
Despite hurdles created by global suppliers, Erdogan said Turkey came out stronger than before by relying on its own strength.
He said that from 62 defense projects in 2002, the figure has grown to 700.
Erdogan said Turkey has seven companies among the top 100 defense firms of the world. He added that five of those companies entered the list in the last five years.
Especially in recent years, Turkish companies have attracted growing popularity with drones and helicopters, vessels, armored cars, electronic devices, weapons, and weapon parts.
Sounding Rocket TP 0.1

Erdogan vows to boost Turkish defense industry​

President praises Turkish defense industry, pledges more support​

Yildiz Nevin Gundogmus |12.11.2020

Erdogan vows to boost Turkish defense industry

The Turkish president on Thursday vowed to further boost the country’s defense industry.
“We can never tolerate procuring products [of the defense industry] from abroad that we can produce ourselves,” said Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the inauguration ceremony of a new facility for Turkish defense giant Aselsan.
“We will continue to provide all kinds of support to the defense industry,” Erdogan added.
Despite hurdles created by global suppliers, Erdogan said Turkey came out stronger than before by relying on its own strength.
He said that from 62 defense projects in 2002, the figure has grown to 700.
Erdogan said Turkey has seven companies among the top 100 defense firms of the world. He added that five of those companies entered the list in the last five years.
Especially in recent years, Turkish companies have attracted growing popularity with drones and helicopters, vessels, armored cars, electronic devices, weapons, and weapon parts.
Sounding Rocket tests - in English.
HGK-ER wing kit for Mk-82 and Mk-83 bombs.

Entered into serial production without any news it seems, here are casses of HGK-ER kits. Each case has 4 HGK-ER wing kits stacked inside.
it's the new designation of KGK?

HGK-ER wing kit for Mk-82 and Mk-83 bombs.

Entered into serial production without any news it seems, here are casses of HGK-ER kits. Each case has 4 HGK-ER wing kits stacked inside.
it's the new designation of KGK?

KGK was the name of the project whilst in development by Tubitak. Serial production and marketing name is HGK-ER used by KALE group.

MIDAS - Turkey's domestically developed vertical launch system for Navy to replace MK-41. G-40 is expected to replace RIM-162 ESSM.
Screenshot 2020-11-22 123337.png D5bYbI-X4AAjCwC.jpg

With Meteksan’s successful completion of KEMENT TDL System development phase and performance tests , Turkey has become one of the prominent countries that has Network Enabled Capability.

KEMENT TDL is a TDMA-based, secured (crypto), jam-resistant, high-speed digital communication system with relay capability for near-real time transmission of complex data sets. Kement TDL enables NEC(network-enabled capability) and NEW(Network Enabled Weapon) among Command Control (C2) Systems, land, sea and air platforms, ammunition (cruise missiles etc.), weapons and mission systems in the battlefield.
mstdl_1.jpg mstdl_3.jpg

Turkey moving towards it's own network capability, whilst still maintaining Link 16/22 (for now).



YATAĞAN® Laser Guided Miniature Missile System can be fired using new generation man portable 40 mm grenade launcher and has a greater effective range than the maximum range of existing grenade launcher ammunition. Lightweight and small size missile enables integration of the system with mini unmanned aerial vehicles, ground and surface vehicles.
It brings precision, range and target oriented fire power to urban warfare.

Technical Specifications​

Diameter40 mm
Length~40 cm
Weight~1 kg
Maximum Range~1,000 m
SeekerSemi-Active Laser Seeker
Accuracy (CEP)1 m
PlatformsGrenade Launchers
Mini UAVs
Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Unmanned Surface Vehicles
FInal testing of ATMACA AShM with live warhead before entering serial production - 250kg warhead.

Akya Block 1 heavy weight torpedo launched from Gur Class Type 209 submarine - notice no cavitation :)

Turkey almost self-sufficient on and under the sea.

  • Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile
  • Akya Heavyweight Torpedo
  • Orka Lightweight Torpedo
  • Tork Anti-Torpedo Torpedo
Medium range anti-ship missile under development
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HISAR has a combat deployment (Syria, Libya) or it's just rumor?
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