Tachikawa Ki-92 Experimental Tanker/Troop Transport


ACCESS: Secret
20 November 2008
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hi I'm curious of someone have photos/drawings of the Tachikawa Ki-92 cargoaircraft, i know they buid at least one prototype.
It was the counterpart of the Curtiss cargoplane it has some resemblances of the US plane.
It was an two engined plane and was a lot larger than the DC-3 clone the Tabby,i believe it was mend to succeed this aircraft.
regards T-50
from:"The XPlanes Of Imperial Japanese Army & Navy 1924-45" (In Japanese)


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Dear T-50,
Some details from my shoebox.
Two 1,900hp Mitsubishi Ha-104 radial engines. Accommodation 34 passengers or 30 fully armed troops.
Cruise 218 mph, wingspan 104.987ft and length 72.178ft. Armed with 1 x 12.77 machine gun.
Reportedly the sole Ki-92 made only a single flight (Spring 1945) before the project was abandoned.
Attached a photo
Regards, Walter


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I want to thank all you fine people for the pics/drawings and info! they are really heavy!
Its a pitty that this aircraft never reached service by the Japanese armed forces.
it could have a very usefull addition to the Japanese transportfleet
regards T-50
Didn't one of the AirEnthusiasts have an article on this aircraft?


Dear Greg,
I donot know about Airenthusiast, but there is an article by John Underwood (with photos) in the May 1999 issue of the Aeroplane (does this still exist?).
walter said:
Dear Greg,
I donot know about Airenthusiast, but there is an article by John Underwood (with photos) in the May 1999 issue of the Aeroplane (does this still exist?).

That would probably be the one I'm thinking of - I should have the article here somewhere.


hi Greg i hope that you find this article,it will be marvelous
cheers T-50
Justo Miranda said:
Additional stuff
Hi Mr Miranda nice pic of the Ki-92 it looks like a planned production aircraft
cheers T-50
T-50 said:
hi Greg i hope that you find this article,it will be marvelous
cheers T-50

I do have it but am reluctant to post high res scans here. Perhaps if you PM me i can help.


Hello guys I'm looking for data or pics about successors to the Mitsubishi Ki-57 and the Showa build L3D3 DC-3 clone
I know Tachikawa was working on a transport Tachikawa Ki-92,I know all so they build one prototype.
But I ask myself where other company's like Mitsubishi or Kawasaki and offcourse Nakajima working on own projects to replace the Ki-57 and L3D3.
If there is info about such projects I will very pleased to hear it
Hi! Tachikawa Ki-92 and Mitsubishi Ki-97.

Tachikawa Ki-92
Crew/Passenger:5/34, Engine:HA104(Air cooling radial 18 cylinders with forced cooling fan, 2,000hp take off), Wing span:32.0m, Length:22.0m, Height:5.95m, Wing area:122.0m2,
Dry weight:11,175kg, Payload:6,425kg, MTOW:17,600kg,Max speed:466km/h(5,400m),
Cruising speed:350km/h(5,400m), Service ceiling:10,100m, Range:3,960km.
It had laminar flow wing and pressurized cabin, Take off run:567m, Only one prototype completed.

Mitsubishi Ki-97
Crew/Passenger:2/21, Engine:HA104(Air cooling radial 18 cylinders with forced cooling fan, 1900hp take off), Wing span:23.0m, Length:20.0m, Height:5.7m, Wing area:67.5m2,
Dry weight:8,450kg, Payload:4,550kg, MTOW:13,000kg,Max speed:546km/h(5,400m),
Range:2,580km. Terminated in September 1944 by IJA's order.

Source:My No.2 bible.


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Hello Blackkite thanks for the very interesting info and pics!I like the model of the Ki-92 I haven't see this pics before!
cheers T-50
T50, some pictures of the Ki-92


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Is it me or does it seem that the Mitsubishi has much shorter wings than the Tachikawa. According to the specs the wing area of the Ki-97 was only half of the Ki-92. That's a lot of wing loading for a transport, no? It did have a higher projected speed.
May I suggest this book:

Tachikawa Ki-92 initial design. Enjoy.
Source : KANTOSHA MOOK All the Experimental Aircraft in Japanese Army by Minoru Akimoto, Kantosha 20/2/2008, ISBN978-4-87357-233-8


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Engine : Mitsubishi Ha-104 with forced cooling fan.


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There are huge differences between the various profiles... I'm not even talking about the initial design. The other images are very different between themselves.
Blackkite , the two initial designs in your rep. #11 are
of utmost interest.

Have you any info when they were first put on paper..?

Thanks in advance.
In March 1942, the IJA ordered Tachikawa to develop twin engine transport which has larger payload, larger range and larger speed compared with existing transport.
At the beginning of the project, the main purpose of this transport was armed combat vehicle(tank) carrier.
Later the IJA’s requirement changed to soldier carrier, with cannon carrying ability.
Finally the IJA’s order became officer carrying transport.
The design team did some design change according to the IJA’s request, finally finished the design in March 1943. The first aircraft was completed in September 1944.
Ki-92 was a very large among Japanese domestic design transport and which could carry 5 crews and…
① 15 parachutists with 700kg equipment
② Perfectly armed 28 soldiers
③ 14 soldiers with type 41 cannon one and 600 bullets
④ 14 soldiers with 47mm mobile cannon, 300 bullets and cannon carrying cart.
⑤ 32 officers
There was a plan that Ki-92 use as a Emperor Hirohito’s carrier.
Ki-92 had laminar flow wing, forced cooling fan and newly designed Fowler flap. Tail part was made of wood.
If the design worked well, it was a outstanding high performance transport at the day.
When the first flight in 5th January 1945, wing flutter happened at 220km/h (altitude 2000m) flight, made emergency landing. It took long time to find the reason of this trouble and modification, the second flight did not made until the end of the war nevertheless 4000 aircraft fabrication plan was made.
Ki-114 was a wooden Ki-92.
Is it because Ki-92 transport initial design had high mounted wing, Ki-92 was requested tank transpotation at first?


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Here are some more images. The interior layout for passenger seating has two configurations: I don't know if one was military and the other was civilian or what.

The color seating layout is from the book Japanese Experimental Transport Aircraft of the Pacific War by Giuseppe Picarella, which features the Ki-92 on its cover. The color profiles are also from that book.


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windswords said:
The interior layout for passenger seating has two configurations: I don't know if one was military and the other was civilian or what.

The colour seating layout has the left rear seat marked as for the steward, which points to a civil or VIP role.
Ki means not a civil role.
It's true that Tachikawa had a plan for civil version of Ki-92.
Ki does indeed refer to a military role, but the 23+steward seating arrangment is labelled in English, so was presumably created for the book in question and (unless the book says) we don't know whether Tachikawa intended that layout for civil or military use. It's unlikely it was for troop transport use given the higher density alternative also shown, so 'civil or VIP' seems reasonable.
Topics merged.
The Mitsubishi Ki-97 has a topic of its own, which can be found here:

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