Odd noises over southern California - about 3 weeks ago


ACCESS: Restricted
12 October 2010
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Sorry if this is an utter waste of time but I just wanted to mention it in light of something I was reading on a previous thread (it didn't seem appropriate to post on there) - http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,11250.15.html

First of all, I'm certain there's nothing in this and the fact that I didn't think much of it at the time (other than it being a bit odd) suggests I was right. But here goes: About 2 to 3 weeks ago I was out in southern California for work. One morning (I think around 8am but could have been later) I heard a strange, very low rumbling, with a bizarre rhythm that seemed to rise and fall, if that makes any sense. It was quite obvious but also pretty distant. It wasn't a train, I know that much, and to the best of my knowledge there were no earthquakes reported around that time. The noise lasted about a minute or two and that was it, although I heard it again the following day. I've been in that exact same place before and never heard anything, and the two dogs I had with me seemed a bit uncomfortable. For the record, I was in San Juan Capistrano. My hunch was that it was military activity on the bombing ranges at Camp Pendleton which isn't too far away. I mentioned it to a neighbour - who lives there full time - who had heard it too. He said he'd thought it was a bit strange, but also went with the Camp Pendleton explanation.

The reason I mention it is because I see that "The Pulser" has made a come back, according to Steve Douglas. I'm always very suspicious when it always seems to be the same people who see the same things everytime, and photograph them just at the last minute when the battery is about the conk out. But anyway, a pulsing sound is the only way I can describe the rhythm. I have absolutely zero agenda and firmly expect the sound to have come from conventional activity at Camp Pendleton, but I just wanted to throw it out there in case it was of any use/interest. Feel free to mock and make fun, that's absolutely fine!

Oh and for the record, the only doughnut in the area was the one I'd eaten the day before, and there wasn't a contrail to be seen. But then again... it was a bit cloudy!

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