Sukhoi/Suchoj DB Russian bomber projects 1942


ACCESS: Secret
5 September 2007
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What a site you haver here. Really wonderful.

I began my participation in this forum asking for information about this unknown project of sukhoi.

I'm only found a couple of short references in the internet about this project, like this :

Sukhoi DB
The Sukhoi DB was a design for a single-engined long-range bomber, developed in 1942. The engine would have been an AM-37 or a turbosupercharged M-82. A version with two M-82 engines was also proposed. None was built.

in the site:

and No, this isn't the DB-1, the bomber base on the ANT-25.

I found some CGI images like this:


I understand some more information is in the book OKB Sukhoi: A History of the Design Bureau & Its Aircraft
by Vladimir Antonov, Yefim Gordon, Jay Miller but this book with his price u$s 120 used auch !!! is far away my from my pocket.

Some has something more to share? I could love to see some 3d views.

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Su - DB (Dal'niy Bombardirovshchik) = long-range bomber
DB Rather wide-spread in soviet aviation abbreviation.
I think easy to take more than 20 absolutely miscellaneous plane, and naturally no relations to тupolev's, bomber Su had not.
Constructors put before itself problem to create economical, simple bomber in production with flight feature ,close to Pe-8 (TB-7)
"...for transfer under equal velocity of the alike cargo on equal distances, DB will require in 4 times motor less and combustible and in 2 times crew members less. Besides for fabrication DB will at the factory be needed in 15-20 once less material and smaller labour content."
DB-AM-37 DB-M82F DB-2 M82F
with 2TK3 2 engines with TK
lenght,mm 14500 14500 16750
span,mm 20000 20000 20000
wing area,m 2 50 50 80
weights,kg. empty 5372 5424 8920
loaded 9558 9700 16500
max.speed km/h 434 484 495
climb,m 8000 8700 9350
range,km 4000 4180 4400


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Thank you very much !!!

I'm always looked for a version for su-2 or something like that but I never thought this was a single-engine version of su-8.
I've split this topic from heshams "Sukhoi unidentified Bombers of 1939" post, as they are identified
now. Thanks, bigvlada !
BTW, I supposed, that the designation was "DB 2M" and the following ("82F TK3") just the type of engines used.
Please correct me, if I was wrong.


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Jemiba said:
BTW, I supposed, that the designation was "DB 2M" and the following ("82F TK3") just the type of engines used.
Please correct me, if I was wrong.
Greetings Jemiba!

Actually the designation is just "DB" for Long-range Bomber - and note that it's only a provisional designation of the project. The aircraft would NOT be called in such way if it would be built. All the rest means type of engines and their quantity. For example, "DB 2M-82F TK-3" means Long-range bomber with two (Shvetsov) M-82F engines and TK-3 turbochargers.
"In mid-1942 years collective KB plant no 289 began its schematic design far night bomber with am-37 engine. Work was completed in September. When designing a DB-37 constructors set ourselves the task to create a cost-effective, simple to produce long-range bomber with performance close to the characteristics of TB-7 aircraft (PE-8). According to designers when comparing these two airplanes, airplane DB-am-37 possessed a clear advantage, because "... for the transport under equal equal speeds cargo on equal distance, the plane will require 4 DB times smaller motors and fuel and 2-2, 5 times less than the crew members. In addition, for the manufacture of aircraft will be required at the plant DB in 15-20 times less dural and 4-5 times lower labor input. "
According to aircraft conceptual design DB-am-37 was a single-engine, mid-wing cantilever development with triple tail unit and retractable landing gear."

"Conceptual design of distant night bomber DB with am-37 was considered in SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. In Conclusion, approved by the Chief Engineer of the 21.10.42 AIR FORCE, noted that the proffered draft design: ... cannot be approved, for the following reasons:
1. Odnomotornaja scheme of long-range aircraft, of the conditions of the reliability and safety of flight is impractical.
2. On the plane project author suggests to install motor am 37. Motor production filmed in wide use, tested and has ' several significant defects.
3. Landing plane properties (especially night) unsatisfactory. (Takeoff 1030 m in normal form).
4. placement and number of crew will not provide the normal execution of combat assignments:
and one pilot) is physically hard to produce flight night for 10:00 at a height of 6000-8000 m;
b) Navigator cannot perform the duties of Navigator, Bombardier and radio operator gunner, so much so that its jobs are in different cabins."

"Apparently, having received the opinion on conceptual design DB with am-37, Chief Designer on the basis of the comments and suggestions noted in it, decided to rework the draft project, with several variants.
By mid-December 1942, was finalized project outline: single-seat!?(single-engine? I think that single seat long range night bomber is hard. ;D) long-range night bomber DB-M82F with 2TK-3 and 4-seater twin-engine long-range bomber DB-2M82F with TC. In the factory report, for the year 1942 noted that these projects for consideration in SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH are not uploaded. Materials on the draft was not found. With great probability it can be assumed that they are either lost or destroyed. Accidentally preserved only some characteristics of these aircraft, their general views and layouts."

Shvetsov ASh-82 (M-82) .


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Hi! "SAT".
"In April 1941, was completed the preliminary conceptual design twin-engine high-altitude bomber "SAT" with the hermetic cabin. Aircraft under the scheme represented the all-metal monoplane with sredneraspo-said the wing and separate tail feathers. The fuselage a monocoque type, in front of which was germokabina. In the middle of the fuselage housed the bomb Bay, and in a tail-special equipment. Odnolonzheronnoe wing, with an extra wall. Wing profile TSAGI with relative thickness of 15% at the root and ends-9%. Wing included ailerons type "Frieze" and landing flaps like "Northrop. Three-wheeled chassis with tail wheel. Cleaning and release are implemented using the hydraulic system, which created pressure electric gidronasosom."

"The powerplant consisted of two piston engine liquid cooled am-38 (1700 l.e.). Each engine had two turbocharger (TC) located in the rear of the nacelle, with the turbine part of TC fastened inside a Special Chamber ("draft design reactor Chamber" or "Afterburner"), where there have been exhaust gases, committed work on the blades of the turbines of the TC and then bled through the hole in the tail, Creating thrust. Exhaust manifolds each of the engine from the front edge of the wing to combustion chambers were shrouds, bringing through the formed circular channels air under the influence of the speed camera did flow with increased teplosoderzhaniem. The project involved and the possibility of additional fuel into the cell, which in turn helped increase traction force. The entire installation was done in TC as a separate unit."

"The fuel tanks were located in wing nacelles and configuration.
Hermetic cabin regeneration type provided excess pressure 0.3 kg/cm, with a height of 1000 m, the pressure in the cabin consistent with 5000 m altitude.
Rifle armament consisted of front, middle and tail rifle units. Front-two ShKAS machine gun installed in the nose of the fuselage, with 500 rounds of ammunition. Shooting was done in a pilot. The average distance moved with machine gun 12.7 mm caliber ammunition rounds and 140 tail distance moved with ShKAS machine gun with ammo 500 rounds driven shooter. Bomb load was placed in the bomb Bay. In the shipping version allowed outdoor suspension."

"The draft was sent for review in SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH and in may returned with the following conclusion: ...
The proffered draft design twin-engine high-altitude day bomber with motors-2TK-38 3, designer t. Dry cannot be approved because:
a) bad review and insecurity) crew leads on goal and sighting the bombing;
b) weak front arms;insufficient) calibers bomb loads;
c) inconsistencies special equipment like TTT and for placement;
d) does not ensure that the working conditions of the crew in the hermetic cabin.
However, the findings indicated that: ... The draft received the maximum speed of the aircraft at an altitude of 8500 m settlement equal to 630 km/h can be considered real as long as you are using the exhaust Jet effect. It is necessary to bring the maximum flight speed to 650 km/h ... "

"The main characteristics of SB 2AM-2TK-38 3
Aircraft length, mm ... ... ... ... ... 13420, Wingspan, mm ... ... ... ... ... ... 20400, Wing area m2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52
Aircraft weight, kg:- пустого...................................... 7142, - полетная................................. 10147
Maximum speed, km/h:- у земли........................................ 485 -at an altitude of 8500 m.................... 630
Time set n = 8500 m, min. 13.0, Service ceiling, m. ... 11700, Flight range (h = 8500m,UKR = 500 km/h), km ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2000
Takeoff, m ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 363, Landing run, m ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 340, Bomb load, kg ... ... ... .... 1000
Crew, pers............................... 2 pers."


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