Tony Buttler's Secret Projects


ACCESS: Top Secret
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4 June 2006
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I have his UK and Russian series but does anyone know if anyone is planning to do a similar set of books for US projects?
Hi there and welcome. Tony Buttler is currently working on US Secret Projects: Fighters.
overscan said:
Hi there and welcome. Tony Buttler is currently working on US Secret Projects: Fighters.

Thanks for that, any indication of publishing date and if there will be a date range as in the UK books?
I've invited Tony to the forum, so hopefully he will be able to answer you himself.
Tony Buttler here?

This is a great news!

I want to ask him if is planning to make a book about the french unbuilt projects.

Please tell us when Mr. Buttler will come.

I think is a very good opportunity for everybody to chat with him, and hear all about his extraordinary work.

He's a busy man, but I have spoken to him through email before (when researching Soviet Secret Projects: Fighters) and hopefully he will make an appearance.

Jay Miller is already registered on the forum, but is currently too busy to contribute. He promised some information on a still unknown low observables helicopter project when he gets some spare time.
Orionblamblam said:
Sometime in 2007, I believe.

While we are working on the Chines projects article for Air Enthusiast he told be that his plan is to finish the first volume until September / mid-September 2006 ... to be published somewhere in 2007 !

Cheers, Deino :)
I have received a reply from Tony, and he should be dropping by when he gets a chance.
I received a message from Tony Buttler. Due to working all day on aircraft, he's probably not going to be contributing much but is happy to answer any genuine questions. Here's a few bits from his message.

Hi Paul,
Had a good look around your site this evening - very good indeed, and some very enthusiastic readers. Very flattered by some of the comments on my work too - it is very nice to know people enjoy it.

'US Secret Projects: Fighters and Interceptors' will cover 1945 up to the F-18. It is to be handed over in mid-September - in fact I am busting a gut trying to get everything done by that date. I would guess that it should then be published in mid-2007, but that depends on the publisher's workload and how smoothly the thing behaves once it is in production. There are loads of things that can go wrong.

Hopefully we may follow it with a volume on bombers. I have done plenty of research but sales of the fighter volume will always influence any go-ahead.

I would love to do French Secret Projects one day, but at the moment that is only an idea and I will certainly need to find some original material.

If your readers cannot wait, I can recommend Alain Pelletier's 'Les Avions et Engins Northrop' MiniDocavia 21 (ISBN 2-84890-078-4). It has some well produced photos, several new projects (N-94 is nice) and a project list up to N-160.
Tony wanted me to add that he "received some superb stuff from Scott L" ("orionblamblam) in preparing his US Fighters book. All credit to Scott as the secret projects guru!
overscan said:
Jay Miller is already registered on the forum, but is currently too busy to contribute. He promised some information on a still unknown low observables helicopter project when he gets some spare time.

When the USN attacked some Iranian oil rigs a while back that were thought to be bases for speedboats, there were reports of snipers in helicopters shooting look outs before the main attack went in - to get close enough in a helicopter to be able to do this suggests some kind of noise reduction system in operation????
From Tony Buttler:

First, just an update on US Secret Projects Fighters. My publisher has been switched from Specialty (US) to Midland (UK) and the delivery date pushed back from September 2006 to January 2007. That has given me more time to collect extra items together. I apologise if anyone is frustrated by the delay.
did someone read the new Tony Buttler's book about the terrestrial flying saucer projects ?
Its not really by Tony Buttler- primarily its by Bill Rose, with Tony largely acting as series editor.
Thanks overscan :)

Is it interesting ?

if my memory is good, there is a canadian project on the cover. I guess there is too the german (WWII) and american (post war) projects. Is there too french projects (Payen, Couzinet, others ?) and/or (unknown, for me) russian or british projects ?
I'd describe the contents of the book in question as of uneven quality.
Deltafan said:
did someone read the new Tony Buttler's book about the terrestrial flying saucer projects ?

I wrote a brief review in the "New Books" thread:,254.msg9762.html#msg9762
Andreas Parsch said:
Deltafan said:
did someone read the new Tony Buttler's book about the terrestrial flying saucer projects ?

I wrote a brief review in the "New Books" thread:,254.msg9762.html#msg9762

Hello Andreas,
What other exotic propulsion systems are mentioned in the book? I`d like to know more about the book before I spend my money on it. Anyway, gentlemen what`s your opinion on the flying saucers? Do they really exist? I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.

mrdetonator said:
I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.


Can you imagine trying to track down all the might-have-beens for multiple worlds? And if you believe in the whole multi-verse thing where somewhere, in some universe every possible outcome has happened somewhere....well, I'd like to see the one where Pluto and the Battleship version of Orion went into service. For starters :D
sferrin said:
mrdetonator said:
I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.


Can you imagine trying to track down all the might-have-beens for multiple worlds? And if you believe in the whole multi-verse thing where somewhere, in some universe every possible outcome has happened somewhere....well, I'd like to see the one where Pluto and the Battleship version of Orion went into service. For starters :D
Not too much "Hollywood" stuff please, let's stay with both feet on earth. I meant serious UFO sightings research as descibed here....
mrdetonator said:
Hello Andreas,
What other exotic propulsion systems are mentioned in the book? I`d like to know more about the book before I spend my money on it.

Short bits on ion propulsion and a nuclear-powered saucer. "Beamed power" (microwave, laser), but not too deeply covered.

Anyway, gentlemen what`s your opinion on the flying saucers? Do they really exist? I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.

NO! (at least not within out solar system ;) ). Why not? Same reason as why I say that demons don't exist - nobody has ever produced anything close to a proof that they exist, even though many people claim so.

And BTW ... don't use the words "serious ... research" when mentioning that Wikipedia article. It's an offense to any really serious researcher.
Andreas Parsch said:
mrdetonator said:
Hello Andreas,
What other exotic propulsion systems are mentioned in the book? I`d like to know more about the book before I spend my money on it.

Short bits on ion propulsion and a nuclear-powered saucer. "Beamed power" (microwave, laser), but not too deeply covered.

Anyway, gentlemen what`s your opinion on the flying saucers? Do they really exist? I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.

NO! (at least not within out solar system ;) ). Why not? Same reason as why I say that demons don't exist - nobody has ever produced anything close to a proof that they exist, even though many people claim so.

And BTW ... don't use the words "serious ... research" when mentioning that Wikipedia article. It's an offense to any really serious researcher.

Hello Andreas,
Is there mentioned a bit more about the LASER PROPULSION? At least how it may work? Many thanks again.

No offend please but it seems that you know a little about serious ufology. The link I gave you is just a short list comming from the PROJECT BLUE BOOK, which has been founded by a US. astronomer, J. Allen Hynek in 1952.
I`m sorry giving a wikipedia link again, bcs it`s handy... :-[

when reading entries like this:

wikipeda can't be considered serious. (At the least its whole contents, if you want). ;)

Not to mention that

593 - Disputed encounter of Ezikiel. Josef Blumrich, former chief of the systems layout branch of NASA, set out to disprove such suggestions, however, from a careful analysis of the data available, he concluded that the vehicle described in the Bible actually was a UFO.
:mad: :eek: ??? :'(

I'm also skeptical about the label "serious ufology". I have been interested on UFO phenomena since I was a child and I have never read nothing "serious". For instance: nazi UFO which are described in Bill Rose book are simply ridiculous :mad:.
Thanks Skybolt and Andreas for your answer ! :)

There is apparently nothing in the book about the Couzinet project and the Payen study, but I will buy it to complete my files about the "flying saucer" projects. I have already a "funny" german flying saucer book (from a named Klaus-Peter Rothkugel), it seems that the Rose's book will be an interesting update ;D

For the question of mrdetonator about the ET-UFOs, it's difficult to say yes or no... (not only because my english is bad :))

-I think at 99,99% that the life in others solar systems is possible at least in bacteria form
-I guess that with billions suns (and probably more planets) into billions galaxies, complex live forms and sometimes even consciousness are possible on some planets
-Maybe any conscious live forms reached the space travel
-But did they survive their own social, political, environmental problems to reach inter solar systems travel ? and in billions years of the universe dit they reach earth at our present time (OK, maybe they master time travel too ::)) ? ???

I cannot say yes or no, but only that it's (at 00,01%) possible. And for the evidence I am waiting better (and more enduring) proofs than "witnesses", "photos", "movies" and others like radar recordings ;)
pometablava said:
wikipeda can't be considered serious. (At the least its whole contents, if you want). ;)
Not to mention that
Pometblava, once again I quoted wikipedia bcs it is handy. ;)
I understand that the ufology is quite a lot of confusing. There have always been less grains and far more chaffs. Me personally, I`m still fascinated by UFO sightings of the first kind, as for example the "Hessdalen project" which is a serious research project.... I`ve never been interested in Alien abductions, or any other close Encounters of the third kind.
pometablava said:
For instance: nazi UFO which are described in Bill Rose book are simply ridiculous.
What you expected from this thema "nazi ufo", anyway?. For me it is a waste of time. Nazi secret projects are well described it many aviation books, so there is nothing to write about.

pometablava said:
593 - Disputed encounter of Ezikiel. Josef Blumrich, former chief of the systems layout branch of NASA, set out to disprove such suggestions, however, from a careful analysis of the data available, he concluded that the vehicle described in the Bible actually was a UFO
As I remember there is much more 'conspiracy" than just a UFO behind this bible case :D....I found this
Deltafan said:
I cannot say yes or no, but only that it's (at 00,01%) possible. And for the evidence I am waiting better (and more enduring) proofs than "witnesses", "photos", "movies" and others like radar recordings ;)

Thanks, It seems that UFo scepticers are dominating this forum... ;)
mrdetonator said:
Anyway, gentlemen what`s your opinion on the flying saucers? Do they really exist? I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.


Question: Is anywhere extraterrestrial life?

Objective: Highly probably yes, but the clear evidence is still missing. But its the problem of our state-of-the-art technology and the matter of the time.
My subjective: Highly probably yes, but the clear evidence is still missing. But its the problem of our state-of-the-art technology and the matter of the time.

Question: Do extraterrestrial flying saucer exist?

Objective: No, there is not ANY real evidence about ANY disc-shaped craft made by alliens.
My subjective: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I studied this phenomenon for a long years and my general conclusion is, that "flying saucers" are the sort of religion for those people, for who is traditional God in this HIGH-TECH era just too archaic. Even the shape of the "saucer" is only a concoction of the journalists. Kenneth Arnold NEVER described his sighting as anything disc shaped.

[quote author=mrdetonator]Is there mentioned a bit more about the LASER PROPULSION? At least how it may work? Many thanks again. [/quote]

Nothing difficult. The most important is the shape of the craft. When laser beam touch the craft´s fuselage, it is concentrating on the specialy formed jag. There it warm the air to a veeery high temperature - so the effect is its expansion. From there it works like a classic pulse-detonation engine.
As I remember there is much more 'conspiracy" than just a UFO behind this bible case ....I found this

Oh my God! that's really funny ;D

Thanks a lot, MrDetonator ;)


Deltafan said:
There is apparently nothing in the book about the Couzinet project and the Payen study.

Nothing at all on Payen, but Couzinet's project is described in some detail.
mrdetonator said:
sferrin said:
mrdetonator said:
I mean the extra-terrestrial of`s enough when you say yes or no.


Can you imagine trying to track down all the might-have-beens for multiple worlds? And if you believe in the whole multi-verse thing where somewhere, in some universe every possible outcome has happened somewhere....well, I'd like to see the one where Pluto and the Battleship version of Orion went into service. For starters :D
Not too much "Hollywood" stuff please, let's stay with both feet on earth. I meant serious UFO sightings research as descibed here....

Well you did ask "Do they really exist? I mean the extra-terrestrial of course"
mrdetonator said:
No offend please but it seems that you know a little about serious ufology.

I know enough about this subject to take part in any serious discussion about it. Unfortunately, however, discussing such things on the internet has been a complete waste of time for me so far, and therefore I don't do it anymore. The "evidence" brought up by many "believers" is often ridiculous to the point of hurting my brain ;). Typical case is the "Roswell" incident ... completely reconstructed and explained (not easy in itself several decades after the event) but the "believers" still insist that an alien spacecraft crashed :mad:. Therefore, believe what you want, I don't care. There's a reason why I subscribe to this forum and not one about UFOs etc.
Andreas Parsch said:
Deltafan said:
There is apparently nothing in the book about the Couzinet project and the Payen study.
Nothing at all on Payen, but Couzinet's project is described in some detail.

OK, thanks Andreas :)
Regarding extra-terrestrial life: So far, the only extra-solar planets discovered have been large planets in close orbit. As the detection abilities get better, we should in a few years spot planets in the comfort zone. Then, do some spectroscopic analysis for free oxygen-

As for UFO crashes and visits, why do these skilled pilots that navigate across light years go into Earth orbit and suddenly turn into Bolivian bus drivers? Why do they always choose to visit some rural dullards?

Kim M
Kim Margosein said:
As the detection abilities get better, we should in a few years spot planets in the comfort zone. Then, do some spectroscopic analysis for free oxygen-

Has been done a few weeks ago ;) Found!
Hmmm alien UFOs....

I remember that back some years ago NASA use to broadcast its space program videos live.

Then somethings happended and now we can the sensors versions. I remember seeing a NASA vid of the earth in close orbit. A shiny object was traveling fast in a strait line. Then what looked like a missile came from somewhere on the ground towards it. My guess trying to shoot it down. The the bright object turned very sharply with no apparent decrease in speed in another direction evading the missile.

What's interesting is that a NASA spokesman had to explain this incident and the story he came up with sounded like a script for the stuff we hear in "Man in Black" movie.

I will try to find out this vid for you...

lantinian said:
Hmmm alien UFOs....

Don't get me wrong, but I really don't think this is on-topic for this discussion forum. In fact, I would very much prefer not to see any "alien UFO" BS in "". Thank you!

Any UFO discussions should be limited to "The Bar". As this discussion is in "The Bar", I don't have a big problem with it.

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