This is hilariously funny...

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Hmmm. How much deeper and crasser is this thread going to go ?
very deep

Ah...! Gives new meaning to calling it "The Temple of Sawdust!":D
Have one very young right now, she's adorable , light tabby with blue/green eyes and quite clever.
She started hunting seriously (I mean other things than spiders) about three weeks ago. Problem is, she's super successful and bring mice inside to play with every evening. Some time twice in the same evening... Managed to save maybe five, cause I'm tired of seeing and hearing her at night playing with it. Some time half mice bits in the apartment in the morning.
Anyway, she seems very proud serial killer... it is a real massacre.
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Have one very young right now, she's adorable , light tabby with blue/green eyes and quite clever.
She started hunting seriously (I mean other things than spiders) about three weeks ago. Problem is, she's super successful and bring mice inside to play with every evening. Some time twice in the same evening... Managed to save maybe five, cause I'm tired of seeing and hearing her at night playing with it. Some time half mice bits in the apartment in the morning.
Anyway, she seems very proud serial killer... it is a real massacre.
With our cat it's gecko's and the occasional hummingbird... Try catching one of those with the ceiling fan running!
Have one very young right now, she's adorable , light tabby with blue/green eyes and quite clever.
She started hunting seriously (I mean other things than spiders) about three weeks ago. Problem is, she's super successful and bring mice inside to play with every evening. Some time twice in the same evening... Managed to save maybe five, cause I'm tired of seeing and hearing her at night playing with it. Some time half mice bits in the apartment in the morning.
Anyway, she seems very proud serial killer... it is a real massacre.
Don't worry, sooner or later, she'll grow fat (doing double or triple meal a day).

(picture licensed for eduCative purpose)
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Don't start me at my youth cats. It was half-comedy (I was a very mischievous brat driving them crazy) and half-tragedy (they all ended, eaten by dogs, crushed by cars, or killed by hunters - yes, hunter gun down cats because cats tends to ravage birds and rabbits nests - so NO MERCY).
My car wouldn't start the other day. Opened the bonnet and there's a bat on top of the engine bay. A talking bat, told me I looked great and said I'd lost weight.

I knew what the issue was immediately....bat flattery.

I saw there was some new info coming out about why that ship got stuck in the Suez Canal

Reports are circulating that the captain was distracted by a vehicle repeatedly sounding its horn at the vessel from the western bank of the canal, followed by the driver of the vehicle baring his buttocks at the crew through car's window, all of which are regarded as bringers of extremely bad luck by nautical travellers on the Suez Canal.

Yes, he's blaming the Curse of Tooting Car Moon.
An all time classic by Les Guignols
one of best Political satire comedy shows i known
started das French spinoff of Splitting image
it became the French institution to muck around since 33 years !

that became so popular that if you not were spoofed in Les Guignols
you were consider a nobody in french society...

This here is 20 years old but is in english
note: WC stand for World Company a evil megaCorporation run by Silvester and his goons

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Meghan Markle was visiting a primary school class.They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meaning.

The teacher asked Meghan if she would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy".
So the the attention seeking soap star asked the class for an example of a "tragedy".

One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills
him, that would be a 'tragedy'".

" No," said Meghan, "that would be an accident."

A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," explained Meghan "That's what we would call a great loss."
The room went silent. No other children volunteered.

Meghan searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of tragedy?"

Finally, at the back of the room, a small boy raised his hand. In a quiet
voice he said: "If the aeroplane carrying you and your husband was
struck by a "friendly fire" missile and blown to smithereens, that
would be a tragedy.
"Fantastic!" exclaimed Meghan. "That's
right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?"

"Well," says the boy "It has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be a f*cking accident either.
My car wouldn't start the other day. Opened the bonnet and there's a bat on top of the engine bay. A talking bat, told me I looked great and said I'd lost weight.

I knew what the issue was immediately....bat flattery.

I saw there was some new info coming out about why that ship got stuck in the Suez Canal

Reports are circulating that the captain was distracted by a vehicle repeatedly sounding its horn at the vessel from the western bank of the canal, followed by the driver of the vehicle baring his buttocks at the crew through car's window, all of which are regarded as bringers of extremely bad luck by nautical travellers on the Suez Canal.

Yes, he's blaming the Curse of Tooting Car Moon.

I once met a German Star Trek fan. Whose name was Prosper.

Lievelüntjends Prosper

Oh geez... don't start me on this one ! :p It is uninterrupted laughter, guaranted, from the first to last second.

The weirdest scene is when they phone Captain Over's wife and she is in bed and nightgown. After she hungs the phone she turns toward her lover (gasp)
And there is a freakkin's horse stallion in the bed. Yes, her lover is a horse.


And she said something like
"I have to go, better for the neighbourghs not to see you, so when you leave use the door at the rear of the house. And if you are hungry, there is oat and oat milk in the fridge." ROTFL

That scene kills me in laughter every time. WTF ??!! I wondered whereeven the very perverted ZAZ scripters get such an outrageous idea ?

I found the answer browsing the web and it is perhaps even funnier and crazy than the scene itself.

Remember, Airplane was done in 1980. Not long after the Godfather I and II.

Well at some point a man gravely offends the Corleones, so a team of mobsters - as a warning shot - infiltrates his ranch at night and (gasp !) severs the head of his favorite stallion horse. They put it on the bed beside him, the horrible bleeding thing. And when the man awakes the next morning he ends face to face with a bleeding dead horse head - and screams in horror.

Well... the ZAZ (Zuckert twins + Abrams) liked the scene so much, they wanted to spoof it and in turn, they pushed it to its ultimate absurd end:

"why only a dead head ? why not a complete horse ?"

...and thus Captain Oveur unfaithful wife ended with a entire horse as lover.

Unbelievable !
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