Postwar Dewoitine Fighter Projects


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28 November 2006
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D.730 & D.740

In 1953 Emile Dewoitine presented to El Ministerio del Aire two related projects of jet fighter: a straight-wing D.730 and a swept-wing D.740. Both used the Rolls-Royce Nene jet-engine of 5000 lb/2270 kp thrust built in France under licence by Hispano-Suiza or originally built in the UK. Also both projects shared nearly identical fuselage.

Length: 9.60 m
Wingspan: 10 m
Wing area: 16 sq.m
Aspect ratio: 6.25
Height: 3 m
Empty weight: 1970 kg
All-up weight: 4024 kg
Max. speed @ SL: 910 kph
Max. speed @ 4500 m: 900 kph
Max. speed @ 9000 m: 860 kph
Time to 4500 m: 3' 8''
Time to 9000 m: 8''
Ceiling: 14000 m
Range @ 4500 m: 800 km
Range @ 9000 m: 1058 km
Range with drop tanks @ 4500 m: 1550 km
Range with drop tanks @ 9000 m: 2100 km

Length: 9.60 m
Wingspan: 9.25 m
Wing sweep angle: 36 deg 30'
Wingspan: 16 sq.m
Height: 3 m

There is no available information either on D.740's estimated performance or on planned armamament for both projects.

The Ministerio del Aire did not take both project into consideration. My presumption is the RR Nene was not available to the Spanish and, pehaps more importantly, in 1953 having just signed a treaty with the US Spain had secured deliveries of quite modern aircraft, in the form of the F-86, so starting works on an indigenous fighter was quite rightfully deemed unnecessary.

Proyecto Orpheus

In 1955 Dewoitine prepared his last project for Ejercito del Aire that did not have any "" designation but was referred to as the 'Proyecto Orpheus'. It was a light fighter with the Bristol Orpheus engine.

Lenght: 8.35 m
Wingspan: 6.02 m
Wing area: 10.38 sq.m
Wing sweep angle: 45 deg.
Thickness at wing roots: 11.5%
Thickness at wing tips: 10%
Empty weight: 1085 kg
Fuel: 1400 kg
Ordnance or external fuel: 500 kg
All-up weight: 3085 kg
Max. speed @ SL: 1200 kph
Max. speed @ 6100 m: 1140 kph
Max. speed @ 11000 m: 1070 kph
Ceiling: 16000 m
Armament: three 20 mm cannon plus 500 kg ordnance

The 'Proyecto Orpheus' was rejected by Ejercito del Aire, for its performance was significantly inferior to that of the HA-300.

Source: "Aeroplano" No. 25


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Re: Dewoitine D.700 to D.721

Deltafan said:
Hi, the link about Dewoitine :,4652.0.html

In Les avions Dewoitine (Raymond Danel and Jean Cuny, Collection Docavia, Editions Larivière, sept. 1983, there is this page 171 :
HD.700 : 1934 : seaplane, to cross South Atlantic (project)
D.700 : 1937 : 3 seats, two engines (unfinished prototype)
D.700 : 1945-46 : Pulqui I : interceptor jet for Argentina
D.700-T2 : 1945 : transport, two engines (project studied in Spain)
D.710 : 1938 : 3 seats, two engines (project)
D.710 : 1947 : transport, two engines (project studied in Argentina)
D.720 : 1938 : 3 seats, two engines, derivative of the first D.700
D.720 : 1948 : interceptor jet (project studied in Argentina)
D.721 : 1938 : derivative of the first D.720 (unfinished prototype)

On pages 250 to 255 :
D-700, D-710, D-720 and D-721 are called : "triplaces de travail" (three seats for "work" ?) in the chapter "Les appareils de renseignement" (recon planes). They were not fighters.
This one? Sorry for off topic.


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Re: Re: Dewoitine D.700 to D.721

Wow amazing!!
Re: Dewoitine D.700 to D.721

blackkite said:
Deltafan said:
D.720 : 1948 : interceptor jet (project studied in Argentina)
This one? Sorry for off topic.
Googling around for any traces of the Dewoitine jet-fighter projects I've just found a brief mention in the Italian magazine "Ali Nuove" (of 25 September 1957) ( It says that on the Dewoitine's drawing board there were sketches of a "beautiful fighter aircraft with swept wings propelled by a jet engine: the D.740".

Unfortunately the article doesn't have any drawing of the "beautiful fighter".



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