Proposed Shuttle Payload: Modular Scanning Spectroradiometer


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
16 December 2010
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Proposed test bed for advanced earth resources sensors, to be mounted in a standard Spacelab pallet.

Fundamental concepts on which to base a detailed design for a Shuttle Modular Scanning Spectroradiometer were developed, and a preliminary design is presented. The recommended design features modularity and flexibility. It includes a 75-cm f/1.7-telescope assembly in an all-reflective Schmidt configuration, a solid state scan system (pushbroom) with high resolution over a 15 deg field of view, and ten detector channels covering the spectral range from 0.45 to 12.5 micrometers. It uses charge transfer device techniques to accommodate a large number of detector elements for earth observation measurements. Methods for in-flight radiometric calibration, for image motion compensation, and for data processing are described. Recommendations for ground support equipment are included, and interfaces with the shuttle orbiter vehicle are illustrated.

Preliminary Design Study, Shuttle Modular Scanning Spectroradiometer, Final Report


  • SMSS01.png
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  • SMSS02.PNG
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Forgive the necroposting. I have confirmed that the report is still available online. In addition I've moved the two images extracted from it off photobucket and attached them to the OP.
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