• HÜRJET Chief Test Pilot Ercan Çelik:
• It's really exciting to take such an acrothym on your arm and fly it. It is a great honor and privilege to have done this with HÜRJET. We have successfully performed this and HÜRJET has never been a stranger among Turkish Stars. "We showed good leadership."
• We have seen the sensitivity of the Flight Control System and that HURJET can control the 6 planes in the arm in a way that will not distract. One of HÜRJET's future missions, perhaps the best one, will be with the Turkish Stars."




Via Göksel Yıldırım
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HÜRJET, Turkey's first jet-powered military aircraft, has made 20 flights so far.

HÜRJET Chief Test Pilot Ercan Çelik: "As long as the weather conditions and all conditions allow, we are now in a routine. We fly 2-3 times a week, like a serial plane. This is a very good thing.

I can say that this is the biggest plus. I have been involved in other projects before, so don't worry about flying this frequently... Our plane continues to be that way because it has already taken its first flight in a mature state. I hope we will continue this way as long as there is no setback.

The plane will improve day by day like this. "As the Flight Control System, avionics, pilot assistants and all systems gradually prove themselves, we will see HÜRJETs increase in number as production follows and other aircraft are released."





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HÜRJET reached Mach 0.6

HÜRJET Jet Training Aircraft made its 27th flight. The design phase of HÜRJET has ended.

Jet Training Aircraft HÜRJET took to the skies for the 27th time in October. In this flight the calibration of the air data system and model verifications were carried out.

To carry out the high-speed tests, the aircraft's landing gear was retracted and the engine power was increased to Max A/B.

As the engine power reached Max A/B, the propulsion system used in the aircraft produced 50 percent more thrust force, enabling the aircraft to accelerate to 0.6 times the speed of sound.

The flight envelope of HÜRJET, which will reach speeds above the speed of sound, continues to expand. In the future, supersonic tests will be carried out with other HÜRJET prototypes as well as this one.

*rough translation

View: https://x.com/SavunmaSanayiST/status/1757400483411497000?s=20
Don't want again to ruin the party, but 43 flights & 34 hours total flight time sounds not that much within lets say about 10 months!
Does anyone know what's the total amount of flight hours planned before certification and what for example the T-7 had so accomplish for certification?
You got used to the incredible speed of development from Boramae, haven't you? Well you're right, but remember that this is the only flying prototype, and it is their first supersonic aircraft. From this POV it is entirely sensible to go slower than anticipated. But I wouldn't call the speed of development slow either, it is going on its own pace but I reckon this is going to change since LRIP is supposed to begin in 2025.
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@TUSAS_TR General Manager @Temel_Kotil made important statements in the Perspective program he attended on Çay TV News on March 16, 2024.

  • "After Hürkuş was completed, we discussed building a 19-seater passenger plane. At that time, (SSB President) İsmail Demir wanted a jet training plane (Hürjet). The state said, let's build the jet training plane first, then let's build KAAN.
  • Hürjet is doing very well. We will give it to the Air Force as of the beginning of next year (2025). The Air Force ordered 14.
  • We produced 15 Hürkuş, now we are producing 60 more. We are manufacturing it for our Air Force. (the first) 15 (are) finished, the other 60 started. We produce 2-3 per month. (Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=yUp0ircWldk… )
Turns out TAI Malaysia has delivered avionics for Hürjet this year... See the quotes:

(mashine translation from indoneasian):
1/ Finally answered, TUSAS Malaysia makes embedded training computers, part of the embedded training system. Electronics are for simulators, not avionics for airplanes. This possibility is part of the Hurjet aircraft simulator called Hurjet 270.
2/ As far as I know, TUSAS has established a branch office in Malaysia, but this is a design office and not a production facility or factory for making avionics. TUSAS established a branch in Malaysia for avionics and a branch office in Indonesia for structures.
3/ Because it does not have production facilities, this branch office utilizes a collaborative partnership model with vendors and suppliers, both at home and abroad.Even so, what Malaysia has achieved is a good thing for countries in the Southeast Asia region. Good Job.

View: https://x.com/yudisupri_454/status/1778799163653935457

Additional order for HÜRJET: Delivery is brought forward by 1 year!
Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün:"In addition to the 4 Block-0 aircraft signed between our Presidency and TAI, we are including 12 Block-1 aircraft in the scope.With this contract change, the delivery of 12 serial aircraft within the scope of Block-1 will be converted into a firm order. Aircraft delivery dates will be improved and brought forward by 1 year."
View: https://x.com/SavunmaSanayiST/status/1780974190096511414

With this initial order, Hürjet is soon set to replace the NF-5s of the Turkish Stars aerobatic team. Follow up orders of close to 80 or likely more aircraft are also expected, and the Naval Aviation branch is also seriously interested in a navalised version of Hurjet. (for more info on Naval Hurjet: https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/turkish-aircraft-carrier-concept.43031/post-662596)


All hail Turkey as the umlaut king of the world! And coming from a native German, that is no faint praise indeed...
To be precise, the ¨ used in <ü> and <ö> in the modern Turkish alphabet and <ä>, <ï> and <ë> in Turkological notation should not be called umlaut but diæresis instead, as the vowels notated them are not the result of an umlauting (A change of quality of a vowel in a syllable caused by a different vowel or semivowel in a following vowel or semivowel which, in the case of modern Germanic languages has usually been lost. An example of (i-)umlaut in modern English, German and Swedish would be foot - feet, Fuß - Füße, fot - fötter, stemming from Proto-Germanic *fōts - fōtiz, the *-i- in the nominative plural causing a fronting of the *ō in the main syllable in the daughter languaes). In Turkic languages (just like in my native Finnish and many of its relatives like Hungarian which are Uralic languages) the diæresis is used to different front and back vocalic pairs of vowel phonemes like /a/ - /ä/, /o/ - /ö/, /ë/ - /e/, /u/ - /ü/ and /ï/ - /i/ as these languages have palatal vowel harmony where front and back vowels cannot exist in the same word.

As a note to the actual topic at hand I must admit that I find it rather amusing that the Hürjet, a lead-in-fighter-trainer, is quite bit larger than F-5E/F, a light fighter. Talk of increasing sizes of combat aircraft!
Partial landing gear covers may be by design. We can be sure when the 2nd prototype is revealed.
I suspect not. On a supersonic capable plane I cannot see such a large gaping hole as a good idea aerodynamically... Not to mention the possible damage that can be caused. It is very different to say Typhoon's pressure relief cut for the nose gear.
It seems the design indeed includes the secondary cover. Probably it will be present in the 2nd prototype. Please see the design here:
View: https://youtu.be/q5T5MC7C79k?t=91
They probably removed it for easier access, there's no part that is inherently missing on the first prototype.

Both TAI and Baykar regularly do it during the testing phases of new aircraft, it has become a norm and is no big deal.
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Hurjet enters Spain's F-5 Replacement Tender
Spain Revives F-5 Trainer Replacement
LONDON—Spain’s on-again, off-again efforts to pick a replacement platform for the F-5 lead-in trainer aircraft are again underway, with options including development of a new system to support the air force’s future fighter ambition.

Spain is looking at four systems already on the market for the F-5 replacement, while also studying the possibility of pursuing a brand new design, Lt. Col. Hugo Garcia Galán, deputy operational chairman for the Next Generation Weapon System effort at the Spanish Air and Space Force, told a Royal Aeronautical Society event here May 21.

The contenders are the Boeing T-7, Korea Aerospace Industries T-50, Leonardo M-346 and Turkish Aerospace (TAI) Hurjet, though other contenders also could come into the running, Garcia said. Even if Spain goes ahead with backing development of a trainer optimized to support pilot education for sixth-generation combat aircraft, the government could proceed with an interim purchase of an existing system to bridge any gap, he added.

Spain has delayed the retirement of the F-5 from around 2028 to 2030 or later, he said, and there is no firm timeline when a decision on the way forward will be made.

Development of a new fighter would involve partnering with at least one other European country. Garcia said France, Italy or the UK would be among potential candidates.
The future fighter that Spain is working to develop with France and Germany (Belgium is an observer on the project) is scheduled to enter service sometime after 2040. France and Germany in particular have been haggling over the structure of the program and way forward. Garcia acknowledged the schedule has slipped during the opening phases, but added it is currently running to plan.
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Interesting. Makes you wish the MAKO had been built... (preferably with EJ200)

Range could turn out to be a decider here. The C-101 had an unusual requirement to reach the Canary Islands from the mainland without tanker support. Spain has since acquired greater refueling capacity (3x MRTT plus A400M instead of 2x707), but the ability might still count as a favourable factor. On that basis, the M-346 and T-7 could possibly have an edge over the other two (highest fuel fractions). Not sure the T-50 even has an operational refueling capability, although development of a probe/drogue installation has been contracted.

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