Trouble downloading from


Top Contributor
25 June 2009
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For a few weeks now I've experienced some great trouble whenever I try to download a PDF from the website. This didn't happen before; it still doesn't happen on any other website; it happens with both my browsers; even on refresh or reload nothing happens. More often than not I have to give up.

Could this be related to the fact that my URL is in Europe and the DTIC server blocks foreign URLs, or is there something in my configuration that poses a problem with their particular URL? I'd like to know if other forum members (especially European ones) have experienced or are still experiencing similar trouble. Thanks for any feedback on this subject!
I just tried a few at random with no particualr issue. Is there a file in particular that you're not able to download? If so, I can give it a shot.

Could be that this particular .mil site has been locked off from you furrin types. Who said Wikileaks wouldn't have an effect?
Hi, I was downloading .pdf's from there last night (although I often do experience a slow DL speed from there, or have to Refresh to restart a stalling DL)....

I use Mozilla.
downloading seems fine today, although it can be a little slow compared to other sites. ( I'm based in the UK )

Thanks to you all for the feedback. It would seem that I'm not the only one this side of the pond to find download from that site a little difficult... The fact that OBB doesn't seem to be experiencing any kind of trouble seems to go in favor of my U.S. vs. Europe theory, although I don't why it would be so. Next time I'm stuck with a particular file, I'll let you know, Scott. Thanks for the offer!

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