Sprey and others of his kind are a blight on the military. Their 'ideas' are bad and they should feel bad about it. Too bad he has a band of followers that won't let the ideology die.
He was the one from the "fighter mafia" that led to the F-16 ? R.I.P.
Only that his 'design' had no radar and was only armed with a cannon and sidewinders. The USAF quickly put in a radar set and added Sparrows and later AMRRAMs when Sprey wasn't looking after they got the design.
Yes, thank you, I know the guy. And my Breaking Bad mytho. Although I vastly prefers Better Call Saul - Gilligan whole universe is pretty interesting.

But why Hector pulling a DEA on Sprey ? I presume you have little affection for Sprey ?

(nota bene: I though only Robert Strange McNamara - the aptly named - was the one and only triggering that kind of "reactions". Is Sprey as loathed as McNamara ? - shudders)
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